Beware of buying security goods on Auction Sites

Mar 14, 2005
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Just like to give a word of warning if any of you are thinking of buying second hand security goods on EBay (or wherever for that matter.)

Ive just got myself an Al-Ko 2004 hitchlock from an auction on EBay. In the course of the auction a potential bidder asked the seller where the other key to the device was.(The seller had stated that there was only one key) He replied with words to the effect that the second key had been misplaced.

I eventually won the auction, received the goods and visited my local locksmith to have another key cut. It was at this point that I was informed that the key given to me with the sale was a copy therefore meaning that the seller to me had 'misplaced' TWO KEYS)

I have sent an email to the seller demanding that he state whether or not he has any keys and obtaining an assurance from him that he will not divulge my details to anyone. As yet I have not received any reply.

The only recourse left to me is to swop the lock and keys with a mate to create a break in the chain of knowledge as to the whereabouts of my lock.(Hope that last bit makes sense)
Apr 13, 2005
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Del unfortunately you have learnt the hard way not to buy anything relating to security of e-bay or any other second hand site, i advertised my old aks 1300 hitch and lock together on loot and adviced that it was collection only so no address details of the buyer was needed. unfortunatelly as with anything there are ruthless individualls out there that will take advantage of anything to carry out theire crimes and selling security devices that have had the keys copied is just one of them. in relation to the cost of your van it is far better to buy new security devices unless you buy of someone you know or trust. I would cut my losses throw the lock away and buy a new one, just to give me peace of mind.
Mar 14, 2005
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Just a short addition to the above to tell that following discussions with the vendor of the hitchlock, I am now satisfied (I won't say how, but in another life I felt collars for a living)that I won't receive visits in the night to part us from the new van.

The key supplied it turns out was original and the locksmith is standing in the corner with a dunces cap on.

HOWEVER, my original message still stands and reinforced by icebreaker above. I was a bl**dy idiot and got away with it. Only buy security goods from known sources


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