We once 'owned' (I think that it owned us really) a male black cat that was a bit like a panther, the local dogs avoided it like the plague and we had to be very careful to let him come to us, not to chase after him because any affection given or received was always strictly on his own terms, not ours.
He was semi wild, he'd come indoors only if he felt like it and he took food from many people in the neighbourhood.
We eventually moved house but by then he'd taken up residence with a thuggish gentleman who lived up the road who was a night club bouncer, they were well suited to each other.
Our current cat, Pickles, really likes people and they all like her.
We think that she's about 16 years old now, but she still gets invited to sit in the car of a gang of local 'happy bacca' smokers who sit inside their car listening to music, making a great fuss of Pickles and smokin' da weed man, no wonder she's so chilled out :lol: