Apr 11, 2005
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Just got back yesterday. Form a 3-night stop and 2 week a go had ten nights.

We all have bites.

Wife got one that as gone the wrong way had to go to doctors. It looks a mess.

I had been bit culpa of time as well. Normally I seem not to get bit but this time I had some bits I got one bit that is from the ten night stop the dos not look if there is ethnic wrong with it at this time. Have you notes if there get bite moor now days than you used to be.

Jan 19, 2008
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Mark I was covered in midge bites after 3 weeks in Scotland, and that was after spraying the Skin So Soft from Avon over me. At the time my wifes cousin and hubby were up there too, we met them in Oban for a meal. Out of the 4 of us only I was bitten so I must have had the vitamins they needed and the other 3 was bad meat :O)
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Mark - We rarely come away from a trip without a few bites but you seem to have been a well and trully bitten!

Where did you go? Near us a few years ago was an insect called the "Blandford Fly" - if this bit you it caused major swelling and was very painful.

I think the council now controls its breading grounds.

I also read that a new, larger type of mosquito had managed to get accross the channel and that gave a nasty bite.

We use a stuff called Autan made by Bayer and that helps a lot.

Also citronella candles are good BUT there is a huge safety issue with these.

Hopes this helps - I personally love the autumn and the lack of "midges" is one of the reasons.
Jan 21, 2014
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Yes, definately.

I am very allergic to all insect bites, and have found that this year the bities have all been particuarly vicious.

I have had to take several courses of antihistamines, the most recent from being attacked by a horsefly, ghastly things always draw blood.

I am one of these people who cannot stand being couped up with the windows closed, either at home or in the caravan. So I very often wake up with bites.(Maybe I should get some PJ's)...
Jan 19, 2008
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Yes, definately.

I am very allergic to all insect bites, and have found that this year the bities have all been particuarly vicious.

I have had to take several courses of antihistamines, the most recent from being attacked by a horsefly, ghastly things always draw blood.

I am one of these people who cannot stand being couped up with the windows closed, either at home or in the caravan. So I very often wake up with bites.(Maybe I should get some PJ's)...
Well Wendy if you must sleep in the nuddy with your bum stuck up it the air it does make a nice target.
Mar 14, 2005
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I feel I should make a comment here, but have tried several ways and they all make my sound like a peeping tom/dirty pervert, so I won't! Must get a new flash for my camera though..
Mar 14, 2005
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thank all for yoru bits.

Lol you are a troll
What sort of troll am I, the one with sticking up hair often found loitering in women's handbags or perhaps sat aside the top of a pencil? Or the sort in Lord Of The Rings, all mean and warty, with a big hammer and even bigger attitude?


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