Having recently qualified for a blue badge (march 2011), I have noticed a few flaws in not only the application form but also the usage of the badges.
I will say from the get go. I am not having a go at anyone who is genuinely disabled as I have two relatives who are definately disabled and in need of assistance. My niece for instance was diagnosed as having had a stroke while in her mums woomb which left her very weak down one side. I actively encouraged her to learn to drive an adapted automatic car and pass her test. She has never looked back on that and is proud of her independance.
I on the other hand, have been fully mobile and a self motivated self employed bloke for 35 years before being slowly robbed of my ability to do even the simplest of tasks now like putting my own socks on as I can not touch my toes without excrutiating pains in my back. It's been caused by years of double shifting at work and exasibated by being knocked off my push bike by a hit and run driver, while riding to work at 5-30am one day 3 years ago.
Firstly the badges are issued every 3 years and not assessed annually or on renewal. So long as you tick the permanent disability question (yes) you're in the club.
Secondly as already said. There has been no policing of they useage by either the councils that issue them or traffic wardens or police officers.
When I got my badge, it came with a hand book telling you how and who can use your badge.
The application form for instance does not take into account any temporary disabilities and specifically excludes knee and hip joint replacement patients on a waiting list which could well span more than 3 years from list to operation to recovery. My wife is in that catagory and is in daily pain and dibilitation while waiting to be old enough for a knee replacement.
The badge when applied for is linked to the registration of the vehicle you drive at that time, but there is no requirement for you to notify a change of vehicle which is stupid. IMO, the badge should have the car reg number on the front of the badge for a start. Then if the badge holder is not a driver (which can be the case) the number should be that of the main helper. Again the rules do state that if for instance my daughter uses my badge to park her car in a disabled bay then I have to be present. But not necessarily away from the vehicle.
So there's another loophole to fill in.
I frequently see people abusing the system. The most common being relatives doing shopping for disabled mum, dad or child while the relative is perfectly fit and able. And while the badge holder is not present at all.
Supermarket car parks & privately cctv controlled carparks are a real joke. Every body and their auntie park where they fancey because it isn't the highway and even in sleepy Leominster, 4 out of 10 cars in the disabled bays in the supermarket doesn't display a badge.
The German owned supermarket is even more comical. They use a well known cctv carpark scheme that monitors car reg's and issues automatic tickets for over stay and returning before 4 hours has elapsed. Over christmas, I noticed that only me and one other car were displaying badges out of the 10 spaces occupied. I spoke to a member of the management about it and was told that the spaces were for those who have difficulty walking and not just for BB holders. But Parking I's board did state BB holders only.
So even with the new badge, the genuine disabled are still having to proove to un-qualified council clerks that they have a disability, while the couldn't give a **** abusers get away with it.
In my case when I want to park in a carpark, I first look for an end of row normal space before opting for a blue badge bay, because so long as I can open my car door fully to get out I'm ok. Well sort of if you count wearing out the rubber gripper on the bottom of my walking stick twice a month,he pressure I put on it for support. I would rather hope that the space I have left in the BB bay by doing that, would of use to someone less fortunate than me.
Now I'll gently get off my hobby horse and limp into the corner, to sort out my 25 pils a day I take for the pain, high blood pressure (can't think why I've got that ! ), High trigylcerides and cholesterol and asthma.
All the best Steve L.