Cars speeding on site

Sep 14, 2006
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A while ago a thread was posted about ball games on site and potential damage to caravans.

Well how about cars and motorhomes driving through the site much faster than the site speed limit of 5 mph ?

We have just returned from a weekend away at a local large holiday park that is open all year and I was left speechless at the speed cars were driving through the access roads whilst children were playing and people enjoying a walk.

These people were fellow caravaners and did not give a damn about the signs that were clearly positioned displayng 5 mph.

Are these people stupid or just careless ?

Even people arriving and leaving towing their vans were speeding, imagine a child running out or riding their bikes along the road and being knocked off, does'nt leave much room for stopping does it.

I stood and watched one incident and stood shaking my head and the idiot driving gave me a glaring look and drove off faster !

Is it the sites fault, is it the parents responsability to keep children in check, or do these people don't have children.

I always thought a caravan site should be one of the safest places for children to play........................
Oct 17, 2006
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A very good posting Danny. Why do people ignore the 5mile sign, just do not care, it will be interesting to see what excuses you get on this topic.Liz
Mar 14, 2005
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hi danny , i take great pride in sticking to camp site speed limits ,just the thought of some one stepping out in front of me make's my blood run cold . try sticking to the speed limits around town , 20 ,30 & 40 , you get fed up with the amount of drivers that drive so close that you can not see their headlamps in your rearview mirror , it makes you want one of them zap guns....pete
Dec 16, 2003
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Those not moving a walking pace should be shot, little toddlers wander about on caravan sites. Whilst waiting for a large motorhome to mave away from a service point on arrival ata site I lost site of two quite small boys they were between the car and caravan by the tow hitch showing one another the collectors football cards. Little kids on bikes ignore or don't understand one way roads, the drivers and some parents need locking up!
Jan 19, 2008
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Danny asks ... "Are these people stupid or just careless "?

I can't imagine everyone who speeds are stupid in the full sense of the word. Careless, maybe, but I would describe them as selfish bass turds with a don't care attitude for anyone.
Mar 14, 2005
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One small point, when I start my diesel car, it's tickover speed from cold means I may travel about 10mph on the way out. Should I wait on my pitch, with the engine ticking over to warm up, possibly annoying neighbours (noise/exhaust) for 5 or 10 mins, or trickle off site slightly above the 5mph ?
Oct 17, 2006
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One small point, when I start my diesel car, it's tickover speed from cold means I may travel about 10mph on the way out. Should I wait on my pitch, with the engine ticking over to warm up, possibly annoying neighbours (noise/exhaust) for 5 or 10 mins, or trickle off site slightly above the 5mph ?
Hi Danny here they come


Mar 14, 2005
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Peter T, you have brakes, you know, the pedal next to the go faster pedal, and *surprise surprise*, brakes actually make your car SLOW DOWN to the right speed to be travelling.

A for speeding on site, there are no excuses, it is simply selfishness, ignorance and stupidity.

Those seen speeding should be made to leave immediately.
Jan 21, 2014
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I have to say, we were staying on a CC site over Christmas and this was happening alot!

One particular incident sprang to mind, and it really had to been seen to be believed. It was getting dusk and we noticed an oldish caravan towed by a sporty Volvo was driving around the site looking for a pitch. Without a word of a lie, he must have been doing about 40mph, and when he spotted an empty space beside the toilet block, he sped past our pitch at about 45mph. We couldn't believe the ignorance of this person, the danger he put fellow club members in, he should have been expelled there and then!

Unfortunately, the wardens weren't able to witness the incident, as it was too far from their office!! :O(
Sep 13, 2006
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45mph - that would have to be seen to believed, but I do not want to see it.

At that speed I am surprised the police were not called to stop the fellow being lynched by the other campers - I would have supplied the rope.

As far as Peter T and the tickover question.

I have run diesels for appx 20 years and some diesels can go over 5mph at tickover in first.

I would not use the brakes unless you can not control the car with the clutch, dipping the clutch briefly to drop the road speed does no harm to anything, the car is at tickover after all.
Aug 25, 2006
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Whilst speeding on site is reprehensible, it will remain a continuing hazard as site owners and wardens all appear more interested in site fees rather than safety and inconvenience to the masses.

Has anybody ever seen anyone ejected for speeding on site, or making excessive noise disturbing the rest of the site, or when their little darlings play football in the toilets? I certainly haven`t and don`t expect to.

A speed limit is only of use if its disregard carries a penalty.

If not, its a waste of time putting up the silly little signs.Unless they are used as goal posts.
Mar 14, 2005
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Our van is on a small site with roughly made roads, walking pace to me is all you can travel at reasonably, however it still does not stop the few from going as fast as they can!

Across the road where I us the club house the site is very large with good roads, there are road humps but their more a hazard to walkers!, however there is no speeding?.

Why?, one night walking down to the club a tenter drove pasted at break neck speed, he got as far as the club house where he was stopped by a bunch of drinkers. Security managed to save him 'after a while' and he drove off. Security then went to his tent roughly bungled it into the pickup still full of his kit and deposited it and his girlfriend at the entrance gate.


Mar 15, 2007
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Perhaps the CC could sell stickers that are bright, illuminous and hard to get off the windscreen. Then we could all buy some and embaress the anti-social idiots by covering there car so everyone knows they are a danger to us and our children!

(And if that don't work then how about a public stoning).
Aug 17, 2005
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Iam sick to death of poor sad sods who are still in a hurry even on holiday. My children are grown up so that isn't an issue for us but I feel that people that abuse the speed limit should be told to leave. We are all there to relax and enjoy so by someone speeding it ruins the traquility and relaxation of what we are tying to acheive. Incidentially we have a VW T5van we don't need to wait for it to "warm up" I can do 5mph and so can you. As usual its always the few that spoil it for the rest of us.
Mar 2, 2006
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every year my site manager would bring out of the tractor shed a mangled kiddies tricycle and place it at the entrance to the site with a sign on it in bold letters saying that she is recovering and will be out of hospital soon,It worked,the regulars to the site used to play along.We didnt have many speeders on our site last year.I wonder if it will work again this year?

all the best Allen
Jul 3, 2006
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The mangled bike idea sounds a good one even if you bought an old bike and drove over it with the tractor! if that fails, drive over the speeders with the tractor. I'm a self confessed adrenaline junkie, 60mph+ on snow skis or waterskis is my way of relaxing but there is neither need nor excuse for excessive speed around a caravan site.
Apr 5, 2005
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The mangled kiddies tricyle and sign is a brilliant idea. We've just returned from Sheepcote at Brighton and were insensed with the speed of a very few INCONSIDERATE BASE TURDS!!!!.

Colin (Orpington)
Mar 14, 2005
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Simple answer to a less than simple problem, we should lose our stiff upper lip and british attitude, stop turning a blind eye to these inconsiderate maniacs and report the registrations to the campsite and demand that action is taken. Too often we all make excuses as to why we should ignore the idiots in life and this just gives more licence to them.

Guess I got out of the wrong side of bed this morning but I feel much better for this rant. :0)



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