Cordless Drill for Lowering Legs

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Jun 11, 2012
Im a real lazy sod I have a drill to wind my steadies down and up I also have a thirteen year old dughter that will join in setting up on site.
I do ask myself how many more times will she want to go on holiday with us.I like to be practical I have a drill 14.4 volts still full of charge and not been used since September.There is certain Gent posted on here that appears to be somebody that likes to wind others up and I bet he has a mover on his van ,I dont on my twin axle I learned to reverse it properly and fail to see the need for one .
Sir Roger.
Mar 8, 2009
I can also reverse my caravan, and put it virtually anywhere, but not at home where it is parked nose to a fence so the door is available for accesss. So I guess (even you Sir Roger) the best couldn't get it in that position by reversing it on the car! Hence motor mover.
Mar 14, 2005
Gabsgrandad said:
I can also reverse my caravan, and put it virtually anywhere, but not at home where it is parked nose to a fence so the door is available for accesss. So I guess (even you Sir Roger) the best couldn't get it in that position by reversing it on the car! Hence motor mover.

With the Alko wheel clamp its a godsend to have a mover
Even a cordless drill is no use for lining it up
The mover and cordless drill has enabled many old or infirm caravanners to carry on longer thus ensuring less available places on sites for the more omnipotent
Jun 11, 2012
Gabsgrandad and WJG sorry that comment wasnt meant to be offensive I was having a go at some pompous person making sad comments in a previous post
Sir Roger
Aug 4, 2004
ZeGecko said:
Hee hee hee
On a serious note, a battery drill and using it as a caravan steady or peg winder is just plain lazy in most cases, there is nothing eco friendly about the use of such a gadget.
Get the kids away from the PlayStation and Ipad and get them out in the healthy open air on a campsite where lazy adults can't even wind a brace or hit a tent peg as it takes a little effort
If you are feeling so energetic, next time you can wind down our steadies with the brace as both of us suffer with arthritis. Does your car have power steering, power brakes etc?
Jun 11, 2012
Thanks Surfer well put .Im afarid my post was taken a liitle out of context by Gabsgrandad and WJG I was trying to put across the fact that somebody who joined this Forum two weeks ago and doesnt know any of us and has the cheek to call us lazy. I feel those remarks were unjustified
Mar 14, 2005
QuoteGabsgrandad and WJG sorry

Gabsgrandad and WJG sorry that comment wasnt meant to be offensive I was having a go at some pompous person making sad comments in a previous post
Sir Roger

Hi Sir Roger
No offence was taken by me
Just harmless banter
Sad and pompous abound
I though a reincarnation had occured(not you !)
Nov 4, 2007
Cheap cordless drill problem solved.
Buy a £10 12volt cordless drill from B & Q (or any other value retailer!). Remove battery and solder a lead to the drill battery connections. Fit crocodile clips to the other end of the lead and use the caravan battery. Make sure you get the polarity right or you'll damage the electronics of the drill. Fit an in line fuse near the positive crocodile clip.
Nov 11, 2009
Wouldn’t the drills own battery suffice for a trip. Leg winding doesn’t take that much power. Accessing my battery box and getting to the terminals would render your idea a non starter. I’ve gone back to manual recently as after N years doing it manually my period using a drill didn’t seem worth the effort of carting it around.
Oct 12, 2013
Many years i have used the manual way off putting the legs down but in the last 6 months started using my drill . It stays with the van and for the time it takes to put the legs down itll be getting used all the time !!
Apr 19, 2017
I wouldn't be without my battery drill/leg-winder :p I would take the drill anyway's surprising how often I use it as a drill....especially on long overwinter stays.. Don't forget the charger though! .... even if not used much, the NiCd or NiMH batteries in cheaper/older drills have a high self-discharge rate and won't be much use after a couple of months.
Jul 20, 2016
I have just got a cheap drill driver from B&Q that i use. If it can drill holes in brick, them i am pretty sure it can put 4 legs down & 4 back up again without needing a charge surely?


Nov 12, 2009
The batteries on this thread seem to be lasting well! It was started 5 years and 7 months ago, and revived by somebody who has never posted before. Spam merchants often try their luck first on old topics to see if we notice them :unsure:
Mar 14, 2005
A good way to increase battery life is to keep the screws in the steady legs clean and well lubricated.
Apr 19, 2017
RayS said:
A good way to increase battery life is to keep the screws in the steady legs clean and well lubricated.

You must be psychic :eek:hmy: I have just spent an hour under the 'van doing just that....along with the other routine checks. (Perfect day here in in the South .....but you never know how long 'till the next one!).
Nov 16, 2015
Yes lovely day in R. Milton keynes as well ,thought might be going out next weekend with friend who have just bought a new caravan, but taking over three weeks for a dealer to get the ex display model ready.
A bit over the top timewise.
As I got our van from the showroom to towaway, in 5 days , at Caravanland , before they went bust. Back in 2013.
Forgot the.. thread, our new vaner said no they give us a handle to wind the legs down. . Bet he goes back to the shop.


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