Jan 19, 2008
We are now at that time of year which many people dread, the clocks going back.
Out of interest I wonder how many forum members would like to see the end of this procedure which makes people miserable and depressed. I personally hate it and hopefully, if all things go well, it's soon about to end. A bill is being put through Parliament to put the clocks on by 2 hours in the spring, in effect giving double BST. They will then go back 1 hour the following October.
To have evenings staying light until 11pm in high summer to us is bliss and to put an end to this annual ritual of depression already lifts my spirits

I appreciate that things will be different in Scotland and it was because of this the experiment in the 60s was abandoned but there is no reason that they, if it suits them better, shouldn't stay as we are at the moment.


Nov 12, 2009
I hate the dark evenings and I would like to see the end of this archaic unnecessary practice of altering the clocks every Autumn.
Roll on March!


Mar 14, 2005
I fully agree with you LB, the changing of clocks is ridiculous as it is only effective for about a week before itis dark until about 8am, then dark again at 4.30.
This morning, the dogs woke me as usual,went for our morning walk only to meet a couple of people who I know walk their dogs early, and then the realisation that the clocks had changed, but I had forgotten about it, and the dogs do not understand anyway.
Jul 11, 2005
Totally agree. I remember back in the 60's when it was tried, bit dark in the morning but was fine. I liked it.
They keep on about the Scottish element but they can do their own thing, they seem to do everything else on their own. Any way dont remember seeing many fields to be ploughed up there anyway. I'm sure a few cows wouldn't notice the difference.
Oct 9, 2010
I'm on the other side, I hate the light evenings in the summer. I worked later in the day for years whilst others were lounging around in their gardens. I hate dark mornings and remember they were considered a disaster in the 60's accident wise.
I think darker evening are also a bed time signal to kids as well. The thought of it being light at gone 10pm with kids still wailing in gardens would be a disaster.
The system has served us well for years, don't fix wot aint broked
Aug 9, 2010
Essexeddie I was going to pen a tirade in response to your racist post but have decided to have nothing more to do with you!


Mar 14, 2005
gm4pgv said:
Essexeddie I was going to pen a tirade in response to your racist post but have decided to have nothing more to do with you!
Where the heck did racism come into it? Since when have the Scots been a different race?
Get a reality check here, or is everything now being drawn into ethnic minorities to satisfy the Politically Correct brigade yet again.
NO wonder this country is what it is now with that kind of posting.

The Scots do not have to be dictated to by London, they have their own assembly who can decide what time they use if the propsals do not suit them.
Oct 13, 2010
gm4pgv said:
Essexeddie I was going to pen a tirade in response to your racist post but have decided to have nothing more to do with you!

What on Earth is racist in Eddies post ? You want to cut down on the Haggis mate, too much offal for your system to cope with
Jan 19, 2008
Damian-Moderator said:
Get a reality check here, or is everything now being drawn into ethnic minoities to satisfy the Politically Correct brigade yet again.
NO wonder this country is what it is now with that kind of posting.
The Scots do not have to be dictated to by London, they have their own assembly who can decide what time they use if the propsals do not suit them.

Well said.

In hindsight perhaps gm4pgv meant Eddie, by mentioning cows, was being racist to the sheep

Just kiddin' gm4pgv
Apr 25, 2008
This morning I was sat on my porch at 0700 drinking coffee and watched the sunrise come up over the Mar Menor in Spain into a clear and very Blue sky,and getting warmer by the minute,Sorry what were we talking about........
Feb 18, 2008
The obvious answer is let Scotland be an hour different to England and Wales. France and Europe are an hour different and it doesn't seem to cause any real inconvenience to commerce judging by the number of lorries coming in and out of the country at Dover. Before I retired I used to phone companies on the continent on a daily basis. I just had to allow for the hours difference - no big deal.
At one time the working day was governed by daylight, not by a clock and animals, including farm stock, to the best of my knowledge, can't tell the time so they get up and go to bed with the daylight.
It is only because of its geographic position on the earth that Scotland will be darker until later in the morning than here in England and darker earlier in the afternoon, not because the politicians say it will be. Whilst I don't like dark mormings, I hate dark evenings even more. One last point, has anyone ever heard a Scotsman seriously complaining that in the summer the sun hardly sets at all.
Mar 14, 2005
Lord B. - reading back over this posting I see your remarks regarding comments about racism and Scotland. Sir you had this attitude towards us Welsh for many years. (LOL - my smiley faces have disappeared)
(OK they are now back). I trust now that you have made comments in support of our Scottish friends that you will demonstrate a similar approach to your close neighbours - THE WELSH. Don't forget a bullet has a quicker effect than a sword on a Sunday morning (LOL)
Aug 9, 2010
Plotter and LB, you may need to tread a little more carefully now, because I'M BACK!, and I won't have you so-called English aristocrats picking on that good Welsh boy.
Colin, if you have problems on Hereford bridge, you just give me a call.
And as for that other fella, his ancestors couldn't get it right 400 years ago, so what chance does he have aginst the Welsh?
Don't you worry bach, you'll be safe now.
Jan 19, 2008
colin bridgend said:
I trust now that you have made comments in support of our Scottish friends that you will demonstrate a similar approach to your close neighbours - THE WELSH.

You already have your own time Colyn ap Brydgynd ....... 5 years behind everyone else
Jan 19, 2008
plotter said:
LB,we knew it would happen eventually,yes,Colin ap Brygend has finally flipped .

It's the early dark nights Plotts. It puts his mental clock out of sync so that when he wakes in the morning he doesn't know if it's his head or his a$$ he's scratching
Jan 19, 2008
emmerson said:
And, btw, if we want our own time, we'll have it, see.

The same reply to you Emmyrcun ap Gilwern as I made to Colyn ap Brydgynd

BTW I'm glad to see you've repaired the chain that drives the power to your modem so you can log on again
Mar 14, 2005
So now Lord B. has Plotter on the payroll. The Celtic race shows no fear to either - what are our neighbours east of Offa's **** - they are a b*********d race made up from all parts of Europe. No wonder they are so keen to join the EU. They think they are going back to their roots. At least the Celts are of a single race and proud of our ancestors. Emmerson I do appreciate your support and kind words - united we will beat those intruders - and not only on the rugby field but in society and life in general.
May 21, 2008
It was said to be that moving time from BST to GMT was for safety on the walk to school. But Elf & Safety have put paid to that by arranging busses and Yupies having more than one car.

The scott's and Welsh both want their indipendance so let them have it!!!

Had it of not been for the Bank of England stepping in, the RBS would of gone bankrupt.

I would rather time left alone It ******'s up my sleep apnea.and the dog want's his dinner at 4-30pm now.

My main pointer would be, if you choose to live far north or in the middle of the Valley's you expect a different life style and some hardship. Just try working in Norway where they have permanent daylight some of the year.
Mar 14, 2008
The clock change is a good thing for us up in the North of Scotland, yes the sumer days have 22 hours daylight which is fantastic but the shortest winter days here have about 6 hours daylight which is not so good.
Shame we can't turn the clock back 40 years, declare independance and stop Ted Heath stealing our black gold revenue - we would be as wealthy as Norway (but not a lot we can do about the neighbours

Jan 19, 2008
Dexter said:
Shame we can't turn the clock back 40 years, declare independance and stop Ted Heath stealing our black gold revenue - we would be as wealthy as Norway (but not a lot we can do about the neighbours


Don't you mean the Shetlanders black gold?
And somehow I don't think the Shetlanders class themselves as Scots
Mar 14, 2008
All the Shelties I know do consider themselves Scots tho they don't wear kilts. Lovely people!
There are major oilfields all the way up the North Sea so Shetland could have kept their own share if required. All by the by now as UK is now a net importer of oil and gas again, reliant on unstable markets and rising prices. Still at least we have the wealth of the last 40 years safely stashed for a rainy day - don't we?
Once arrived in Dublin and the taxi driver jokingly told me to adjust my watch back by 50 years

Mar 14, 2005
Hi Steve in Leo - you have me wrong sir. I am one of the many Welsh who do not want a seperate governing body for Wales. Wales needs England, Scotland and Northern Ireland as much as they need Wales. We are supposed to be an United Kingdom and part of an United States of Europe. What point is there forming a large united continent and then dividing one country member into sperate smaller governing areas? As it is we have The EU, House of Lords, Houses of Parliament, Welsh Assembly, County Boroughs and Community Councils. If the Government want to save money lets get rid of all these parasites and transfer their salary/expenses to the front line of health, police, teaching, armed forces, etc. and to the bed side/chalk face, etc and not at director level. Incidentally I am also anti EU - the best thing De Gaulle did was to prevent the UK from joining the EU.


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