Thanks for all replies
Can i remove the threaded rod without removing the whole steady, Havn't look at doing this, if i could do that i am shure i can, or an engineer shop can streaghten it. I could then look at fixing the steady to the shassis some how and not have to try and remove it. It only needs to be help up from dropping down.
Yes, refer to the link I gave in post #2, and re linked here for you,
You only need to knock out the roll pin that secures a collar on the leadscrew so it is free to wind itself out.
IMO you don't need to disturb the steady mount simply because its fixing nuts rotate.
That the whole steady assembly might not be tightly held does not alter its function, in use, it only "pushes upwards", something that does not require its fixing to be tightly secured. In the final analysis the steady fixing bolts only ensure the steady remains there and is correctly located, ready to be used!
In post #12 I suggested if the nuts are that lose the whole thing is rattling about fretting then jamming something between the nut and the steady can fix that issue.
Here I would file down a scrap of steel plate, I had shaped as a twin pronged fork, into a fine wedge; such that each leg of that fork slides between the nut and steady base taking up the offending clearance.
That is, tighten up that fixing by using another technique other than its screwed thread.
If the wedge it long enough a hole drill in its tail allows that to be fixed from coming out by a screw to the van's floor or into the steadies mounting plate. Also, if on assembly the wedge is wet with "Lock tight", "Permabond" or even just an oil-based paint, it is likely to fix it in place without any other securing.
IMO struggling to remove a nut where its bolt is free to turn will often simply increase the freedom of that fixing.
Way better if as here the bolt head can't be accessed. or the bolt replaced without leagues more invasive work, seek to achieve another solution to tighten the fixing. Particularly here where the bolting serves only to effectivly transport the steady about and locate it, playing little if any in use load carrying.