Caravan MOT`s

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Mar 14, 2005
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Pete, couldnt have put it better myself, caravan is a glorified trailer and the point I tried to make, but for some, unable to take on board. MOTs for vans opens a can of worms for towed gizmo's of all shapes and sizes. For every 10 decent vanners out there there's always a - - - - - - ! and not the ones on Blackpool beach he haw. Please MOD do not remove this post. Some dorks have got to learn, that their looking down the nose syndrome they suffer from does not make them any more welcome in any group they choose to be part of.
Mar 14, 2005
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Blimey Charlie this has got some people excited hasn't it??!!

Surely if it aint broke dont fix it (the law that is, not the van).

How many people are killed or seriously injured by un-roadworthy vans? Not many i'd bet. Therefore is there a case to answer? - unless vans, trailerd and horse boxes become hazardous then why introduce the hassle of MOT's for us all???

When mankind decided to drive metal boxes at 70mph (hhmmnn) within inches of other people doing the same - we have to accept that there is a risk of it all going wrong. Similarly motorbikes etc etc lets not try and legislate for everything!!!!
Mar 14, 2005
In Germany, caravans which meet certain criteria including an annual Mot-type test are allowed to be towed faster at higher ratios than those that don't, including visitors.

Whilst the cost of such a scheme at local authority testing stations (not dealers, please!) would be an extra cost for most of us it would be worth while just to stop Jeremy Clarkson going on!
The MOT equivalent in Germany is every 2 years not annually and it is carried out at dedicated MOT testing stations or by their engineers who visit dealers by prior appointment.


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