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Nov 16, 2015
Amazing what you can achieve when not slumming it in the caravan.🤪🤪🤪🤪

We have a Coachman , so no slumming it in there.
Nov 11, 2009
What is interesting is the term “flu” which has been used as a generic term for over five years from a statistical point of view . UK average annual deaths over the last five years are 17000 pa. Will Corona virus beat this? Is it just another “flu”virus? We shall see.
On a brighter note the lockdown has been a blessing in disguise. Two days on both our cars have been very deep cleaned polished paying specific attention to detailing. I have to say they both look like they have come out of the showroom. Amazing what you can achieve when not slumming it in the caravan.🤪🤪🤪🤪
When I took the dogs out today I saw so many clean cars and folks cleaning cars. The British have rediscovered an ancient hobby that was taken over by drive in hand scratch washes. Mine got done two weeks ago and now needs another wash due to the atmospheric dust laying on it.
Mar 30, 2020
When I took the dogs out today I saw so many clean cars and folks cleaning cars. The British have rediscovered an ancient hobby that was taken over by drive in hand scratch washes. Mine got done two weeks ago and now needs another wash due to the atmospheric dust laying on it.
Mine should be ok i have giant mask covering it, just in case
Nov 16, 2015
I have promised myself to get the car out of the garage and sort out my 3 tool boxes and work bench. All old paint already gone, just need new carpets now. They will have to wait I suppose.
Nov 11, 2009
"It's not on to wear a mask and then decide to take it off to smoke a cigarette or eat a meal - it must be worn full time," he said.

The above is a quote from Prof Heyman of MIT who‘s recent research seem to support wearing a mask. Whilst I’m not a smoker I do feel that eating can be beneficial to my well being. Perhaps phase 2 of the research my help solve the conundrum of eating whilst wearing a mask. :angry:
Mar 14, 2005
Someone has mentioned smoking, It has occured to me that we have been told that Covid-19 is believed to be spread on droplets of exhaled water vapour, and these will fall to the ground within about 2M.

I'm a non smoker, but if the wind is in the right direction, I have often noticed that I can be 10M or more away from someone who is smoking, and I can smell the exhaled tobacco or the vaping fumes. This could mean the present 2M separation advice is wholly inadequate.
Sep 5, 2016
Before the smoking ban I hadmore arguments with smokers about their filthy habit, last week a spotted this young woman with *** in hand a d I was meters away and I could still smell the filth she was smoking, don't get me going on vapouring that is even worst than smoking,
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Mar 30, 2020
Someone has mentioned smoking, It has occured to me that we have been told that Covid-19 is believed to be spread on droplets of exhaled water vapour, and these will fall to the ground within about 2M.

I'm a non smoker, but if the wind is in the right direction, I have often noticed that I can be 10M or more away from someone who is smoking, and I can smell the exhaled tobacco or the vaping fumes. This could mean the present 2M separation advice is wholly inadequate.
Droplets my well fall to the ground but a leading virologist in South Korea has stated that the smaller particles called aerosols just drift in the air like steam or like all the silly people who are going around jogging and breathing out aerosols, havnt they ever seen someones breath on a winters day, or even better than that, the american guy who started the jogging craze died while jogging at the age of 52. My daughters neighbour is in his fifties and fit(so he thought) and he goes jogging up and down hills and rides 80miles , he has had two heart attacks...

Now where is my armchair and slippers.
Jun 20, 2005
I’m with the Prof. I did smoke many many years ago but am a confirmed non smoker. Ifind the stink of cig smoke and vapours abhorrent. Yes I can smell it easily more than two metres away. Best continue self isolating and steer clear of people.
Mar 14, 2005
Some what ironic but also worrying, the WHO this lunch time are now saying that infected droplets can remain airborne for considerably greater distances than was first suggested, and now saying the wearing of face masks may afford some additional protection


Mar 17, 2007
Without wishing to be too contentious, surely the only way out of this ( in the absence of a vaccine) IS for lots of people to get it. That has to happen slow enough for the NHS to cope and whilst keeping the vulnerable from it. The point of the lockdown is not to stop us getting it, but to stop us all getting it at the same time. The key to the kingdom will be mass testing to find out who has had it and is therefore immune, because until those numbers are high enough, none of us are going anywhere.
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Sep 5, 2016
When I went to the shops this morning. I did wear a face mask for the first time but the problem was my glasses kept steaming up I have to packets of polish sausage if someone wants them, could not see a thing,
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Jun 20, 2005
Very interesting Mel. Herding immunity is certainly a possible solution. But I believe it was dismissed by the boffins at PHE and Harvard University. They dismissed it on the basis it would wipe out most of our senior citizens , including me! You may recall Herding was the first idea put forward by the boffins a few weeks ago. Looking at Italy and Spain our guys did a complete u turn and abandoned Herding.
Mel you be proven correct in the long run . I suspect there is still a massive learning curve changing daily. Stay safe 👍👍
Nov 11, 2009
Very interesting Mel. Herding immunity is certainly a possible solution. But I believe it was dismissed by the boffins at PHE and Harvard University. They dismissed it on the basis it would wipe out most of our senior citizens , including me! You may recall Herding was the first idea put forward by the boffins a few weeks ago. Looking at Italy and Spain our guys did a complete u turn and abandoned Herding.
Mel you be proven correct in the long run . I suspect there is still a massive learning curve changing daily. Stay safe 👍👍
Interesting that the news doesn’t report the Netherlands or Sweden who are taking a different approach akin to herding. But Germany is not happy with the approach given the close relationships across the border.

PS came across this link. Seems Netherlands started to introduce more restrictive measures.
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Mar 17, 2007
I don’t think the “herd” principle has been abandoned. I think it has just been put into very slow motion so that the NHS is not overwhelmed. If they can get the flow of cases down to manageable levels, and treatment options including ventilators and meds at high enough levels then allowing the virus to slowly spread is the only way forward, until we have a vaccine. There is a chance that it will spontaneously disappear, ( mutate down to being almost harmless) which is what happened with Spanish flu, but we don’t know that it will. The average number of deaths from seasonal flu is variable but according to public health England the average in the 5 years from 2014/15 was 17,000 Per annum. If we let Covid 19 “loose” we may well get more than this, but a slow spread may mean less. However we cannot escape the fact that a model of a virus spreading through the population and killing thousands of older people already exists.
I am not saying that this is a good thing and we certainly can’t let Covid19 loose. ( I work for the NHS, but not front line and I know how bad it is. ) Just saying that there is not a palatable escape route at present.
Drink anyone?
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Mar 14, 2005
The UK's initial approach was to try and develop a herd immunity, unfortunately the virus has proven to be more virile than had been hoped, and the softly softly approach was not containing the infection, meaning it was necessary to clamp down.

The major problem is there is a perception that young fit people are likely to survive it without major difficulties and this has led to complacency. Unfortunately it seems to be so much more risky for older and infirm people.

The concept of developing a herd immunity is to reduce the number of recipients in close vicinity for the virus to be passed onto. In theory this will make it harder for the virus to spread and it should mean infection rates should diminish, and eventually stop even though there are still potential victims still uninfected.

What seems to have happened is Covid-19 is two fold, Firstly once infected a person can carry and spread infection for possibly 4 days before they start to feel ill. And secondly it has proven more resilient and persistent, meaning the pathogen can remain active on surfaces for longer than was expected, and more people can latently pick up the infection.

I am very concerned because there will be people who have stopped at home and do have the virus. Some people get very mild symptoms and may not notice they actually have the infection, consequently they will socialise with other members of the household, and the virus finds another victim. This prolongs the infection. As controls are relaxed it almost certain the virus will break out again for a second phase, and presumably similar recurrences will happen a number of times until there are no more potential victims.

Unfortunately those who have managed to remain virus free throughout this first or subsequent waves will still be just as vulnerable.

Each phase should see fewer infections, and the and eventually the herd immunity will cause the virus to die out. If a vaccine becomes widely available this will be the most effective way to eradicate the Virus sooner.

I note on the news yesterday that the medication used in the Ebola outbreak has been reported to show some effect, but how much use it may have will have to be seen.
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Jun 20, 2005
What a load of garbage. Extreme politics isn’t welcome at such times or any other time.
Get a grip man. We’ve had doomsday merchants before. Not on this site please. We are all positive and optimistic in the face of adversity.
Plus my mum is 94 and not up for your proposals of life termination. Can we all please be positive.


Mar 14, 2005
Having seen the post , now deleted, I will only say this once.

Any more posts like that will result in the immediate termination of the users access to the Forum for life.

That kind of diatribe is most certainly not tolerated on the PC Forum.

Fortunately the original poster removed the post before I did, but I do have the ability to see what is deleted.
Jun 20, 2005
Having seen the post , now deleted, I will only say this once.

Any more posts like that will result in the immediate termination of the users access to the Forum for life.

That kind of diatribe is most certainly not tolerated on the PC Forum.

Fortunately the original poster removed the post before I did, but I do have the ability to see what is deleted.
Thank you Damian.👍👍👏👏
Mar 14, 2005
I was shocked to see OC's comment following my last post. I did not think my post was politically charged. It was only after reading down the posts I see that a complete post has been deleted.

As the thread has been left, it suggests that OC's comment is about my post. Is there any way when a post is removed, that a trace is left to show an entry was made, such as an explanation at the point where the post was removed to retain the flow of the thread?
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Mar 14, 2005
NO, a removed post will not have anything left , that is why it is removed.
To make an assumption about why a post was posted is a rash thing to do, and in fact it had nothing to do with your post.
It was quite clear that the offending post had been removed, so it is obvious that it was not yours.


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