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Nov 11, 2009
Best wear surgical gloves before using the gel🤪🤪🤪
Excellent idea. One can’t be too careful. Got some yesterday supplied by a local cleaning company. Free too. Not a gel but liquid sanitiser. So we will just pour some onto a dryish wipe to clean down handles etc. They will get the carpet cleaning work when this storm abates. So much alcohol and not a drop to drink. Installing sprinkler system is now on to do list.
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Nov 16, 2015
I threw away, all my old paint and SWMBO, told me before the CV hit, fully, we will get the garden sorted out before painting the doors. So no paint.
I can now make a start on clearing out the garage, trouble is, I don't think a run to the local tip is allowed. Just have to bag it, and wait until travel permits.


Mar 14, 2005
I don't think a run to the local tip is allowed.

Our local tip is closed as they cannot guarantee the safe distancing, and just as the lockdown was going to be imposed they had never seen so many people dumping rubbish .
I have a couple of trailers full of stuff do get rid of, but the garden is looking quite good so far !!!

The only problem I can forsee is a rise in fly tipping, but time will tell.
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Sep 4, 2017
If the dreaded COVID does not kill me ... My wife's "To Do" list will. No place to hide what with this lockdown!
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Jun 20, 2005
I’ve washed my hands so many times now they are sore and needing SWMBO hand cream.
🤪. All this DIY is amazing😎😎😎
May 7, 2012
It will take more than a run to the tip to clear our garage out and its closed anyway so I am excused that job.
Sep 5, 2016
Police on the Devon border stopped a motorhome from Birmingham and turned it round and sent. It back to the midlands because of the corona virus, don't. believe some peopledo they not listen,
Jun 20, 2005
I wonder why Germany has one of the highest number of cases but a very low death rate compared to other countries?


Mar 17, 2007
I wonder why Germany has one of the highest number of cases but a very low death rate compared to other countries?
They test more. In this country we are only testing people going to hospital. They are therefore the most ill. The death rate is the percentage of the tested cases. If we tested more people the percentage of deaths would fall.
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Nov 11, 2009
I wonder why Germany has one of the highest number of cases but a very low death rate compared to other countries?

One thing that they instigated was wider testing. There’s a picture in a recent Der Spiegal showing a massive drive in testing center. They were initially quite concerned at a shortage of intensive care staff. Reputed to be 17000 and also as their hospitals tend to have a large private sector they were more geared to carrying out surgical procedures that bring in income and were initially reluctant to consider patients with respiratory conditions. But as far as the statistics it will be some while before the analysis is known.
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Mar 14, 2005
Its very difficult to compare figures from different countries, because of the regime they use for testing for C-19. For example in the UK only people who are admitted to hospital are tested, and as in general they will be the worst cases, the morbidity rate will seem to e high, but these figures miss all those people who may have the virus but are still at home with no or only mild symptoms. What this means is the actual infection rate in the UK is probably quite a bit higher than the figures suggest. If teh true figures were known the UK morbidity rate would very likely be much lower than at present.

The US have been pushing testing, which is probably why their numbers of reported infected people have grown so quickly.
Nov 11, 2009
One thing that they instigated was wider testing. There’s a picture in a recent Der Spiegal showing a massive drive in testing center. They were initially quite concerned at a shortage of intensive care staff. Reputed to be 17000 and also as their hospitals tend to have a large private sector they were more geared to carrying out surgical procedures that bring in income and were initially reluctant to consider patients with respiratory conditions. But as far as the statistics it will be some while before the analysis is known.

The link to Der Spiegel above gives some insights as to how Germany has responded. It’s interesting that there’s no one size fits all as different states have followed different approaches. Also the strict privacy and data laws have created some difficulties. In one action medical kit from Russia was going to be rejected as it did not have a CE marking and conformity papers. German pragmatism decided “so what”.


Mar 17, 2007
There is still a lot to be discovered about this virus. In Italy the death rate is very high. This may be about testing regimes, but it may also be about population characteristics. In Wuhan the median population age was 47. In northern Italy the median age is 67.
If it wasn’t all so awful, it would be fascinating.
Mar 14, 2005
I came across this Royal Institution lecture from 2018 about historical viral infections. In the light of the present crisis, I wonder if any one might be interested in watching it.

It doesn't offer any answers, but it does make some interesting points about how past viruses have affected societies, and what we might expect.

Sadly its not entirely positive, so if your going to be easily upset don't watch it. Its just over 1hor long

Jun 20, 2005
A pattern seems to be emerging imo.
I quote “ The 190 people who died in England in the last day were aged between 39 and 105, the NHS said. All of them had underlying health conditions apart from four, who were aged between 57 and 87”.
It does seem this virus is attacking the vulnerable. My 94 old mum lives alone and we cannot visit her, 200 miles away. Self isolation and social distancing will hopefully protect most of us.
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Jun 17, 2011
Countries that have got on top of it generally suffered in earlier epidemics, South Korea and Singapore for example. They were ready with testing kit and chemicals because of what had happened before. In 2016 an expert group in this country made recommendations about future viral attacks but they were never implemented. One problem apparently is that people self isolating tend to get bored and wander out. I have read that the Chinese put people into supervised isolation , but these were known to have the virus. By my age I’m considered vulnerable and am trying to be very careful to avoid exposure to it until we’ve got more ventilators and hopefully know which drugs might work. Hoping there will be some summer left so we can get towing again. Ona positive note I’ve noticed a massive increase in video clips circulating that make me laugh. Saw one this morning with Ronnie Corbett in fruit shop complaining about his raspberry. People have time to find them.
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Mar 14, 2005
As it stands, we are trying to deal with a virus and sadly we have been unable to find any medicine that presently reduces the Covod 19 infection. We need specific antibodies created by our immune systems, and those can only be created if we are exposed to a pathogen with same signature as Covid 19.

All we can do is treat and relieve the secondary symptoms. It's also unfortunate that one of the most common side effects of the virus is to cause a pneumonia reaction. Obviously those people with impaired lung functions will be more vulnerable and those with an impaired immune system may not react quick enough to overpower the infection.

For those that are capable of surviving being infected, the prospect is good, as yet there is no evidence of secondary infections, suggesting our bodies can prevent a secondary attack. However whilst a person may not become ill, they may still be able to carry the infection to others.

Until we have a vaccine , the only way we have of preventing unexposed people from contracting the virus is to isolate to prevent contact with the infection.

If and when infection rates fall under the present regime, when isolation is relaxed, I expect to see future pockets of cross infections arising and those that are vulnerable now and able to avoid infection will be just as vulnerable then.

We all need to continue to be cautious. And I salute all those peopel who are working hard to keep the rest of us safe, and especially those who are working with the sick and infectious.

Jun 20, 2005
Spot on with Antibodies.
I am convinced there are people around the world including U.K. who have had Covid-19 since November 2019. I and my wife are two. The virus was only identified in December. The corollary is simple, people had it before final discovery. We are waiting for our doctor to test us for antibodies. There appears to be a reticence to accept this virus was present prior to the Chinese declaration.
Meanwhile I believe our boffins and manufacturing companies have performed brilliantly. There a number of ventilators available, eg Dyson and a few Universities. Hope for us all I hope. Generally I find people taking the self distancing seriously as are the supermarkets today. My home diy is going better than I ever dreamed👍👍
Nov 11, 2009
Spot on with Antibodies.
I am convinced there are people around the world including U.K. who have had Covid-19 since November 2019. I and my wife are two. The virus was only identified in December. The corollary is simple, people had it before final discovery. We are waiting for our doctor to test us for antibodies. There appears to be a reticence to accept this virus was present prior to the Chinese declaration.
Meanwhile I believe our boffins and manufacturing companies have performed brilliantly. There a number of ventilators available, eg Dyson and a few Universities. Hope for us all I hope. Generally I find people taking the self distancing seriously as are the supermarkets today. My home diy is going better than I ever dreamed👍👍
I’d be very interested in the results of your antibody tests. As my daughter, son and his partner all had similar symptoms back in late January following a family lunch out a week or so earlier. Jokingly we all blamed my wife who had not long before arrived back from Malaysia with a hacking cough.
Mar 14, 2005
I would be sceptical if you had Covid 19 in November, principally because the crisis has shown how virulent it is, and if there had been people infected at that time like yourselves, I am certain we would have seen the start of the epidemic sooner in the UK and elsewhere.

At any one time there are multiple viruses circulating, and many will exhibit as a cough or cold, but most have far less serious consequences than Covid 19. It's most likely you will have had one of these lesser infections.
Jun 20, 2005
What is interesting is the term “flu” which has been used as a generic term for over five years from a statistical point of view . UK average annual deaths over the last five years are 17000 pa. Will Corona virus beat this? Is it just another “flu”virus? We shall see.
On a brighter note the lockdown has been a blessing in disguise. Two days on both our cars have been very deep cleaned polished paying specific attention to detailing. I have to say they both look like they have come out of the showroom. Amazing what you can achieve when not slumming it in the caravan.🤪🤪🤪🤪
Mar 30, 2020
What is interesting is the term “flu” which has been used as a generic term for over five years from a statistical point of view . UK average annual deaths over the last five years are 17000 pa. Will Corona virus beat this? Is it just another “flu”virus? We shall see.
On a brighter note the lockdown has been a blessing in disguise. Two days on both our cars have been very deep cleaned polished paying specific attention to detailing. I have to say they both look like they have come out of the showroom. Amazing what you can achieve when not slumming it in the caravan.🤪🤪🤪🤪
May be someone watch the film and thought..... but as you say...We have two cars, my wifes car is now sorn, washed, polished and will be cleaned tomorrow. LOL...
Jan 3, 2012
We also cancelled a break coming up soon the deposit was kept but can be use in 12 months time we thought that was great ..


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