Of course posts sometimes get deleted when a complaint is made Lord B.
Your earlier comment about ' someone having moderator after their name' is interesting because it sort of confers on us moderators a status that we don't actually enjoy.[To hark back to our distant schooldays I tend to think of us as milk monitors ;o ]
On this forum the moderators are forum members who have volunteered to undertake the role of moderator. First and foremost we're members of the forum and the moderator role is an additional voluntary task for which as yet we have recieved no training.
Of late we have been in fairly regular communication with the administrators of this forum and from time to time they give us guidelines which outline the legal framework in which they insist this forum must operate.
Moderators are not lawyers so we have no choice other than to accept that what forum administrators tell us is true and factual. Despite many comments by forum members which say otherwise the view of the administrators is the one that counts as far as the moderators are concerned.
We try to allow complaints about products, sites, caravans etc but we're walking a tightrope.They have to be solid gold fact with no hint of conjecture or hearsay from other forums as part of that complaint or observation.
If in the moderators opinion at the time, and that is the important point, the comment in question breaks the rules of the forum we delete or edit.
My very limited experience as a moderator has taught me to act first and have the inquest later but sometimes we get it completely wrong, I certainly have. It's an instant judgement call so we now often save the posts that we delete and run them past the administrators when these busy people are available. The ultimate decision is then theirs.
Good luck Lord B in your quest to sue Ebay. From what you say you know the iniquity of having an unfair and untrue comment (feedback) levelled at you with no real way of redressing the balance so perhaps you'll understand why we remove posts that , in our opinion at the time, could be seen as unfair.
As a more lightheated aside I would have thought that you'd be pleased to welcome back the second of your old sparring partners to stir your blood on these forthcoming long winter Sunday afternoons ;0) I can assure you that 'g' is posting on this forum legitimately and with the full knowledge and permission of admin