Caravan work platform at Aldi

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May 24, 2014
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Thingy might be a safe bet if he can still remember how to roll.

Green on! GO GO GO

One One thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand................................................THUD

Once you know you never forget

Remembering it and doing it arent the same thing. And Im not being rude ;)
Nov 11, 2009
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Just had my consignment tracking details, but bit worried about the amount of packaging I may have to recycle as it tells me the consignment weight is 47kg !!!
Jun 20, 2005
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otherclive said:
Just had my consignment tracking details, but bit worried about the amount of packaging I may have to recycle as it tells me the consignment weight is 47kg !!!

Just had mine too from XDP .
Maybe they are steel not ally :evil:
Aug 4, 2005
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I bought one of these a few years back thinking it would help me reach the middle of the caravan roof for cleaning but, with mine anyway, the recommendation was not to have the platform set any higher than the third top rung as shown in the photo in the op link. I’m 6 foot tall and that wasn’t near high enough to allow me to reach the middle of the roof so it was back to the step ladders again.
Be interested to know how others get on. My set is currently used as a shelf in the garden hut.
Sep 5, 2016
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Do not want to spoil the scaffolding party but I've always used my double extension ladders with plank supports on each ladder to do my caravan roof, in fact it is what I use to do jobs around the house, and I'm still in one piece. :) :)
Nov 11, 2009
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camel said:
Do not want to spoil the scaffolding party but I've always used my double extension ladders with plank supports on each ladder to do my caravan roof, in fact it is what I use to do jobs around the house, and I'm still in one piece. :) :)

What’s the configuration please, sounds an interesting arrangement.
Sep 5, 2016
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OC, Come on you know what I'm on about these things have been round for years, the pair I have are still very serviceable and are over twenty years old and are made from Sheffield steel not a light weight alloy, they clip on to the rungs of the ladder at the angle you have the ladder at and it is very straight forward to place a big heavy plank across, in fact I saw a pair at the local car boot the other, the chap wanted a tenner, :)
Nov 11, 2009
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camel said:
OC, Come on you know what I'm on about these things have been round for years, the pair I have are still very serviceable and are over twenty years old and are made from Sheffield steel not a light weight alloy, they clip on to the rungs of the ladder at the angle you have the ladder at and it is very straight forward to place a big heavy plank across, in fact I saw a pair at the local car boot the other, the chap wanted a tenner, :)

Thanks Camel, but I must have led a sheltered existence, but I’ve got a couple of ladder sets and I will be looking at this kit as I’ve got work to do on the first floor windows.
Nov 16, 2015
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Thingy said:
Dont forget, its already been organized, Im the first to fall off. Dont go jumping the gun. :cheer:

Thinghy , are you coming to the Woosie fest Looks like it will be a good one for the king.
May 24, 2014
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September if thats when it is looks like being a no go for us, as we are already booked for 14 days in October and we have the grandsons two days a week. We are tied by both daughters holidays and soon school holidays. I honestly thought we were done with that caper.

What on earth is this Woosie Club all about anyway?
Nov 11, 2009
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Thingy said:
September if thats when it is looks like being a no go for us, as we are already booked for 14 days in October and we have the grandsons two days a week. We are tied by both daughters holidays and soon school holidays. I honestly thought we were done with that caper.

I too thought that I’d be clear in 2000, then again in 2005, now mid forties single parent daughter has started a nursing degree and we are still looking out for a 13 year old term time and holidays too as daughers course requires periods at university and at work. Should be free to have the freedoms that we had when I last worked in 1999 by 2020, (aged 73)
May 24, 2014
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Just been told by XPD via text that delivery ETA is timed between 1305 and 1505 hrs. NHS sent a text saying they would have an ambulance on standby from 1530 hrs.


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