Cheeky people


Mar 14, 2005
Facebook Grrrr

I was browsing FB last night and found that two people had 'lifted' some of my photos and plonked them on their FB. The photos were clearly marked copyright with my name and date along with image numbers on each picture.

The photos were taken at a horse show earlier this year and the cheeky so and so's didn't purchase them, they just stole them off my WEBSITE.

They hadn't asked for permission to use them etc. However, I reported them to FB for breach of copyright and also sent the offenders a pm saying if the pics were not removed within 48 hours, I'd invoice them £75 per photo.

Blimey, they removed the pics in record time.

Jan 19, 2008
Hey where's your Christmas spirit ya miserable old git. It's the season of goodwill to all men :O)

If it's women who have taken them sue the thieves.


Mar 14, 2005
Hey where's your Christmas spirit ya miserable old git. It's the season of goodwill to all men :O)

If it's women who have taken them sue the thieves.
The thieves are women LB. You can't trust them, particulary the jod wearing ones.....

Lisa x


Mar 14, 2005
Thank you Carl, that's very kind of you to say so.

Are you feeling better now or shall I ring for an ambulance? (smiley icon thingy bob).

Lisa x
Aug 28, 2007
I just need a full skeletal transplant, not sure if they are available yet. Mine has got too many miles on the clock (and had too many bumps along the way)
Mar 14, 2005
Lisa, I can well understand your annoyance at the pics being pilfered, but look at it another way - they wouldn't have pinched them if they were rubbish, would they? A bit of a back-handed compliment, really!


Mar 14, 2005
Hi emmerson

It is a sort of back handed compliment but the pics were offered for sale on my website. The thieves knew that and that's where they took them from, if they liked them that much, I'm sorry but they have to pay for them. Event photography can be hard work and on that 'gig' it was a 100 mile round trip etc, etc.

The problem is with most 'horse people' they just don't want to pay for anything and what they've done is fraud.

Take a look at this link, it's a photographer whose work I admire and infact was due to meet him the other week at one of the hunts but unfortunately, I was unable to attend.

He's quite rightly furious about theft of some of his images:
Lisa xxx
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Lisa. My remark was made with tongue firmly in cheek!I am a great admirer of your photographic talents. After all, I have a lot of your pics!Yes it was theft, and you were quite right to be annoyed about it. Aside from asking them to desist, which you did, what other action can you take? They were probably in breech of coppyright I would think, but is that a legal or civil matter?

With regard to the amount of work involved, don't forget, I've seen you operate, and have the results on my office wall!

Emmerson xx
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Lisa. My remark was made with tongue firmly in cheek!I am a great admirer of your photographic talents. After all, I have a lot of your pics!Yes it was theft, and you were quite right to be annoyed about it. Aside from asking them to desist, which you did, what other action can you take? They were probably in breech of coppyright I would think, but is that a legal or civil matter?

With regard to the amount of work involved, don't forget, I've seen you operate, and have the results on my office wall!

Emmerson xx
PS, how do I get on your website? I Googled your name, and got some veggie campaigner in Michigan!


Mar 14, 2005
Hi emmerson

Copyright laws are quite strict in this country. I believe it's a civil matter, not one for the police. You have to stand firm against 'them' otherwise, they take the michael. I quoted 'Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988' in my messages to the thieves, all images now removed from their facebook accounts.

It's harder to chase an individual rather than if someone had stolen your image for commerical purposes. It's quite simple to chase someone who has taken a copyrighted image and used it for advertising or commercial purposes (providing of course, they are not insolvent).

An acquaintance of mine put an image on his website and someone 'lifted' it and used it in an advertising campaign (purporting that the thief had taken the image) and my acquaintance simply sent him an invoice for


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