cracked panel

Mar 30, 2007
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I have had my new eccles jade 4 weeks and have found cracking on the front panel around the grab handle . The agent seems to think sterling will offer a repair and not a new van. Has anyone had a similar problem and what was the outcome, thanks.
Jun 30, 2005
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Peter, according to "Which", under the Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations 2002,the amended law put the onus on the retailer to prove that a fault was not present at the time of purchase, if you complain within 6 months. The onus is wholly with the retailer.

In your case go for it. Did you move the van using that handle, if not it is reasonable to presume that somebody else did before you took it away.

As an after thought why not go back to the dealer and have a casual unannounced look at other vans of the same make and model to see if any have cracking. Good luck.
May 25, 2005
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A grab handle should be fit for purpose. It would appear that the caravan does have a fault. As previously suggested, it is down to the dealer to sort this out. Don't let the dealer fob you off.

From my interpretation of the 'new law' I understood that if the dealer failed to rectify any problems 'within 6 months' of the initial complaint you are entitled to a new replacement caravan. If I am wrong on this point I would appreciate other forum members letting me know.

In the end, if you get nowhere with your complaint tell the dealer you intend taking this up with Trading Standards and are prepared to take it futher if necessary.

Hope you get it sorted out quickly and to your satisfaction.

Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Peter an Ann,

I concur with you that a grab handle should be fit for purpose, and allow you to manoeuvre a caravan without causing damage to panels.

I am an advocate of customers asserting their rights to expect goods to be fully satisfactory, I also advocate that customers should be reasonable about how their difficulty is resolved.

If the fault is unlikely to cause longer term issues, and it is relatively easy to repair, then it is likely to be unreasonable to expect a complete replacement or refund. I think that a cracked caravan panel which can be replaced without further internal damage would fall into this category.

Where the panel has been allowing substantial water ingress, that has affected the internal wall structure, and frames, then the situation is more serious.

As with all such claims, each one should be judged on its merits.


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