caravan channel

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Jan 12, 2008
I think I;ve solved it. If I translate this:-
sorry but any one going away in a tent caravan needs to eat ie plates ect cups forks .Thed waste the water heater van level gas toilet ect elettric all dangerous not a mention 240v dont worry as long as you have a bottle opener.
to French I get this:-
désolé, mais l'un s'en va dans une tente caravane a besoin de manger plaques dire ect fourches tasses. déchets Thed le chauffe-eau à gaz van toilettes niveau ect eletrique tous dangereux de ne pas la mention 240v ne vous inquiétez pas tant que vous disposez d'un ouvre-bouteille.
But I can't speak french so I translated it to GERMAN and get this:-
Sorry, aber man geht in ein Zelt Anhänger muss essen Teller Tassen Gabeln sagen ect. Thed Abwasser Heizung Gas van Toiletten ect Ebene Elettric alle gefährlichen nicht auf den 240v nicht kümmern, da Sie einen Flaschenöffner haben erwähnen.
Still don't understand it as I can't speak german either so back to English
Sorry, but you go to a tent trailer must eat plates cups ect say forks. Thed water heater gas van toilets etc. all take care of non-hazardous level Elettric not on the 240v, since you mention a bottle opener.

Now who was that chap on the TV who spoke double dutch?
Who man with boots with TV on mouth with talkie wise dutchy double

I've cracked it at last!!!


Nov 12, 2009
There were two possible candidates from TV who spoke 'double Dutch'. One was Stanley Unwin who might have posty on the forblole caraobley or there was Victor Borge who used to make musical jokes using punctuation marks.
Our very own Forest Gump however makes great a effort to keep our forum alive in spite of some degree of dyslexia and for this he deserves our praise and support.
There is no requirement to have GCSE's in English Literature or Grammar to use this forum, most of us manage to get the croc and saucepan jokes and Forest knows a lot about caravans and driving those great big scary tower cranes on large city building developments.
He's a very tough guy, when Forest strides across the building site in his pink crocs nobody laughs
Mar 14, 2005
Have to say that I enjoyed the first of the new format but the quality of photography on the second was dreadful hence I suppose the "dirty glasses comment"
I watched the beginning again on the repeat to confirm that it was so awful
Its not art its annoying to have so many out of focus blurred shots

Possibly too much mulled cider


Jan 12, 2008
Parksy & FG
I do hope it was taken with the humour that was intended I would hate to insult or offend anyone
Yep Stanley Unwin is the chap I had in mind.
If you like messing with words then try doing multiple translations via google translate.
Jul 1, 2009
chears parksy the problem is my qouick comments i dont bother with to mutchpunctuation and my spelling is very bad i know,the biggest probblem is my computer skills are cr./.,p so most off the time its slip off the fingers.(and sheer lazyness he he)


Nov 12, 2009
Reg said:
Parksy & FG
I do hope it was taken with the humour that was intended I would hate to insult or offend anyone
Not a problem Reg, you were just joking amongst friends but if somebody was casually browsing this forum but hadn't taken the plunge and joined us no one would want to put them off if their spelling isn't 100%.
All are welcome.
Jun 8, 2010
Agree totally with Brad.To outsiders we caravanners must seem like hill billies.The standard of grammar and spelling is unbelievable.This is mostly from people who went through school when exams were real exams - not the much criticised exams of today.They certainly did some of you little good.And lots of this is from people who believe that they know everything about everything.What is the point of commenting and offering advice if you know nothing factual about the subject.It seems to be the same half dozen plonkers who are self appointed advisers to the masses.
Apr 20, 2009
RogerB said:
Agree totally with Brad.
The differance being Brad accepted the Mods explaination
To outsiders we caravanners must seem like hill billies.The standard of grammar and spelling is unbelievable.
So ALL hill billies can't read or write- interesting statement
This is mostly from people who went through school when exams were real exams - not the much criticised exams of today.They certainly did some of you little good.
How do you know what people went through in there life ? How do you know anything about there up bringing, about there child hood, how they were treated ? NOTHING
And lots of this is from people who believe that they know everything about everything.
Are you refering to your self?
What is the point of commenting and offering advice if you know nothing factual about the subject.It seems to be the same half dozen plonkers who are self appointed advisers to the masses.
Again how do you know they know nothing factual ? If you are not happy with the so called "half dozen plonkers" you dont have to read or take there valued input.
I for one am greatful for all the advice I have received over the past on this forum. One thing I would add is that although the advice is given in good faith you must not take it as gospel, its up to you to check it out by other means.
P.S Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes!!!!!!!


Nov 12, 2009
Well said, I couldn't have put it better myself Kev!
If I had been at home and had seen the insulting comments written by Roger B before you replied so eloquently I'd have consigned them to the bin where they belong.
I can only give you 6 ⁄10 for spelling though Kev
Mar 14, 2005
I have to say that I thought that Roger had a point in that we seem to have a lot of irrelevant banter which is Ok if you are in on it but bewildering to anyone new to the forum and nothing to do with the topic of in this case The Caravan Channel
There seems to be no regard to the use even at the beginning of capital letters and words are joined together with no attempt to spell check or edit afterwards
This makes it harder for people with genuine reading problems to understand
Aug 12, 2007
WatsonJohnG said:
There seems to be no regard to the use even at the beginning of capital letters and words are joined together with no attempt to spell check or edit afterwards
This makes it harder for people with genuine reading problems to understand

Maybe the posts are submitted by people with genuine reading AND WRITING problems?


Nov 12, 2009
I take your point to a certain extent WJG but Roger decided to be insulting toward people to get his point across.

This is the 'Chit Chat' section of the forum which is for 'non-caravan issues: jokes, trivia, gossip' so perhaps those hoping for a serious debate about the new Caravan Channel might be better to add their more serious comments to the topic in the General section.
The 'irrelevant banter' is better on this section of the forum than elsewhere on the message boards but if forum users want to joke between themselves that's up to them as long as no rules are being broken.

All that comes across to me is that those who might not be the best at spelling or grammar are subject to being bullied away from using this forum or at the very least ridiculed if they try.

How would you know just from using this forum whether forum users had 'genuine reading problems' or not?

Quite often those who may be dyslexic to some degree prefer not to shout it from the rooftops or share the information with users of this forum for that matter.

Rather than caravanners appearing to outsiders to 'seem like Hill Billies' Roger's post might make some caravanners at least seem rather intolerant of others and none too friendly if his comments are anything to go by.

Casting aspersions about the level of academic achievements of other forum members or their standard of education and denigrating their efforts to help others with what advice they are able to offer via this forum isn't the best way to win friends and influence people is it?
Mar 14, 2005
Maybe they are genuine reading difficulties but all the more reason to say use spellchecker and start with a capital letter as they should appreciate the problem of fellow sufferers when trying to read what is written
People with reading difficulties don't find bad spelling or grammar easier to read than anyone else
Its also harder for people with reading difficulties to read words all in capitals as the coastline at the top of the word plays a big part in recognition of words
Certainly denegrating people with any problem is not acceptable
Feb 27, 2010
forest gump wrote " dont worry all you need is a bottle opener".

Too darned right. The first time i went camping solo its all we had. We were 14 and went walking inthe peak district. Got the tent, the ground mats, sleeping bags...... on pitching atthe site in Bamford we found... no plates, no pans, all left at home, but we did have a bottle opener and were soon dining on ...... beer. Yummy, That bottle opener was life saver.

If you ever go to a festival a bottle opener is all you will ever need.

As for spelling and grammer, i have little netbook and it is slow to refresh... i type faster than it can refresh hanve jumbled words and phrases.
Wen t' spellin is reet it cos a beyn usin da laptop from wirk.
nd its ony a frum an nit a wey fo ifle so cmla darn .
Ps , i am left handed and i am partially dyslexic. School was very difficult, workng life can be difficult , we arenot all as perfect as we like to portray ourselves on a forum.


Nov 12, 2009
WatsonJohnG said:
Maybe they are genuine reading difficulties but all the more reason to say use spellchecker and start with a capital letter as they should appreciate the problem of fellow sufferers when trying to read what is written
People with reading difficulties don't find bad spelling or grammar easier to read than anyone else
Its also harder for people with reading difficulties to read words all in capitals as the coastline at the top of the word plays a big part in recognition of words
Certainly denegrating people with any problem is not acceptable

Some dyslexics may also find it difficult to write down what they want to add to the forum so how would a spell checker help them if they also had difficulty with reading?
I'm no expert but my understanding is that some forms of dyslexia stem from an inability to 'recognise' some letters so one can only assume that this inability also applies capital letters.
The writing of posts entirely composed of capitals is covered in forum etiquette but there is no requirement regarding spelling or grammatical ability.

It's an interesting debate when deliberate taunts or insults are left out of it.

How would we know for sure the level of writing or reading ability of any given forum user?
Do we surmise from their 'bad grammar' that they are poorly educated, have had learning difficulties, are dyslexic or are too lazy to use 'correct' grammar, spelling, punctuation etc?

Should those who are arbitrarily judged to use 'bad spelling or grammar' therefore be discouraged from using this forum?
Are they to be given a set period of time to improve their grammatical prowess and to teach themselves to spell to the high standards presumably demanded by certain of our number?
Who decides, and using which criteria?

There are no satisfactory answers to the points that I have made, no one on this forum is in a position to judge the reading and writing skills of others and this forum is accessible to all.
Of course I agree with you that the phraseology used when texting on mobile phones is not acceptable and I'd encourage all those who are capable to pay attention to spelling and grammar but an inability to spell should not prevent those who wish to use this forum from doing so without jibes and insults being directed toward them.
There are spell checking functions available from several web browsers which work from the right click menu when the link to disable rich text is clicked from the message boxes.
Aug 11, 2010
WatsonJohnG said:
I think that it time that this thread got back to the Caravan Channel
Now that is funny john, [sorry forget the capital J]assuming you meant it?

Where do we draw the line? Tell me what is wrong with this sencence? "write an essay of less than a 1000 words" You see this being spoken or written in classrooms across the nation, but if we are going to Nit pick it should read."write an essay with fewer than a 1000s words" What difference does it make, u can c what they mean write?


Nov 12, 2009
forest gump said:
may be i should go and save you lot a load off sh/././t good by (.may be spellt wrong).

Don't be bullied or intimidated, you have as much right to use this forum as anybody else.
Mar 14, 2005
What a pity that we cant be a little more tolerant to other users on this forum. I for one really enjoy FG posts, and reading his posts always brings a smile to my face, and lets be honest, you only have to read through it a couple of times to know what the guy is trying to say. Reminds me of Mark & Sharon who no longer appear on here for the same reasons, how many more are we going to loose?
Apr 20, 2009
cookieones said:
What a pity that we cant be a little more tolerant to other users on this forum. I for one really enjoy FG posts, and reading his posts always brings a smile to my face, and lets be honest, you only have to read through it a couple of times to know what the guy is trying to say. Reminds me of Mark & Sharon who no longer appear on here for the same reasons, how many more are we going to loose?

Hear Hear-------- Could'nt agee more, well put Alan.
Apr 20, 2009
forest gump said:
may be i should go and save you lot a load off sh/././t good by (.may be spellt wrong).

Now then Buddy, you are going no where, I told you before (somewhere) you cannot run in them there CROC'S.
Apr 20, 2009
Parksy - Moderator said:
All that comes across to me is that those who might not be the best at spelling or grammar are subject to being bullied away from using this forum or at the very least ridiculed if they try.

Any one heard from Forest Gump lately,
Think I have spotted him, on another forum of which I am not a member but was wondering what had happened to him so decided to take a look as curiosity got the better of me.

Think we now the answer now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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