caravan club cc bookings 2010

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Mar 10, 2006
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This "rush to book", reminds me of when i worked for the process control dept.

One selfish person, or "smart", depending on your view point, was married to a school teacher, had two children same as my self. Always booked ALL the school holiday prime dates, just as soon as booking became available, his wife got to know the holiday dates earlier than i could.

As they was six of us, five with young children, naturally all wanting at lest some of our holidays in the summer six weeks, we were left fighting over the scraps. Only two were allowed off at anyone time.

Complaints to management eventually led to a five leg rota being imposed. We ALL hated it, and basically we ended up on it due only to ONE person.

The rota ran continuously where you worked six weeks with rota days only, if i recall you had only one weekend during this period on rota days off, then you had 3 weeks on holiday.

Yes we did have a lot of holidays, but we worked most week ends, worked m/a/night shifts, and all bank holidays and xmas, if the rota fell that way!

So think on you people who book, and then for what ever reason cancel, complaints may well result in rule changes, that NOBODY wants.

The most obvious is a large booking fee, which is non returnable.
I may have quoted the rota incorrectly, truth is i cant remember at the moment what we worked, it may have been 8 worked 3 week off, but that changed anyway were we worked i think 6 weeks then had two weeks holiday.

The three weeks and two week off periods are correct, i'm unsure about the worked period.
Feb 15, 2006
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This "rush to book", reminds me of when i worked for the process control dept.

One selfish person, or "smart", depending on your view point, was married to a school teacher, had two children same as my self. Always booked ALL the school holiday prime dates, just as soon as booking became available, his wife got to know the holiday dates earlier than i could.

As they was six of us, five with young children, naturally all wanting at lest some of our holidays in the summer six weeks, we were left fighting over the scraps. Only two were allowed off at anyone time.

Complaints to management eventually led to a five leg rota being imposed. We ALL hated it, and basically we ended up on it due only to ONE person.

The rota ran continuously where you worked six weeks with rota days only, if i recall you had only one weekend during this period on rota days off, then you had 3 weeks on holiday.

Yes we did have a lot of holidays, but we worked most week ends, worked m/a/night shifts, and all bank holidays and xmas, if the rota fell that way!

So think on you people who book, and then for what ever reason cancel, complaints may well result in rule changes, that NOBODY wants.

The most obvious is a large booking fee, which is non returnable.
ray dont worry its goot nothing to do with anyone else what you work.

Feb 16, 2009
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Jasper meant to say at Bank Holidays, l have booked a weekend at Chatsworth in March, their was no chance of booking Bank Holidays when l got home from work at 5-30 Wednesday all were booked, granted not every day but at least one day of the weekend was full, so no chance of doing Thursday right through to Monday.

Hasn't bothered me really got on four sites l booked for Bank Holidays l am well happy with.

Apr 30, 2008
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Nigel in the post above says Quote

Finished work at 5-30 on Wednesday saw the usual sites all booked up at weekends Chatsworth, York, Losehil Southport etc, etc, etc, didn't even bother to try booking those sites,

Funny I've just looked at Chatsworth, losehill and Southport and there is still plenty of weekend availability !!!!
Jasper, I've been trying to book Losehill for a December Saturday and Sunday night break since October but the Saturday nights have been showing as full (January as well) Checked yesterday found there was availability and managed to book for next weekend.

I really cant believe that all of a sudden, - coinciding with the start of the new booking season - every weekend over December and January has had someone cancel and wonder if maybe they have installed a couple of additional pitches.
Apr 23, 2008
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A few years ago there was hardly any problem gettng the sites you wanted. With the sudden increase in popularity of caravanning then the obvious difficulties with getting onto the popular sites will arise.To be honest I don't think much can be done.There will always be the fact that

there will never be enough places available for everybody.I have booked three sites for next year, but any other time we will just have to take pot luck.
Apr 30, 2009
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we have just been successful in making three consequetive bookings for 2010 via the caravan club booking system on line.there was no problems and we have received confirmations.sorry to hear you have had no luck. generally the Caravan Club are very professional and we have encountered no problems. gareth and steve
Aug 22, 2009
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on the contrary, i think that there is ample availability HOWEVER, as has been said repeatedly on this thread, the selfish book everything available early and then decide what they will or won't actually attend at their leisure.

As long as there is no penalty for a no show/cancelation then this situation will never be resolved.

How easy would it be to sort out?


Pay a 20% deposit for eveything you book and any more than 3 cancellations, in any year , you loose your deposit on any further venue you fail to attend .

Fair? Totally!

As the phrase goes"

When you have them by the B***S their hearts and minds will follow!

May 4, 2005
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Maybe it would be better if you could only have (say) five bookings at any one time.

The system could easily be changed to do this and there is no money involved.

Sep 6, 2008
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Hi..the thing I find frustrating is that we don't do a lot of to do a whole week...and unless I book now it will mean going on a Monday and in some cases leaving on a Thursday...Trouble is I don't usually know our Holiday dates until next year really due to my hubbys work commitments etc. but it seems I too will have to book in now just to get the weeks we hopefully can go on.

Mind there are a lot of other sites out there that are really nice too...although some do take deposits etc. but worth it.

We have been a member of the C.C. for ages now and yes it does get very busy now with the internet bookings..I think the main School Hols and Xmas etc. are the worst.

Mar 14, 2005
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Hi all, As usual I forgot about the booking date for the CC sites and, having read these threads, I'm glad I did. OK, we are no longer going to Devon and Cornwall but Berwick and Windermere sound good. I look forward to visiting Edinburgh as well as sampling the seafood from the area. I understand the site at Windermere is within walking distance of the town so it'll be nice to stroll there rather than driving. Let's all hope for some half decent weather. Best wishes, Butler
Jan 16, 2007
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Don't know what all the fuss is about!

Went on to the website last night and booked all my requirements for next year, in one go.

Took about 20 minutes.

Regards, Mike



The site at Windermere is indeed a walk to town, but a heck of a long walk to Edinburgh. Don't worry, we understood.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Scotch Lad, You're a card! I am looking forward to visiting Edinburgh immensely. One day of culture and another shopping - a concession to a demanding teenage daughter whose favourite hobby is spending my hard earned. Just to get in to the 'spirit' of the holiday, I shall indulge in a few McCallans. (that's the whiskey, not any local rent boys!) Best wishes, Butler


You are at it again. Whisky does not have an 'e' unless you are Irish or American. Have fun, but watch out for the tram tracks. No trams but already at least one cyclist has gone a..e over t.t. How did we manage long ago?
Mar 14, 2005
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Scotch Lad,I stand corrected sir. I realised that there were 2 spellings but got it wrong. Now then, Scotch being the drink, I wonder what your preferred brand is....? Best wishes, Butler.


I have to admit to actually owning a barrel of the stuff, but you will have to wait a good number of years before you get to taste it. It is currently sitting in a windswept warehouse on Islay and I get to go and cuddle it now and then. But am looking forward to getting my hands on my 300 bottles of malt next decade. It was one of those spur of the moment daft things one occasionally does in life and no doubt my kids will enjoy it when I am long gone. I get to put my name on the bottle labels, so that will be fun. Paying Darling the duty will not be fun though.

In the meantime I enjoy Speyside malts usually. I am hoping Santa may bring me a bottle of Dallas Dhu for Xmas, but I suspect I may have to get it myself. If you can stretch to an 18 year old Auchentoshan, then you are in for a treat. The 12 year is good, but the 18 is a belter. I regret that Talisker does nothing for me, too peaty. However, pride of place in my drinks cabinet is a bottle of probably mediocre blend, but it bears the label 'Scotland 3, England 2, 1967' to celebrate the first game played after England won the world cup in 1966, and guess who won? My kids gave it to me many years ago, and it is still unopened.

Do enjoy Edinburgh though, the main street is now open again and it looks back to normal.
Sep 25, 2009
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Lagavulin and Ledaig from Islay for me.

Peaty , smoky, a good kick and a lovely afterburn.


Hello everyone, having just purchased our first caravan, Challenger 570, this forum makes worrying reading. I will have to learn quickly have the system works, however I do have to wait until May to take delivery. It was not my intention to plan so far ahead, but I will continue to read the Forum and gather as much information as I can. I had intended to join the CC in January, partly to ake advantage of thier magazine, again to help me build up an information base before we start, do I need to reconsider this ? There did seem to be an indication that the C&CC did not seem to suffer these booking problems, is this the way to go ?

I have to say the Forum has been very helpful up to now, and the topic on wheels coming off, whilst also worrying has at least alerted me to the situation, if it can happen to Dusty Dog with all his experience, well who knows. I posted a new topic asking for advice on the 12N /12S sockets and had a reply within 15 minutes followed by 3/4 others within a few hours. They all gave me valuable information for when I purchase my tow car, and the questions to be asked of the dealership.

Having said all that, I do not think that personalities should come into it, everyone is entitled to thier point of view, it appears to me that Jo Ann cancelled in plenty of time, for someone else to fill her space over new year, so whats the problem.


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