caravan club cc bookings 2010

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Aug 24, 2009
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Well am I going to be the first to say well done to the IT Team at the C.C.

Ok! the system was running at varying speeds earlier today but considering the load I reckon it did pretty well.

Four pm and all seems to be running as a normal day.

Yes you may have guessed I have made my essential bookings.
Mar 14, 2005
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Website seems to be working fine now just booked a couple of sites. Barnard Castle is a lovely area, anyone going there next year make sure you visit the high force waterfall.
Apr 6, 2008
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lord b wheres teesdale?.

Teesdale is below Newcastle if you know where that is ...I live in barnard castle and it is known to be one of the most beautiful places in England ...Woods ..Rivers ...Castles... Deer...a musuem you have not seen the likes of....i could go on and on...a visiter will not be disappointed
Jul 15, 2006
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Yet again the Bun Fight has started . Little wonder people can't log onto the CC website.

Never mind, there are plenty of wonderful CLs out there.

Jo-Anne , Google Barnards Castle. It will tell you all. A very pleasant part of County Durham.



It's just down the road from us, my hubby worked there. Barnard Castle is a lovely town with cafes, shops, river walks, a ruined castle and the wonderful Bowes museum. Well worth a visit and looks like the site will be a short walk along the river to the town.
Feb 24, 2008
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Thats strange, my post has been deleted!! Why bother to have a forum if its not open for everyone to have their say??


Posts containing personal comments about other forum members are not allowed on this forum.

Everyone CAN 'have their say' but not to attack other forum members.

This is the second post of this nature in which I've intervened. Please do not post further personal comments or criticisms of forum members.

Parksy (Moderator)
Feb 24, 2008
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OK, so am I allowed to say "those who book and cancel christmas and new year for the THIRD year in the row at short notice and not only that, hand the booking over to chosen people, should not be allowed to re-book. It is THOSE people who cause the problem in the first place". There, an opinion but no names mentioned.


May 24, 2006
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Lost my last message in the ether, so here we go again. Like lots of other people I am fed up of selfish people who have all day to book on day 1 who book then (allegedly) repeatedly do not go. It's selfish in the extreme and I am going to - again- write to the CC. They say they monitor it but obviously they don't. I have struggled for the last 3 years to get my Summer Holiday booked because of this- then you get there and hey ho the site is not full. Just like Christmas when spaces are at a premium. I want answers from the CC - not the usual fobbing off. And I want people to have to pay a deposit. YOU SELFISH PEOPLE are ruining my hobby and I am going to do something about it.
Feb 24, 2008
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You probably didn't lose your message in the ether Mandy, it was probably deleted as it was posted - like mine!!!

I am totally 100% behind you - the whole booking system stinks, particularly for those who have to go to work during the day. I don't know what has to happen before the CC sits up and listens. I think to limit the number of bookings per year per membership would be better - after those bookings are used up its a free for all. The whole situation needs addressing - to allow posts seemingly boasting at the triumph of cancelling christmas and new year three times in a row at short notice and then booking for a fourth year in a row is too near the knuckle for me - moreover when my post challenging that behaviour is deleted!! AND, people should not be able to hand over their unwanted booking to others and then post to the effect of "so glad to have been of help to you" and what a great person xxxx is for giving us the pitch! Talk about red rag to a bull....


Mar 17, 2007
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A moan not yet mentioned, cos all of you lot appear to have all day to steam over your laptops and phones; those of us still compelled to work have no chance of even trying until the evening. Obviously the CC is biased to the retired and unemployed. I will have a go at booking my hols shortly but I'd like to bet everywhere i want to go, especially at Bank hols when I'm not in work, is already taken. Fortunately the C&CC have a much more equitable and sensible system.

Aug 24, 2009
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Totally agree that changes are required in the reservation system at the C.C.

I often visit one particularly popular site that even on the day of my arrival is listed online as full and the site entrance board states "Site Full" but surprise surprise on last dog walk of the day (Poo bag and torch to hand ) six, seven, eight empty pitches.

I really feel that if such a large number either don't show or cancel on the day a charge should be levied, it wont help those who were unable to book but it may act as a deterrent to frivolous bookers. Let's be honest all the no shows cannot all have suffered some unfortunate mishap.


There is one possible answer.

Cancel your membership of the CC and then call the sites you wish, as a non member. As they welcome non-members to virtually all the sites anyway, you will have as much chance of getting what you want, and save the annual membership fees.

The only way to affect change in the dinosaur CC, or is it private club?, is to hit them in the pocket.

I am seriously thinking of doing the same, as I rarely use them for very much anymore, and staying with the C&CC. They have a deposit system, but at least you can get your sites.
Mar 14, 2005
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Having read many posts on the CC booking system I now dont even bother to book. When it gets nearer to the time you wish to visit a site or area just phone the wardens and you can usually get in because of the no shows or cancellations. Unless the CC start to get get tough on the non arrivals or late cancellations or better still to actually hit the non arrivals in the pocket and charge them this problem will continue. I do know for a fact that many of my early retired friends have stated they will try and book as many sites as they can in December even though they know they will cancel before the booking dated the booked date. This is very unfair on the other members. They are also the first to moan about the increasing costs. I still call them friends but am starting to wonder what type of people they really are greddy and selfish come to mind.

Why just not introduce a
Dec 14, 2006
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Or perhaps 'refundable' against another booking, PROVIDED that the site was able to re-let the booking you'd made and cancelled. That way it would give those who genuinely have to cancel for a good reason some 'reward' for cancelling with enough time to let others book the pitch - and that way they wouldn't lose out. On the other hand it would give those who seem to 'just not show up' a kick up the backside if they didn't inform the site, or just left it until it was too late for the site to re-let the booking.
Feb 24, 2008
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Shame they don't spend as much time doing a "bookings survey" as they do doing the "dogs survey". Mind you, whats the point when you are able to skew the survey by typing in unlimited "sureveys".
Mar 14, 2005
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Scotch Lad said:-

"There is one possible answer.

Cancel your membership of the CC and then call the sites you wish, as a non member. As they welcome non-members to virtually all the sites anyway, you will have as much chance of getting what you want, and save the annual membership fees."

Are you sure about that? Given the non member extra fee is around


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