cl ? sites


May 7, 2005
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robf1234 said:
hi can i assume that all sites will the facility to empty a chemical toilet ?

Yes, that a drinking water tap and a refuse dumping point are mandatory requirements.
Nov 16, 2015
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Only if the, cl/cs sites are with the two main clubs. There are other sites which , you and ourselfs, think are cl/cs sites and do not have chemical waste . Best to check beforehand. Of course if you are going wild caravanning in say "The New Forest" do not use chemicals in your loo. If you are going to dispose "Wild". :sick:
Mar 14, 2005
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EH52ARH said:
Only if the, cl/cs sites are with the two main clubs. There are other sites which , you and ourselfs, think are cl/cs sites and do not have chemical waste . Best to check beforehand. Of course if you are going wild caravanning in say "The New Forest" do not use chemicals in your loo. If you are going to dispose "Wild". :sick:

Cl and CS sites are only designated as such if they conform and are approved by the relevant club. No one else can call their site CL or CS to do so would be contrary to the trades descriptions act and potentially fraudulent

I;m not sure but the clubs may have copyrighted the titles.
May 9, 2015
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hi thanks ,,its a cl site booked through caravan club but it doesn't say chemical waste as i am going to be there for 10 days or more i thought i might need it ;)
Dec 7, 2010
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Even this basic C&MC CL at £6 a night had a water tap and toilet empty point, granted you just lifted an adapted manhole cover very easy, just take a watering can with water to rinse out and for re-charging with toilet fluid.

Oct 12, 2013
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Hi we have only once stop on a cl site , very basic, but great views, like an earlier reply said, you just lifted the manhole at the edge of the field and in went your :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :unsure: , there was no showers No toilets , and a tap for the water but still a great weekend £7 per night !!
Nov 16, 2015
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We have stayed on mostly cl/cs sites, they are great, not the very basic ones, and the folk staying are normally a bit more social than on the CandMHC. Sites. Who sometimes seem to a bit offish.
Mar 14, 2005
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robf1234 said:
...but i do get a hook up...,

Is that a rhetorical question, or are you asking if the site has a hookup?

If you want to know if the sites has hook up's, then you'd best ask the site, . If you're asking if you'll need one for a 10 day stop, I'd guess that unless you have a solar panel, the answer is likely you will need an EHU.
May 7, 2012
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Most have hook ups but you need to check the handbook or web information where it confirms the facilities. I have not heard of any being taken out but other things can be added without them being shown.
Nov 11, 2009
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CL/CS are good alternatives to the main stream club or commercial sites. As others have said they can vary from basic to excellent facilities. They also provide good opportunies for overnight stops en route. Last week we were due to move from Cairngorms across to Oban but the west coast weather forecast looked grim so I tried to book at C&CC sites near Alnwick and they had no vacancies. So now we are on a nice CS with showers and toilets in a spacious site with wide ranging views. Just rang the lady to confirm availability and that was it. We mix our visits between main sites and CL/CS and whilst some are not overly cheap we do like the locations and relaxed atmosphere.
May 9, 2015
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hi it has 10 amp hook up ,,the reason i picked the site is its 3 mils from st Andrews where i am working for 10 days so thought as i am not going to be there all day why pay for the amenity's that i wont be using in a club site ..
Nov 11, 2009
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One thing you need to look out for when arriving at a CS/CL are ground conditions especially if it's been wet, or likely to be wet. In four stays at three different sites near Penrith I've had difficulty three times in getting off of the site, even though I take care when pitching. This is with three different 4WD on of which had AT tyres and diff locks. We stayed in Penrith last night heading home and despite piching where it looked okay there was a lot of rain on already soft ground. When I got out of the van to walk the dogs this morning the water oozed out of the ground. I got the van off using a combination of mover, grip tracks and the cars fwd system. But we got quite muddy and and the outfit looked as if it had been on an off-road trip. At Stafford Services I felt a bit of an interloper parked up amongst the pristine vans around me. Had I been unable to get off the site the fall back was a tow rope to my front towing eye onto the towball of a nice V8 Jeep! As they say in the Scouts " Be prepared "
May 9, 2015
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hi thanks clive i never thought about that ,,i do have an audi allroad with mud and snow tyres fitted so if i cant get it off ,the place is a working farm,so they might have to get the tractor out ,, :(
Nov 11, 2009
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robf1234 said:
hi thanks clive i never thought about that ,,i do have an audi allroad with mud and snow tyres fitted so if i cant get it off ,the place is a working farm,so they might have to get the tractor out ,, :(

My SUV with AT tyres wouldn't pull the van off of one site in Penrith after the farmer mowed the grass and it then rained heavily. My XC70 AWD with its Continental OEM tyres (M&S) rating also failed on another very wet site, and the Superb AWD with its Cross Climates (M&S) also had difficulty yesterday but did achieve it eventually. From my days with a Pajero SWB off road machine there are three things required to achieve motion. Torque, clearance and traction, and road oriented M&S tyres don't have the grip to tow when the going gets muddy even with such systems as Haldex/ Quattro etc. Perhaps I should start to avoid Penrith in Autumn? Good luck and don't forget to keep a bottle of red for the farmer.
Jun 20, 2005
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Stayed at a working farm CL 2 miles north of Appleby in West more land. Fully serviced pitches :) 16 amp EHU. Lovely views and miles of fields for the dogs.
Nov 11, 2009
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Dustydog said:
Stayed at a working farm CL 2 miles north of Appleby in West more land. Fully serviced pitches :) 16 amp EHU. Lovely views and miles of fields for the dogs.

What do you mean by "fully serviced", the ones I have stopped at around Penrith were working farms and all had EHU, showers and toilets, but didn't have hardcore/gravel tracks on the routes to and from the pitches as being grass you could pitch up anywhere, which is one of the attractions of CL/CS. But when the weather is less than good getting off can be an "adventure". From our experience of yesterday I think that the two MHs that were there would have had a significant problem with their weight and 2wd.


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