Jan 19, 2008
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..... only 2 phobias. Dentist and heights. I'm ok with heights, like the Eiffel Tower or the Severn Bridge etc., its when I have to rely on myself for my own safety for example the edges of cliffs or up a ladder ...... NOOOOOOOOOOOO WAY.
Jan 21, 2014
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Like Lord B, mine would have to be dentists and heights.

I go to the dentists religiously as I can't stand the thought of false teeth, I'm gagging now! - but if I have to wait for longer than a couple of minutes, I feel physically sick, sweat, palpitiations, the whole works. Fortunately it doesn't happen very often as my dentist is pretty good.

The other thing, heights, you will not catch me any where near a cliff edge, I will not walk on a prom where you can see the sea underneath. Cromer pier - forget it! Cable car, nearly had a heart attack, wire bridges - I could go on for ages!!!!
Mar 14, 2005
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Certainly not spiders. If I say "spiders", I'm likely to find a big imitation one on my bed after lights out at the Easter meet, with a bunch of sniggering ex forum members giggling outside as they wait for the scream. So no, I love spiders; its those damned eight legged flycatchers I hate.

Oh, bottles of Brandy make me wobble and fall over, but I love them too.
Mar 28, 2005
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Certainly not spiders. If I say "spiders", I'm likely to find a big imitation one on my bed after lights out at the Easter meet, with a bunch of sniggering ex forum members giggling outside as they wait for the scream. So no, I love spiders; its those damned eight legged flycatchers I hate.

Oh, bottles of Brandy make me wobble and fall over, but I love them too.
Spiders eh, I get the feeling you'll regret lettng that one slip Lol, just off to the joke shop 8o)
Mar 14, 2005
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Certainly not spiders. If I say "spiders", I'm likely to find a big imitation one on my bed after lights out at the Easter meet, with a bunch of sniggering ex forum members giggling outside as they wait for the scream. So no, I love spiders; its those damned eight legged flycatchers I hate.

Oh, bottles of Brandy make me wobble and fall over, but I love them too.
I should have checked first Roy, not many of those going to the meet have owned up to anything. I was going to keep a list and visit the joke shop myself. Looks like I'll have to get a Tweety bird for Lolly, just to get even....

Anyway, there must be something that worries you Roy. Don't say "Surgically enhanced Blondes", because all men are afraid of them ;o)
Jan 19, 2008
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⇦ loves spiders cos they catch flies. Think of all the flies crawling over your food after feeding/walking on dog poo and all other nasties if there was no spiders to keep their numbers down. Think of the disease they carry. I'm even careful cleaning the garage or shed so I dont kill spiders. I Luv Spiders :O)
Mar 14, 2005
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⇦ loves spiders cos they catch flies. Think of all the flies crawling over your food after feeding/walking on dog poo and all other nasties if there was no spiders to keep their numbers down. Think of the disease they carry. I'm even careful cleaning the garage or shed so I dont kill spiders. I Luv Spiders :O)
Think of all those hairy spiders, that go around with flick knives and wearing steel toecapped boots, well that's how I look at them anyway. Ban spiders buy fly paper!
Jan 19, 2008
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This topic reminded me of when having a lecture whilst on a course with the Ambulance Service. The lecturer, a psychiatrist, was talking of phobias and asked who had any. A friend of mine said he had a phobia of snakes, what did that mean? The psychiatrist stared at my colleague as only they can then after awhile said "I'm not too sure but at least you'll never be gay". heheheh!
Mar 28, 2005
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Certainly not spiders. If I say "spiders", I'm likely to find a big imitation one on my bed after lights out at the Easter meet, with a bunch of sniggering ex forum members giggling outside as they wait for the scream. So no, I love spiders; its those damned eight legged flycatchers I hate.

Oh, bottles of Brandy make me wobble and fall over, but I love them too.
Lol the main thing that makes me worry is when the phone is ringing and I can see that it's my expensive ex wife on the line, because I know that as soon as I pick it up it's going to cost me money.


Mar 14, 2005
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1. My daughters mobile phone bill arriving.

2. Dentists (a friend of mine takes a diazapan before she visits), sounds good to me.

3. Receiving my bank statement, always puts the fear of god into me.

4. Beetles and snails.

5. Although I love flying, I cannot stand heights, like Wendy, I couldn't go near a cliff edge and I don't like to see other people near them either.

Mar 14, 2005
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Lol the main thing that makes me worry is when the phone is ringing and I can see that it's my expensive ex wife on the line, because I know that as soon as I pick it up it's going to cost me money.
Ok, great, but I don't see how that's going to help when I visit the joke shop. Imitation dog c**p it is then.......
Mar 28, 2005
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Ok, great, but I don't see how that's going to help when I visit the joke shop. Imitation dog c**p it is then.......
OK then I'll tell you, it's bottles of Jack Daniels, I would HATE to find one of them on my bed at the meet 8o)
May 4, 2005
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Hi Lolly,

I'm frightened of women who are 5'6", short, scruffy (funky?!!) red hair and have the top half to match Jordan!!

If I ever met one I don't know what I would do !!!!

Brian (",)
Apr 11, 2005
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Hi All

Has to be Heights !! especially in a car and I nearly CRY when gping up a hill with the van in tow !!!

FAO LISA ! another fear is someone ruining a good bar of chocolate by pouring it over something healthy like fruit !!!!!!!(wouldnt mind George clooney)

Tina x
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Lolly,

I'm frightened of women who are 5'6", short, scruffy (funky?!!) red hair and have the top half to match Jordan!!

If I ever met one I don't know what I would do !!!!

Brian (",)
Jordan, the country?
Mar 14, 2005
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OK then I'll tell you, it's bottles of Jack Daniels, I would HATE to find one of them on my bed at the meet 8o)
Ok, now I can hatch that evil plan to hide a bottle of JD under your pillow and watch with glee.......oh, wait a second I see a flaw.......


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