caravan club or caravan and camping club

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Mar 14, 2005

why do you say thank god tenters were in a seperate

field and then go on to say it was only a few that

caused problems.

That would mean you clearly think tenters are the

problem and all caravaners are perfect.

You have confirmed that there is snobbish views

among SOME caravaners.........
Jan 19, 2008

why do you say thank god tenters were in a seperate

field and then go on to say it was only a few that

caused problems.

That would mean you clearly think tenters are the

problem and all caravaners are perfect.

You have confirmed that there is snobbish views

among SOME caravaners.........
It's probably just a windup john. If not allen does tend to contradict himself.


Aug 16, 2006
I'm in the CC. The main reason for joining was that the discount on ferry crossings was more than the annual membership. Easy decision. I have noticed that CC sites are a bit formal - not quite the 'back-to-nature' I was hoping for. Having said that my 'back-to-nature' must have hot running water and a fridge.

As for tenters - last year I was a tenter, this year I'm in a caravan. I haven't noticed any massive character shifts so I'm a little unclear of the differences.
Mar 2, 2006
Hello john.b.

At no time in my post did I say that caravaners were perfect, in fact I could write a book about some of the antics they can get up to.I was talking about holiday tenters who turn up once a year and have scant regard for anyone or anything.

some pitches are rendered unusable for weeks and months in some cases drunken arguments between nieghbouring tenters and kids running riot at two in the morning.The C&cc allow commercial vehicles on site,so when a white transit turns up with five or more kids and throws a three pod twelve berth tent out of the back and take over two standard caravan pitches,then complain when they have to pay for two pitches.The CC do not allow comercial vehicles, and better still do not allow cars on the tent field.

and if you think that to keep these people seperate from caravans is being snobbish so be it Im a snob.
Mar 14, 2005
Hello john.b.

At no time in my post did I say that caravaners were perfect, in fact I could write a book about some of the antics they can get up to.I was talking about holiday tenters who turn up once a year and have scant regard for anyone or anything.

some pitches are rendered unusable for weeks and months in some cases drunken arguments between nieghbouring tenters and kids running riot at two in the morning.The C&cc allow commercial vehicles on site,so when a white transit turns up with five or more kids and throws a three pod twelve berth tent out of the back and take over two standard caravan pitches,then complain when they have to pay for two pitches.The CC do not allow comercial vehicles, and better still do not allow cars on the tent field.

and if you think that to keep these people seperate from caravans is being snobbish so be it Im a snob.
No, snob wasn't the description that came to mind.
Jan 19, 2008
Hello john.b.

At no time in my post did I say that caravaners were perfect, in fact I could write a book about some of the antics they can get up to.I was talking about holiday tenters who turn up once a year and have scant regard for anyone or anything.

some pitches are rendered unusable for weeks and months in some cases drunken arguments between nieghbouring tenters and kids running riot at two in the morning.The C&cc allow commercial vehicles on site,so when a white transit turns up with five or more kids and throws a three pod twelve berth tent out of the back and take over two standard caravan pitches,then complain when they have to pay for two pitches.The CC do not allow comercial vehicles, and better still do not allow cars on the tent field.

and if you think that to keep these people seperate from caravans is being snobbish so be it Im a snob.
Say it chrissie, say it girl. Don't hold back :O)
Jul 15, 2006
Both clubs have their good and bad points. We use CC sites most of the time because we prefer them, but we joined the CCC specifically to use their wonderful sites at Keswick which we go to frequently. The warden at Derwentwater went out of his way to save us 3 pitches together even though we didn't ask him to and were all arriving at different times. If there is a choice of pitches they always ask which we would prefer and show us to our pitch and help get pitched if required. And one other point in favour of the CCC which I mentioned a few weeks ago is that our son who has Downs Syndrome is not charged at the CCC sites whereas he pays full price at the CC.
Jul 19, 2005
We joined the Camping and Caravan Club because at the time the Caravan Club did not let you join if your caravan was more than 10 years old. We also prefer the fact that a high proportion Camping & Caravanning Club sites have a variety of grass pitches. Whilst having almost entirely hard standings may be wonderful in bad weather it does give a rather regimented appearance to Caravan Club sites (and yes I know that some smaller CCC sites are almost entirely hard standings).

I am unable to compare the site facilities as I have obviously never been on a CC site but have always found facilities on CCC sites in a good state and with friendly Site Managers. Some of the very popular CCC sites (e.g. Normans Bay) do tend to stricter about how you position your caravan because of the need to maximise the pitch availability at busy times even though it is largely grass pitches but at most CC sites that we have visited we have been offered a choice of pitches and some times where the nature of site makes it possible able to choose how to position the caravan.
Mar 13, 2007
Was a member of both but now only in the C.C.

Try both for one year and then decide. For me there was no choice. The C.C. sites are and look far more cleaner, the magazine is of far superior quality and isn't printed on re-cycled toilet paper (blame David Bellamy for that).

The wardens are more friendly and don't act as if they have just ended their army career. Theres no tents with the problems they sometimes bring. No stupid early arrivals rule.I don't know what experience Caroline & Simon have had regarding breakdowns but I've used Mayday twice and cannot fault them - excellent service. I'm also surprised at the regimented and car park comments above, I'm not too sure what sites they've used but it cannot be the same as ourselves.

In truth I should be encouraging you to join the C.C.C. so there's more room for us :O)
wrong way round lord B the magazine it toilet paper?oh oh.
Apr 24, 2006
blimey. We have never been in either club even when we used a tent. we have never seen any real problems on sites.

since we bought our new caravan we were going to join one of the clubs. not so sure now.
Dec 1, 2005
We have been members of both the clubs but are now just in the CC.

In my opinion they are of a higher standard than the CCC sites, and the wardens are friendlier.

We have been to Chatsworth 3 times and never had our pitch allotted, as stated by Kathryn.

We also have arrived at sites before 12 noon and not been turned away or told we have to return after 12 noon. Guess we have just been lucky!

Of the two clubs then, I would recommend the CC.

Lolly x


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