Bessacarr 495 sl windows....year 2004

Mar 26, 2019
Hi all, been looking at replacing windows on caravan...front centre window and near side fron.
Both are delaminated and the front centre one is cracked on the inner flat acrylic..wondering what my options are as I can’t seem to find any.

Can I just get a suitable flat piece of acrylic cut to size and seal to out window ?
Can I change style of window from poly plastic to seitz?
Any help would be appreciated
May 7, 2012
You can check with breakers to see if they have any. The windows should be a standard Swift fitting but you need to know the eQuivalent Swift models which will take a bit of research.
If your budget allows you can try EECO who will make new ones for you at a cost.
You could only change makes if they have an exact equivalent size which will require you to measure the windows and check hinge and lock positions which will need to match.
It might be possible to cut a sheet of poly plastic to fit but not sure if it will seal correctly as I have never heard of anyone trying it. It will look odd though and you would lose the benefit of the double glazing.
Mar 26, 2019
Don’t seem to be able to get any from breakers yard, to the subject of cutting a piece of poly plastic, I’ve been looking at construction of windows (for my year) and it seems it is made from 2 pieces of poly plastic that are laminated together, the outer part being curved and the inner part being flat (with holes in to allow fitment of handles and struts.
My idea now is to buy some acrylic sheeting and cut to size using old part as template, drill holes and fit handles then laminate together using Bondrite.

How thick do you think the inner sheet is though ? 2mm enough ?


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