Country leisure enigma spi OH46000

Apr 17, 2024
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Hi all,

We recently moved into a stat8c n seem to be having issues with the oven and the grill in our oven. They both have really low flames regardless of setting n seem to take 3 x the amount of required time to cook.

All the jets are clear and I've done the usual, check gas is open properly, checked there's no debris around the jets etc. I don't think its been well looked after as the ignition wouldn't work as the metal by the ignition had been pushed on to it so wouldn't work until adjusted.

I'm hoping it's something simple and not a case of new oven but we're completely new to this living AND gas ovens, we've always had electric.

Anyway, thanks for reading the essay, any help greatly appreciated!!


Mar 17, 2007
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Hi gemmington. Welcome to the forum. The bad news this is that this is primarily a touring caravan forum, and whilst you are very welcome, the advice we can give may be limited. Is your gas from a bottled source, or is it on a site where it is sent in from central storage tanks. The reason I ask is if it is from Calor bottles, the issue of low pressure may be due to the regulator, rather than the oven. Do you have suitable gas flow on the gas rings, gas fire, or any other appliance? Good luck
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello gemmington,

Forgive me becasue I do not know if you are trying to compare caravan gas appliances with those in a normal house. Unfortunately most of the light weight appliances fitted in statics do take considerably longer compared to a normal domestic appliance. So perhaps your expectations are not realistic.

However if you have any concerns about the performance or the safety of a gas appliance then you should seek the assistance of a professional registered LPG fitter.

If you are renting the caravan, then it is the responsibility of the owner to ensure the gas and electric systems are inspected annually and are working correctly, and you should have a copy of the inspection certificate. If you suspect a problem you should contact your land lord.

If you own the caravan and it is in full time domestic habitation, again you MUST use a qualified LPG fitter to carry out any removal, maintenance or repairs on gas system or appliances.
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Apr 17, 2024
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ah OK. That would make sense. This is my first time living in a static AND using a gas oven so it could be unrealistic expectations. How would I find out? I'm guessing you tube. I will speak with my landlord n find out.

Thsnk you for taking the time to reply to us
Apr 17, 2024
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Hi gemmington. Welcome to the forum. The bad news this is that this is primarily a touring caravan forum, and whilst you are very welcome, the advice we can give may be limited. Is your gas from a bottled source, or is it on a site where it is sent in from central storage tanks. The reason I ask is if it is from Calor bottles, the issue of low pressure may be due to the regulator, rather than the oven. Do you have suitable gas flow on the gas rings, gas fire, or any other appliance? Good luck
Hi, thsnk you for replying! ... I apologise, this was the only place i could find information.

Our gas is on a bottle n direct to our home.

Regulator? Where would I find that.

Apologies, we are incredibly green!!.

We do find the shower goes hot n cold so Regulator does make sense as that would also be affected right??

Thank you for taking the time to reply
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi, thsnk you for replying! ... I apologise, this was the only place i could find information.

Our gas is on a bottle n direct to our home.

Regulator? Where would I find that.

Apologies, we are incredibly green!!.

We do find the shower goes hot n cold so Regulator does make sense as that would also be affected right??

Thank you for taking the time to reply
Whilst the forum does principally deal with touring caravans and motor caravans, it doesn't mean we won't help if we can with Statics and mobile homes.

However there are different elements of the gas regulations that cover mobile homes, Static Caravans, rented accomodation, and full time living, and where they're concerned normal touring caravan practices are not acceptable.

For your information, all the gas appliances inside your home require the pressure of the gas to fairly tightly controlled. find a data plate on one of the appliances and it will tell you what pressure of gas it expects to receive. If it's less than 25 years old it will probably call for 30mBar Propane, but if its older it might say 37mBar Propane.

The regulators job is to accept gas vapour at cylinder pressure (which varies depending on temperature) and reduce it to 30 or 37mbar before releasing it into the caravans pipework.
Regulators can take several different forms:-


Some are fixed to the caravan, some screw into the top of the cylinder, and some clip onto the cylinder, which you have will depend on the type of cylinders you have.

As for the water temperature going up and down, that has nothing to do with the gas pressure, that will be a result of how the water is controlled coming into your caravan, or the type of heater.

As you rent your caravan, all these points are your landlords responsibility to sort out. Do not start tampering with anything other than the users controls of the appliances unless you are LPG qualified to do so.

I strongly suggest you ask your landlord for help to resolve these issues.
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Mar 14, 2005
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If it's blocked regulator pipe, it's still the landlords responsibility to resolve. I get the impression these issues have been on going since moving in, and thus bearing in mind the weather we have had if it had been a near empty gas cylinder it would have emptied and all appliances stopped working.
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