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Jul 15, 2008
Regarding deposits............I think you will find that all UK campsites will be closing down for the foreseeable future and they will have to honor paid deposits and hold them over to a future date.
They won't have any option but to do this owing to pier pressure from sites that are already adopting this policy and the huge ensuing outcry if sites simply bank the money.
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Nov 12, 2009
We had a fortnight at Polmanter Touring Park in Cornwall booked for May.
I paid a £90 deposit with the balance due next week but we decided to cancel the holiday.
Polmanter have kindly agreed to keep the deposit against a yet to be arranged future date this year or next, but I'd have still cancelled if it had meant a lost deposit.
I don't want to over dramatise things but our lives are worth more to us than ninety quid.
Sep 5, 2016
I've just seen a video of a gentleman with coroana virus it's not a nice to watch if it was shown on TV I think it would certainly keep people in doors,
Feb 15, 2020
my site has closed as we thought, and they have agreed to move our booking to the same time next year. Yes credit card company could have done a refund but we wanted to go and this way we still can look forward to a break early next year already paid for.😊
Sep 5, 2016
I've just seen a video of a gentleman with coroana virus it's not a nice to watch if it was shown on TV I think it would certainly keep people in doors,
Just seen a news report that Linda Lusardi and her husband both have corona virus,. this virus is serious I'm even thinking about my trip to Sainsburys on Thursday just hope my face masks arrive,
Mar 14, 2005
Yes it’s no different to door handles, grab rails on buses etc. I find gently rinsing your hands with the last few millilitres will clean them nicely. It also saves using the antibacterial wipes kept in the car.;)
Very hilarious o_O

But actually its probably better than the antibacterial wipes, becasue the virus's cell case is rapidly degraded by alcohols and similar spirits. :mask:
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Mar 14, 2005
During this crisis, we cannot even take a leaf out of the wartime action of shipping the children to safer locations, Where as the action during the war was primarily in built up and industrial area's. with this virus its potentially anywhere and everywhere.

I don't appologise for my earlier warnings and I am incredibly fearful for my wife who has multiple conditions all of which Covid-19 seems to so easily overwhelm.

I'm sure there must be others in the caravanning community with equally poor health who like me must be finding it hard to contemplate the what the future will bring.


Mar 17, 2007
Thank you Prof. It is a scary time. Anyone who isn’t afraid does not understand the gravity of the situation we are in. I believe that as the case numbers and death tolls mounts; the gravity of the situation will become all too clear.
Stay safe, Stay positive, look out for each other.
Nov 11, 2009
Can domestic animals or horses get corona virus
Not seen any reports of transmission to or from in this epidemic. But such viruses do transfer between animal to humans IE MERS, Swine Fever and Avian flu. But as dogs and horses don’t seem to harbour such viruses it would have to come from an infective source probably in the wild population of a species.
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Jun 20, 2005
Check out Zoonosis. The answer is yes for a lot of previous virus but Covid-19 is yet to be proven. Generally our domestic animals are on the balance of probabilities not going to pass it on to us. However just remember this all started I an animal market in Wuhan, probably from eating or handling bats.
As a dog owner I have seen nothing ,including talking to our vet, that gives me cause for concern with our domestic pet. I can say this with some confidence. Kizzy has been very ill recently. Three vets have all told me it is highly unlikely my dogs will get this virus before me. Be warned I cannot give you a cast iron guarantee but am reassured by what I have heard.
Sep 5, 2016
Not seen any reports of transmission to or from in this epidemic. But such viruses do transfer between animal to humans IE MERS, Swine Fever and Avian flu. But as dogs and horses don’t seem to harbour such viruses it would have to come from an infective source probably in the wild population of a species.
I live very close to a military dog kennels I think two hundred at the last count , also when I was out on my bike ride this morning I came across four massive horse boxes it was the Household cavalry troopers and horses being moved up to the Remount depot in sunny MM from London,
Mar 14, 2005
There is no way to sugar coat this

It is understood that Covid-19 did jump species from an animal (probably bats) to humans somewhere in China. If it has jumped once, there is a possibility that as it evolves it might jump again.
Sep 5, 2016
I don't think it came from planet earth if it did then it is man made from a germ warfare lab,. Mufon scientist and others involved in ufology in the US have discovered in the past droplets in the high atmosphere these droplets are not from planet earth and on examination in a lab are certainly not made from anything on this planet could theycontain corona virus, we are certainly not alone and sooner governments of the world tell the truth then we are just in limbo, if this virus is from bats or whatever animal why now,
Sep 26, 2018

Very interesting, and a well described article. For me one of the interesting things is that the virus binds to human cells via the ACE (angiotensin conversion enzyme) receptor, which is where ACE inhibitor drugs bind to human cells to reduce things like blood pressure.

(This is my PERSONAL interpretation, I have no biomedical qualification, just worked with the Pharma industry for about 10 years)
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Nov 11, 2009
I don't think it came from planet earth if it did then it is man made from a germ warfare lab,. Mufon scientist and others involved in ufology in the US have discovered in the past droplets in the high atmosphere these droplets are not from planet earth and on examination in a lab are certainly not made from anything on this planet could theycontain corona virus, we are certainly not alone and sooner governments of the world tell the truth then we are just in limbo, if this virus is from bats or whatever animal why now,

I guess to some the US and/or aliens were also responsible for the Black Death, Spanish Flu, Asian flu, Avian flu , SARS, MERs etc. Why then?

There’s been viruses around for aeons this one has hit the headlines because the world is far more globalised than even when SARS was around, and it’s a nasty one too.
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Sep 5, 2016
I don't think it came from planet earth if it did then it is man made from a germ warfare lab,. Mufon scientist and others involved in ufology in the US have discovered in the past droplets in the high atmosphere these droplets are not from planet earth and on examination in a lab are certainly not made from anything on this planet could theycontain corona virus, we are certainly not alone and sooner governments of the world tell the truth then we are just in limbo, if this virus is from bats or whatever animal why now,
I guess to some the US and/or aliens were also responsible for the Black Death, Spanish Flu, Asian flu, Avian flu , SARS, MERs etc. Why then?

There’s been viruses around for aeons this one has hit the headlines because the world is far more globalised than even when SARS was around, and it’s a nasty one too.
Why. not I would go along with you explanation,
Mar 14, 2005
Whilst understanding where Covid-19 originated may help a bit, it's not going to radically change the way we have to deal with it.

The world has seen many viral pandemics throughout its history, it's even one possibility for the demise of the dinosaurs.

What we know about viruses (which admittedly is not everything there is to know) is that like all other forms of life on Earth they evolve, and from time to time one variation may prove to be highly successful and develop into a strain capable of pandemic expansion.

I do not rule out the possibility of alien influences or all seeing and powerful gods, but on the evidence I have seen so far I think it is far more likely to Darwin's old lady mother nature.


Mar 17, 2007
Whilst understanding where Covid-19 originated may help a bit, it's not going to radically change the way we have to deal with it.

what it might change is human behaviour in animal husbandry and sale. It seems possible that the virus jumped from one animal species ( possibly bats) to another species that bats would not normally be in close contact with. Then it jumped into human population. Messing with the natural order has come back to bite us.
Nov 11, 2009
Just had a delivery of hand sanitizer gel from an established manufacturer. The H&S advice is “avoid contact with skin and eyes. 😱

PS just done a test and it certainly has excellent flammability using two old J cloths. It smells fine and leaves a smooth light coating on skin. Of which I still have plenty left on my hands. Looking at ads around the bazaars they too show a similar H&S warning. So I won’t be using it as a facial moisturiser.
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