Battery charger not working

Feb 8, 2025
Hi, I think my battery charger isn’t working (Bailey Bordeaux series 6)
With the EHU connected it shows 12 v
when I turn the lights on it drops to 11.5v, it does the same with EHU disconnected.
All the power sockets are working in the caravan
How can I test the
without a multimeter

Oct 8, 2006
Have you checked the fuses - particularly the Van Batt +?

Otherwise take a trip wherever you are to Screwfix and get item 95426 whence £22.95 will get you a small but beautifully made digital multimeter, a mains polarity/earth tester (looks like 13A plug,) and a non-contact mains tester.
I have been advocating on here for years that every caravanner should have one (or the equivalent.)
Mar 14, 2005
Well based on the symptoms you describe, the charging system does seem to be faulty, but whether its just a loose plug, a blown fuse, or the chargers circuit that faulty I cant say without hands on contact. There have been some well documented cases where the charger circuit has failed, and whilst new replacement unit may not be available, there are a coupel of companies that will repair your unit to probably better than new.

Somewhere on the case of the charger should be a manufacturers name and model number. Contact Apuljack Electronics or A and R electronics both these companies may be able to help you.
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