I think I;ve solved it. If I translate this:-
sorry but any one going away in a tent caravan needs to eat ie plates ect cups forks .Thed waste the water heater van level gas toilet ect elettric all dangerous not a mention 240v dont worry as long as you have a bottle opener.
to French I get this:-
désolé, mais l'un s'en va dans une tente caravane a besoin de manger plaques dire ect fourches tasses. déchets Thed le chauffe-eau à gaz van toilettes niveau ect eletrique tous dangereux de ne pas la mention 240v ne vous inquiétez pas tant que vous disposez d'un ouvre-bouteille.
But I can't speak french so I translated it to GERMAN and get this:-
Sorry, aber man geht in ein Zelt Anhänger muss essen Teller Tassen Gabeln sagen ect. Thed Abwasser Heizung Gas van Toiletten ect Ebene Elettric alle gefährlichen nicht auf den 240v nicht kümmern, da Sie einen Flaschenöffner haben erwähnen.
Still don't understand it as I can't speak german either so back to English
Sorry, but you go to a tent trailer must eat plates cups ect say forks. Thed water heater gas van toilets etc. all take care of non-hazardous level Elettric not on the 240v, since you mention a bottle opener.
Now who was that chap on the TV who spoke double dutch?
Who man with boots with TV on mouth with talkie wise dutchy double
I've cracked it at last!!!
sorry but any one going away in a tent caravan needs to eat ie plates ect cups forks .Thed waste the water heater van level gas toilet ect elettric all dangerous not a mention 240v dont worry as long as you have a bottle opener.
to French I get this:-
désolé, mais l'un s'en va dans une tente caravane a besoin de manger plaques dire ect fourches tasses. déchets Thed le chauffe-eau à gaz van toilettes niveau ect eletrique tous dangereux de ne pas la mention 240v ne vous inquiétez pas tant que vous disposez d'un ouvre-bouteille.
But I can't speak french so I translated it to GERMAN and get this:-
Sorry, aber man geht in ein Zelt Anhänger muss essen Teller Tassen Gabeln sagen ect. Thed Abwasser Heizung Gas van Toiletten ect Ebene Elettric alle gefährlichen nicht auf den 240v nicht kümmern, da Sie einen Flaschenöffner haben erwähnen.
Still don't understand it as I can't speak german either so back to English
Sorry, but you go to a tent trailer must eat plates cups ect say forks. Thed water heater gas van toilets etc. all take care of non-hazardous level Elettric not on the 240v, since you mention a bottle opener.
Now who was that chap on the TV who spoke double dutch?
Who man with boots with TV on mouth with talkie wise dutchy double
I've cracked it at last!!!