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Jul 31, 2008
Hi Jane and Chrissylizzie - I am sure your comments are very relevant and what many people think. I am aware pitch choice is not something the club could do overnight,and would not expect them to,but why not as a trial on certain sites and in the quiter periods give it a go. In the meantime carry out a survey as proposed earlier on what people want. As Chrissylizzie points out those who are not bothered can still plump for pitch allocation. It would be nice if the C&CC gives us some positive feedback about finding out about their members views,because their answers may well influence people visiting this forum who may be thinking of joining our club.
we went on a caravan club site got there at the time they let you on and got a choice however when it began to fill up they were telling people where to go maybe its due to timing.
Jul 30, 2008
I have stayed at three CC&C sites this summer and at all of them the wardens have been most helpful and given me many choices within my selected type of pitch.

Really see no problem other than some members getting particularly pedantic on what they perceive as "their absolute right to what they want!

The Clubs allocation and wardens flexible approach is fine by me as it is.
May 24, 2008
I have used C&CC sites with a trailer tent twice a year for the past 15 years or so and never realised there was a problem. Many times we have been offered a choice although when we have arrived at a busy time and have been allocated a pitch this is usually because there are no others left. Now that we have a caravan the same applied a few weeks ago at the new Conkers site where we had the choice of several hardstandings or grass pitches. Our main holiday is next week and will be our first visit to a Caravan Club site - be interesting to see how they compare.

Jul 15, 2008
Hi Peter

I find the C&CC to have problems in the way their wardens run the sites.

I know they have a difficult job to please everyone, but I think they need to make some changes.

The wardens know all the quirks of the different pitches they have on their site.

The C&CC is now run for members who want a pitch with electricity and and have an awning .

If you fit this bill I do not think there is much cause for complaint.

You are often given a choice where possible.

Arrive with no awning and you are often put on an inferior smaller pitch. They have a selection of these on all of their club sites. This is their policy but you the member pay the same. Such pitches should be
Jul 22, 2008
I have stayed at three CC&C sites this summer and at all of them the wardens have been most helpful and given me many choices within my selected type of pitch.

Really see no problem other than some members getting particularly pedantic on what they perceive as "their absolute right to what they want!

The Clubs allocation and wardens flexible approach is fine by me as it is.
Hi Alan -what is wrong in the club asking its members about this issue.If a large majority wanted change,then they should look at it,after all the club is not run just for you or I but for all its members.So what is wrong with the club finding out,we all pay our subs.I would suggest to you that your views are in the minority on pitch allocation,and there is only one way to find out,so let the members have their say,nothing wrong with democracy don't you think?
Jul 22, 2008
Hi Gafferbill-Sorry to hear of your bad experiences. Great explanation of what can happen without choice,perhaps some people will now believe that some change may be required. I certainly agree with you about the price of poorer pitches, and I am sure it can't be rocket science to isolate an electric point. I hope the club get back to us on this forum, it would be good for you to be able to put some of these very relevant points to them. I like you have had some not very good experiences.Once when I was allocated a small pitch compared with many still vacant, and was told by the warden that it was the size I had booked. I replied I had not booked any size pitch, the warden said that on the internet booking I had put my van down at a certain size and that I did not have an awning,so that was one of the pitches allocated for my size of van. This looks like one the problems experienced by yourself, I of course asked politly if I was paying less (you know the answer) it makes you wonder if you should tell a few porky pies On another ocasion I was on the **** site after some very wet weather and was offered 2 very very wet pitches,I asked if I could move to some obviously drier pitches up the site.I was told they were trying to save them for a group of people arriving the next day who wanted to be together,I had my money back and left the site. why does the warden allocating your pitch ask how many nights you are on site-it should not be a factor on what pitch I am offered but it obviously is.
Dec 16, 2003
⇨I have been a member for 13 years and do not like the fact that your unit specification, as describe above, can affect the pitch you are given.

Good post Gafferbill.

Happens on CC sites as well though - I have arrived on several this year where the hardstandings have been reserved for motorhomes that don't turn up when we have been pitched in a swamp. I can understand why it happens but...

As to the practice of the C&CC to put smaller units on cramped pitches - this does of course maximise the capacity of the site - the rubbing point, as you have pointed out, is that you pay the same price when it should arguably be less.

The truth is that there will always be a compromise, and while I think some changes might be beneficial - I don't think it necessarily follows that first come first pick is the best answer, particularly when, as you have noted, there are big differences in the size (and for that matter shape, condition and surface) of pitches.
Jul 31, 2008
It seems by people's comments that there may well be two or more reasons on the agenda by some wardens when allocating pitches even though the price is the same which surely can't be fair.

As Alan P points out there are big differences in size, shape, condition, surface of pitches, but as each member is paying the same price people should not be discriminated against for having smaller units or the length of their stay so why does the site need to know in advance what size van I have if it has nothing to do with the pitch allocation decision. I can understand why they need to know the maximum length of the unit, I think the wardens in general do a very good job under difficult circumstances but it's no consilation to be shown some of the poorer pitches when better pitches are available. So are they really giving you as much choice as you think.


Nov 12, 2009
Hi Pete

As I sort of expected - not a dicky bird.

The C&CC magazine is full of self congratulatory aren't we good subjects and they are full on with the green agenda whether members agree with it or not but for anything that has any actual relevance to us everyday members the C&CC don't want to know.

As I wrote earlier pitch allocation doesn't concern me that much because we rarely stay on one of the C&CC mainstream sites and prefer to use certified sites or dare I say it clean commercial sites which often give better value for money over a week. It would have been nice to have recieved even an acknowledgement but so far nothing.
Jul 22, 2008
Hi Parksy - Thanks for trying - being fairly new to the forum I thought that the C&CC would respond - obviously I was wrong. It does seem strange that a club with so many members and potential members using this forum can't be bothered to enter into some form of dialogue. It's even more surprising, considering how the likes of Swift, Bailey, AL-KO, seem to regularly enter into discussions - they must think it's worthwhile to be aware of their customers needs/problems, but for some reason the C&CC don't seem bothered about members views, surprisingly for a club with the motto "run by members for members". It would be interesting to see if any Site Managers or ex-Site Managers would like to enter into the discussion.
May 14, 2008
We have decided not to renew our C&CC membership next year over this. We joined both clubs and have been alternating visits to each. Plainly both have strengths and weaknesses - and those people who point out that you can't please all the people all the time are right.

BUT our recent trip has finished us with the C&CC... we booked in May for August paid a deposit, and did ask for a hardstanding, and had an email which appeared to confirm that we had been allocated one. When we got to the site we were told to pitch on grass, on a steep slope, next to the toilet block - because all the hardstandings had been booked by others and had gone...Yes the wardens were very friendly and helpful, but it was 'interesting' that an hour after we had set up 2 very large vans came in together, and were later observed to be pitched on hardstandings...I did talk to the wardens, and explain that I was upset, but to no avail.

There were other problems too - mostly there were too many people using the toilet block for the size of the facilities. A 90 pitch site attracting mostly tents needs more than 3 showers for each sex.

In the end we left a day early, and although we have had some good experiences at other C&CC sites, we won't be re-joining. It's a shame because I really like the inclusive nature of tents and caravans and motorhomes together - but we pay a premium for 'club' sites and I think we should get a better service.

NB - I'm not usually Ms Grumpy, but a promise of a hardstanding is a promise!


Nov 12, 2009
Still no reply from the Camping and Caravanning Club.

Perhaps if more of us wrote in to the club magazine when we are let down as Liz has been then maybe the club would stop smugly patting itself on the back in the magazine and get down to some real issues such as pitch allocation, caravan build quality, poor dealer service, the governments war on motorists and media slurs and swipes against caravanners. There's a lot that both clubs should be doing which they don't seem too concerned about but they are quick enough to respond when collecting membership fees.
Aug 11, 2008
Hi all

Thanks for your comments which I can assure have been shared at The Club. It's been pretty busy here making sure campers are making the most of their key holiday time so I do apologise for not joining the forum sooner. Thank you Richard for getting in touch with us and bringing this thread to my attention.

Choice of pitch is something that we try to offer people when ever we can although each site we run is very different to the next. Our Holiday Site Managers are experienced at dealing with the logistical side to pitching on individual sites. Capturing unit details and special requests at the booking stage enables our sites staff to work out how to best accommodate everyone, particularly at a time when oversized units are becoming more popular. It's also essential for pitches to be managed and maintained for our next guests so some may be in rotation for this purpose.

By pre allocating pitches and then personally showing guests to their pitches and, when appropriate, helping them to pitch, we aim to provide a high standard of customer service. If the ability to be able to offer alternative pitches is available then, our managers will try to help. We prefer that guests have the same pitch throughout the duration of their stay as it allows them to make the most of their break and to help our sites staff to manage their site.

Our members have told us that they are 94.2% satisfied with what we do.

But we can improve. We are a member's organisation and all decisions are reached by members for members. We want to know about the issues which affect you and, through this feedback we strive to make us better.

We now send out more surveys than ever including our bi-annual sites survey which is sent to a selection of campers by post and is also available on site, plus Camping & Caravanning Magazine always features letters based on a wide range of experiences. You're also very welcome to attend our annual AGM, details of which have published in since July or write in to our Customer Services Department to view your concerns. Otherwise I'm happy to join forum discussions where I can.

We will take on board your comments and I hope this goes to addressing some of your concerns.

Thank you

Ruth Walmsley
Aug 4, 2004
Please elaborate on your comment about "oversize" caravans as I am interested to know what C & CC regard as oversize caravans. What about oversize tents?

You state that 94.2% of members are happy and that is becasue the others have left due to the attitudes of some of your wardens. Winchcome and Chipping Norton spring to mind and becasue of thsoe two sites we enver reneweed our membership.

I notice that you state that you send out surveys to a selection of campers by post but probably not caravanners. Do you do an Online survey which is open to all members and not just those that send the C & CC complimentary mails?

I guess by now you have realised we are no fans of the C & CC and we would never consider re-joining to use any of your main sites althouugh some CS sites are tempting.
Aug 11, 2008
Hi Ian

To clarify, by over sized units we mean all types of camping unit including tents. We will always try to accommodate these where possible but it's becoming increasingly important to manage our sites by allocating the appropriate spaces by unit size to fit the often organic shapes in which our sites sit.

I'm sorry you have had a bad experience with our Club. I hope that you enjoy camping wherever you decide and, as you say, CS's are great and offer a different experience which may suit what you want more.

We value our members and their feedback and I would suggest writing to the customer services team who will take on-board your comments. I would also suggest that you look out for future surveys which, as we are a Club for campers regardless of how they camp, are open to all and are recieved by post, through Camping & Caravanning Magazine or available through the website depending on the survey.


Nov 12, 2009
My faith in the C&CC as a members organisation has now been restored somewhat, so thanks Ruth for joining PC forum in order to reply to this topic. This forum is obviously no substitute for those interested to pursue issues through the normal channels but the forum provides an instant and contemporary focus group and you are most welcome. You have joined a forward thinking group initiated by Swift Leisure and including Bailey and Al Ko amongst others connected with the caravan and leisure industries who have taken the courageous step of monitoring and taking part in caravan internet forums.

Obviously not everything that you read will be to your liking but you will have access to instant free and largely unpredjudiced feedback from the section of campers or caravan owners who care enough about the issues which affect our pastime to post comments on this or similar forums. You also have the opportunity to dispel any myths or misconceptions that may be harboured by your existing and potential members.
Mar 14, 2005
Hi all

Thanks for your comments which I can assure have been shared at The Club. It's been pretty busy here making sure campers are making the most of their key holiday time so I do apologise for not joining the forum sooner. Thank you Richard for getting in touch with us and bringing this thread to my attention.

Choice of pitch is something that we try to offer people when ever we can although each site we run is very different to the next. Our Holiday Site Managers are experienced at dealing with the logistical side to pitching on individual sites. Capturing unit details and special requests at the booking stage enables our sites staff to work out how to best accommodate everyone, particularly at a time when oversized units are becoming more popular. It's also essential for pitches to be managed and maintained for our next guests so some may be in rotation for this purpose.

By pre allocating pitches and then personally showing guests to their pitches and, when appropriate, helping them to pitch, we aim to provide a high standard of customer service. If the ability to be able to offer alternative pitches is available then, our managers will try to help. We prefer that guests have the same pitch throughout the duration of their stay as it allows them to make the most of their break and to help our sites staff to manage their site.

Our members have told us that they are 94.2% satisfied with what we do.

But we can improve. We are a member's organisation and all decisions are reached by members for members. We want to know about the issues which affect you and, through this feedback we strive to make us better.

We now send out more surveys than ever including our bi-annual sites survey which is sent to a selection of campers by post and is also available on site, plus Camping & Caravanning Magazine always features letters based on a wide range of experiences. You're also very welcome to attend our annual AGM, details of which have published in since July or write in to our Customer Services Department to view your concerns. Otherwise I'm happy to join forum discussions where I can.

We will take on board your comments and I hope this goes to addressing some of your concerns.

Thank you

Ruth Walmsley
Hi Ruth I am the Richard that asked you to respond to these comments, I admit that I was a bit confused as to whome I sent the request to through the contact us form on the club web site.

But you have responded and as you can see this could be a forum you can keep your eye on for info

Aug 4, 2008
Hi Ruth, I just wanted to say thanks for joining this forum and hope that your participation will continue. There is no substitute for direct contact with the actual company/organisation and this forum aides that process.

It is good to see that the Club/you care enough to join in here and, I presume that whatever official role you hold has enough authority to take matters arising to the appropriate persons.

It is only natural some people will see you as a way of venting their annoyance, but hopefully you will give as good as you get there. However whitewashing problems, blaze answers, and ignoring repeated similar comments and complaints about the Club will just lend creadence to the argument you do not listen.

I am no longer a member of either club. I probably will rejoin one or other next year. But there has been a lot of critisms levelled against the C&CC in several places in recent months, most along similar lines - the "Little Hitler" Warden syndrome, the pitch allocation system, the lack of response to written complaints, and why are club sites so dear compared to commercial sites (or why aren't they cheaper?). These are common themes and perhaps they are the areas you should already be taking back for further discussion with your colleagues. Nearly 6% unhappiness is equal to 24000 members not be satisfied. Not a small number by any means...

By the way everyone, please nots let us vent our frustration out on the kind people who join from the relevent companies - at least they are TRYING to help! which is more than can be said for various others....

Feb 18, 2008
Hi All

A few years ago we joined the C&CC to augment the number of sites available to us through the CC, of which we have now been members for over 20 years.

Our first visit to a C&CC site was our last. The attitude of the warden was appalling. No word of welcome when we arrived just "have you booked ?" (which we had). She then told us to find a pitch and instructed us as to which way the van should be sited and where the marker peg should be in relation to the van. We did this exactly as commanded, only to be told a few hours later that we couldn't stay where we had set up. We were, apparently, too close to the next caravan which had been sited totally incorrectly, nowhere near the marker peg and the wrong way round. I can't remember, exactly, the wardens words when I suggested that it should be the other van that was moved not ours but they certainly weren't friendly. We ended up having to move to a muddy, uneven pitch.

Reading all the other comments, this is just another instance of the 'friendly' club not being anything like that. Perhaps this is why it is now so difficult to get a pitch on a CC site. Everyone is joining them and boycotting the C&CC. On a recent trip out, there were the two club sites quite close to each other. The CC site was virtually full, the C&CC site looked almost empty. I wonder why ?

John M.
Feb 14, 2008
Hello Ruth,

do you not think that having over 5% of your membership being dis-satisfied is a worrying number? On the average small site of 60 pitches that must mean at least 3 were upset by the experience. You have mentioned your magazine as a source for feedback, I cannot remember you ever printing more than 1 letter which was not pure praise for your organisation, and usually with at least one product placement for travel or insurance.

I do not wish to sidetrack this topic, but I would be grateful if you could read my posting

Camping & Caravaning Club lack of service? in the general topics, and make a comment, as I certainly not in your 94.2%, and could not get any response from your organisation either.
Feb 14, 2008
As a correction to the above, I should have said in the UK parks & touring section, not general. My apologies for the confusion.
Aug 11, 2008
Hi all

Thanks for the support. I'm sure you will appreciate that I came on to this forum to discuss pitch allocation and I hope you are satisfied with The Club's position on this. As an outdoor leisure organisation which has all manner of environmental and natural phenomina beyond it's control affecting business, 100% satisfaction, though desired, is almost impossible to achieve. Through surveys and collating of data we are striving to provide the best holiday experience for all however, we accept that there will always be criticism followed by praise for what we do. All we can do is listen and act upon our findings. thanks for listening. Ruth
Jul 13, 2006

Amongst all the stats that are produced it would be good to know your success rate in answering member queries via your web site within the stated period. As in this thread, simply saying you are busy is just not good enough.


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