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Feb 14, 2008
Please do not patronise me by "thanking me for your support".

Whilst it is good that a representative of the Club has joined and is responding, I would be grateful for a serious discussion.

I am disappointed that you appear to refuse to accept that there is any need for further discussion, I am also sure it is quite clear from this thread that the members who have posted are not satisfied with the clubs position on this. I had not realised the difference until I moved to the Caravan Club myself.

I have not followed criticism with praise, and it is very typical of the attitude I have had with my complaint that the Camping and Caravanning Clubs attitude of ignoring comments, and "spinning" any answer to self praise the organisation whilst ignoring the problem appears to continue.
Aug 4, 2008
Ruth, I actual agree with Micheal on this, in so much as in my earlier post I said, "However whitewashing problems, blaze answers, and ignoring repeated similar comments and complaints about the Club will just lend creadence to the argument you do not listen."

It does rather seem as if that is exactly what you have done here. Your comments about pitch allocation are fair enough, but then just to say "we cant please everyone all the time" is a blatent fob off that really does not do you or the C&CC any credit in the face of the comments posted here and elsewhere which are EXACTLY the same ie, no one really listens and takes on board the comments members make.

Jan 19, 2008
Like Ian, I experienced the Winchcombe wardens intransigence although I'm not saying it was the same people. Perhaps theres something in the Winchcombe water. I told them my indicators weren't working but still had to pay
Dec 23, 2006

As a member of the C. and C.c. i just cannot believe that you accept once a member has booked in, been shown to a pitch, in most cases put up an awning could then be asked half way through his holiday to move pitches.

If a Holiday Site Manager is not capable of allocating a pitch for the complete holiday then he should either be trained or sacked. I have never heard of anything more ridiculous.

You should state quite clearly to members that they could be required to change pitches part way through their holiday.

Any Caravan Club Warden would be able to show your Holiday Site Managers how to allocate pitches in advance,if you are unable to, and the Caravan Club also have some sites were some pitches are larger than others and some pitches do not take awnings.

The fact that the C.andC.C.include tents makes no difference, the Holiday Site Manager should know in advance what type of units he has comuing onto his site.

Mar 14, 2005
I`d just like to say in deffence of Ruth, That she may not be the best person to answer our complaints, Maybe she is someones PA and is only relating others answers maybe not but we need Ruth to give us her position in the C&CC

Jul 22, 2008
HI Ruth -It must be obvious to the club that the pitch allocation system is disliked by the vast majority of its members. If not then it has not got its finger on the pulse. So if you want to prove us wrong,ask people what they want. As stated earlier in the forum, golden opportunities where missed with the clubs latest survey, (has pitch allocation ever been on a survey?) But here is a way for the powers that be in Greenfields House to find out. (1) When a new member joins,have a box for him to tick on his application form their allocation veiws. (2)When a existing member renews his subsription (another box to tick) (3)When a member visits a site they could again tick a box when signing in. This over a period of a year would tell you what all of your members would like its club to move towards. Very little cost would be involved. I am sure a club run by members for its members would be only to happy to act on its members wishes. Dont you agree Ruth?
May 5, 2005
am member of both and have generally been happy with c&CC but would like to know how much David Bellamy gets to rubbish me driving my 4x4 and ruining the environment.imho they should realise that i use a lot less on site than at home and pay more for it per unit of electric and much less than flying to Torremolinos or wherever and send me a medal,not that t##t
Mar 14, 2005
Peter says

"It must be obvious to the club that the pitch allocation system is disliked by the vast majority of its members." The evidence presented here does not justify such a sweeping statement. So far only 51 contributions and many of those are repeat postings, and the figure that Ruth gives of about 95% apparent satisfactions certainly challenges Peters statement.

However I do agree that the wording of Ruth's replies is rather condescending and the stance of the club seems to be intrasigent.

I always question the integrity of an organisations that refuses to acknowledge a complaint or issue unless it is directed to their customer services department. Such channelling of correspondence through a few dedicated customer blocking officers often filters out the finer essence of the complaint to the extent that some of the real issues are not actually reported to the the people that take decisions and effect change. You should be able to direct a complaint to any officer in an organisations. You should expect that officer has the courtesy to at least acknowledge receipt of the complaint and to explain how it will be handled. There should also be a time scale given for a full response.

I might be interesting to read exactly what set of instructions and notes C&CC site managers are given about handling pitch allocations. The problem might be in the training they receive.
Apr 23, 2008
We are members of both clubs and much prefer the CC when it comes to choosing our pitch.Having a good pitch to me is all part of the holiday. Spending a week or two weeks on an unsuitable pitch spoils part of my holiday.I didn't know you were allocated your pitch with the C&CC until we went to Sandringham in May.We were surprised when we were told we had to follow the warden to a pitch. Fortunately we only stayed one night but we won't go to a C&CC site again unless we have to.We won't be renewing our membership next year.
Mar 13, 2007
hi all

when I read treads like this one I realise why we are no longer members of any clubs you can keep them, ok so some of the cl's were good but by enlarge not worth the membership fee.

we cancelled our membership of one club after just 2 months because of the attitude of the wardens, who in there right mind would put a mature couple with a small dog right in the middle of 15 family units and leave 2 fields empty just so the other toilet blocks could be left locked (and presumidly not need cleaning).

we sent back our membership with a letter of complaint to the chairman and demanded a refund, we got neither a reply or or money back but they did send us the club magazine for the next 2 years "wow" (talk about rubbing salt in your wounds) guess they thought we might rejoin them. NO CHANCE

May 24, 2008
I mentioned in a previous post that we had been very satisfied after using C&CC sites for many years with a trailer tent. Now that we have a caravan we have just returned from our first visit to a CC site and what we found very strange was that every time a hardstanding became free it was suddenlt occupied by water carriers and chairs, quickly followed by a van that had been moved from another pitch. I appreciate that we have had some wet weather and some grass pitches appeared to be waterlogged but I found it very strange that in 10 days at least 7 vans moved in this way. We took down our awning the night before we left as it was the only time it was dry and we were very soon approached by someone asking when we were going. Next morning his aquaroll appeared in the centre of the pitch at least 2 hours before we left.

Perhaps those who have been so critical of C&CC may like to comment on the CC policy of allowing so much 'pitch hopping'

Jun 20, 2005
Hi Mike

You're dead right. Pitch hopping does happen but only at certain sites, Trewethett Farm Tintagel is the only one I've seen it happen.

Why? Because the pitches at the front have an uninterrupted view of the sea and coast line. In fact I have to admit back in May my FiL and I moved his van exactly as you describe. CC pitches are not reserved and are on a first come first pick basis. So why shouldn't we move about if we wish? It isn't doing anyone any harm.


Jul 22, 2008
Hi Mike- I am one of those who is critical of the C&CC allocation system, but I think your comments excactly sum up the problem they have. (1) You obviously were happy with the pitch YOU had chosen on the CC site and that was important to you as you were staying for ten nights. (2)At least 7 other families had the choice to move to another pitch making their holiday more enjoyable and without it upsetting anyone and,I assume, with the wardens blessing. (3) If you had been allocated a pitch on a C&CC site that turned out not to be exactly what you wanted for various reasons (I can assure you it does happen)then,surely,rather than have to put up with it for your 10 day break you would have liked the option to move to a more agreeable pitch. On Ruth's 13.08 08 blog she states that the club prefers members to have the same pitch throughout their stay and unfortunately some wardens enforce that.Surely under the above circumstances you would have preferred what happened on the CC if you were the one affected.I dont think the pitch throughout the stay is for its members benifit.
Apr 4, 2005
Quote "we prefer that guests have the same pitch throughout the duration of their stay as it allows them to make the most of their break". How kind. But surely if we are on an unsuitable pitch for whatever reason, the break will not be so enjoyable. I also do not think that one pitch for the duration is for the benefit of the 'guests'.
Mar 4, 2008
Hi Mike

You're dead right. Pitch hopping does happen but only at certain sites, Trewethett Farm Tintagel is the only one I've seen it happen.

Why? Because the pitches at the front have an uninterrupted view of the sea and coast line. In fact I have to admit back in May my FiL and I moved his van exactly as you describe. CC pitches are not reserved and are on a first come first pick basis. So why shouldn't we move about if we wish? It isn't doing anyone any harm.


The only time this happened to me I was the one on the pitch leaving that day.I was watched like a hawk by the couple who wanted to claim my pitch and was made to feel uncomfortable when I was not packing up first thing in the morning. We had no intention of leaving much before noon and in fact asked the warden if we could stay till mid afternoon and went out for a few hours just to annoy the "hawks" or as it felt "vultures"

Feb 14, 2008
I'm sure the "one pitch for the duration is for the benefit of the 'guests' isn't true. This was the very reason we weren't allowed to book the campsite we wanted, as the days we wanted were available, but over different types of pitch on the same site. We couldn't book online as the C & C C insist on a minimum of two days on the same pitch, and the site manager refused to accept the booking when we called him at the site. We did "make the most of our break" in the end though, we joined the C C and booked with them. The C C system of booking the site, not the pitch type, is much better.
Jan 19, 2008
You are 100% correct Peter and Alan is also correct, why not move if it enhances your stay. Personally I've never seen anyone doing this at ANY C.C. site although I've done it myself at Black Knowl one October. I'm grateful of the chance to do it if needed rather than stay put and be miserable. A lot of the grass pitches were taken out because of waterlogging and on arrival all the hardstandings had gone so we had to make do with a "less" waterlogged pitch. The following day someone left a hardstanding so we took that one, so for the following 7 days our stay was more enjoyable rather than being on rain sodden grass.
Apr 22, 2006
I used to be a member of both clubs but left the c&cc because of this issue with pitches.

I did not write to them or anything and thought that it was just me who felt like this.

I have a fairly large outfit, dog and child.

When I am looking for my pitch on a cc site there are a couple of things I try to do.

If there is an older couple I try not to pitch right beside them as I appreciate that they might not enjoy kids running around.

Also if someone has a dog tied up outside their van I try not to park next to them.

I do this so that I and others on site can enjoy our stay without me worrying if our daughter is making too much noise or wether the dog on the next pitch is going to be constantly barking at my dog. Also just because I have a child I do not really want to be at the play park and niether do I want to be next to the dog walk.

So if you are listening C&CC please rember that we do not all complain some of us just go and spend our money elsewhere.
Jul 19, 2005
I have asked to move pitches at a C&CC site (Lynton, North Devon)and not experienced a problem providing I completed the move before 12 when the new arrivals start coming in.

I have also been given the opportunity to express a preference on general area of location on C&CC sites but granted this does not happen everywhere.

Sometimes the difference of approach can be down to limitations of the site e.g. limited parking in the Reception area or the Site Manager needing to make best use of the available pitches at busy times (this can be particularly relevant at somewhere like Normans Bay in school holiday periods)but equally sometimes it is down to how flexible the particular Site Manager is inclined to be as the variations show that it is not necessarily a rigid rule.

Jul 22, 2008
Hi All- Ruth says the club sends out more surveys than ever (I can believe that) but can anyone in the forum remember if pitch allocation issues was on any survey in the last few years. If not then surely the 94.2% satisfaction rating may not be so meaningful.Is it not a case that if you ask the right questions you get the answer you want to hear.If the club's reply is that they don't regard pitch allocation as an issue, then in my opinion they are out of touch with many of their members views.
Jul 22, 2008
I used to be a member of both clubs but left the c&cc because of this issue with pitches.

I did not write to them or anything and thought that it was just me who felt like this.

I have a fairly large outfit, dog and child.

When I am looking for my pitch on a cc site there are a couple of things I try to do.

If there is an older couple I try not to pitch right beside them as I appreciate that they might not enjoy kids running around.

Also if someone has a dog tied up outside their van I try not to park next to them.

I do this so that I and others on site can enjoy our stay without me worrying if our daughter is making too much noise or wether the dog on the next pitch is going to be constantly barking at my dog. Also just because I have a child I do not really want to be at the play park and niether do I want to be next to the dog walk.

So if you are listening C&CC please rember that we do not all complain some of us just go and spend our money elsewhere.
HI Slowcoach - In view of your comments I assume you can relate to Janes message on the 31st july,I know I do and I think many more people would to.
Mar 29, 2007
I'm sure the "one pitch for the duration is for the benefit of the 'guests' isn't true. This was the very reason we weren't allowed to book the campsite we wanted, as the days we wanted were available, but over different types of pitch on the same site. We couldn't book online as the C & C C insist on a minimum of two days on the same pitch, and the site manager refused to accept the booking when we called him at the site. We did "make the most of our break" in the end though, we joined the C C and booked with them. The C C system of booking the site, not the pitch type, is much better.
We recently tried to book on-line for a stay at the CC's Englethwaite Hall site. It was shown as being full for the second of the 11 nights that we wanted to stay so I rang the site direct. The wardens couldn't have been more helpful, said if we were prepared not to put up our awning straight away, we could have a very small pitch for the first two nights, then move onto a larger pitch for the rest of our holiday. In the meantime, if any cancellations came in, they would move our booking onto one pitch for the whole of our stay. We were well satisfied with this offer.

On our arrival, we found that there had indeed been a cancellation and we were allowed to choose our own pitch where we could stay for the whole of our holiday.

By contrast the C&CC sites that we stayed at recently have both directed us to a particular pitch, although they took on board our verbal request not to be right on top of the children's play area.
Mar 2, 2006

The message thats given to site managers and thier assistants,is that they must maximise site occupancy and to do that they will not allow the punters to pitch themselves espescially on weekends or high season,you only have to be a meter out at the start of a line of say 10 pitches and you have lost one at the end losing revinue,and thats what its all about.If they can fit in a tent or a campervan then its a bonus .Some of the tents that arrive at the cc&c are frightening,they are booked over the phone as a four berth,but are infact four roomed marquese,Trailertents can be twice the size of a caravan these people have been known to tell lies when booking pitches.its less of a problem with the CC as they dont have tents in with caravans thankfully.There pitches tend to be of a more generous size
Jul 22, 2008
Hi Ruth (C&CC) - There has been a number of messages addressed to you since your last comment,but no response,can we assume that there is no more to be said on the subject by the club.Some of us had hoped for dialogue and not just a statement
Jan 21, 2014
Hubby picked the phone up at 5.15pm today, a call from the C&CC Windermere site, they have cancelled our booking for bank holiday weekend due to the weather conditions. The lady HSM was very polite and apologetic, and explained that because we have a twin axle caravan, they were refusing us a pitch. Hubby obviously challenged her a bit further, only to overhear a male individual in the background shouting "I'm not having any twin axles churning up my grass"!! As you can imagine, Hubby was livid, he told the lady HSM, that we were responsible 4x4 owners, with off road experience, and that we would be no more likely to churn up their grass, than anybody with a single axle caravan, HE was having none of it!!

Just spent the last half hour composing a stinking email to the C&CC, pointing out the error of their HSM's ways, and that those type of people give caravanning a bad name!! We'll see what happens!!

Anyhow, panic stations as we had promised adult son and partner, that we would take them to Cars of the Stars museum at Keswick!! Checked for late availability, nothing, phoned up a CL at Appleby, they had a cancellation. PHEW!! Our weekend is still on, no thanks to you C&CC!!


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