May 25, 2005
I have read several messages on this Forum with regard to the theft of bikes. We spent a week on a CC&C site in Dorset earlier this year and found that a good many bikes were stolen overnight, mostly from the part of the site skirted by woodland. One of the families had only pitched the night before after arriving in England from Holland and found the following morning that all 5 of their bikes had been stolen.

Bikes are part of the caravanning scene these days and 'locals' know this. They are also easy targets, even when padlocked. Who would think to stop a couple of kids riding around the park to ask if the bike was stolen?

I would suggest that bikes, even when stored in an awning, should be well covered and out of sight of prying eyes.
Mar 14, 2005
Weve taken bikes on hols now for 9 years. Half the time we don't even use the awning( to lazy) never had any problems.

You don't say if these bikes had the proper secruity other than an awning !!
Mar 14, 2005
We stayed at a place at the weekend with a secure gate and padlock for people in the park. On the saturday night we could hear cars racing around the forest site and wondered how they got in assuming they were not campers? The next day we saw the padlock and chain were missing from the gate so it just goes to show even secure sites are really not so secure...this was a woodland park with only a few people on site so makes you wonder how vunerable people are at this type of site?


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