Data Protection Act

Mar 14, 2005
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Just to clarify for all those suggesting we have committed a crime of some sort!!

This is a quote from the ICO (Information Commissioner's Office)

"Contravention of the Data Protection Principles is not a criminal offence. The ICO therefore has no powers to punnish the data controller in these circumstances. Only when a data controller fails to comply with the principles once they have been asked to do so, can the Commissioner take further action"

Repeated contraventions may indeed result in the serving of an Enforcement Notice. Failure to comply with an Enforcement Notice is a criminal offence for which the Commissioner can prosecute"

So I hope that clears up point 1

The second point is that I as the "injurred party" was able to use the act to ask for the information we sort.

If what Deborah, Steve et all suggests is true then all Forums would have the potential to become above the law.

They are not.

It was not I who persistantly abused the Forum despite being banned. It was not I that accussed another of being a paedophile.

I told a silly joke that advocated nothing of the sort - quite the opposite in fact.

This was twisted to suit those who had their own agenda.

All we had to do was show this and all we approched were most helpful.

The Data Protection Act is not there to protect the wrongdoer - quite the opposite.

Can we PLEASE put this to rest now?
Jul 12, 2005
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I have no argument with you and personally I think you are taking the right path.

However, I have worked with the information commissioners office and the police in this area and although the item you posted is correct it is also subject to the statutory Document No 21/03 THE DATA PROTECTION (SUBJECT ACCESS MODIFICATION)

Section 4

(1) Personal data to which this Order applies are exempt from section 5 in

any case to the extent to which the application of that section would be likely to cause

serious harm to the physical or mental health or condition of the data subject or any

other person.

I hope you or your company do not have any bad effects after posting on this site. but I would also not like any action you take to be chucked out due to the information being of "questionable" origin.

Good luck

Mar 14, 2005
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Steve - my thanks for this and appologies if my previous responce was innapropriate.

I think I must be getting so used to having "bricks" thrown at me that I need to slow down a bit!!

For me the most telling comment and one that touched me most was from Mark - "thanks for cleaning up the Forum"

We are now off to celebrate the FTSE maintaining 5300 and the reduction in the base rate yesterday. Dull stuff I know but far more interesting than trading "shots" with those who seem to require their own vindication.

Have a good w/e


Aug 5, 2005
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I can't see where you were accused of being a peadophile.

As I remember you said "Ask if they have had sex with a 12 year old"

The other person said that this was "suggesting having sex with a minor"

I can see how this can be read as such.
Mar 14, 2005
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Firstly you quote out of context - it being that the very idea is abhorrent

Secondly you conveniently leave out the fact that realising the "blue" nature of the joke I posted an appoligy at the same time.

For those of us who want this to die down now and let the Forum resume to waht it is designed to do - your input is as useful as a chocolate teapot.

But then, you know that don't you.

As for the accusation it was made twice - we have both on record here but only one is still on the Forum - or at least it was when i last looked.
Mar 14, 2005
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Firstly you quote out of context - it being that the very idea is abhorrent

Secondly you conveniently leave out the fact that realising the "blue" nature of the joke I posted an appoligy at the same time.

For those of us who want this to die down now and let the Forum resume to waht it is designed to do - your input is as useful as a chocolate teapot.

But then, you know that don't you.

As for the accusation it was made twice - we have both on record here but only one is still on the Forum - or at least it was when i last looked.
Clive V,You have to rise to the bait don,t you.Give it all a rest you,ll make yourself ill and they,ll all be laughing at you.The people you are talking to are not worth the trouble they are causing you.Go and have a damn drink up and keep away from this forum for your own sake.Jim
Mar 14, 2005
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Firstly you quote out of context - it being that the very idea is abhorrent

Secondly you conveniently leave out the fact that realising the "blue" nature of the joke I posted an appoligy at the same time.

For those of us who want this to die down now and let the Forum resume to waht it is designed to do - your input is as useful as a chocolate teapot.

But then, you know that don't you.

As for the accusation it was made twice - we have both on record here but only one is still on the Forum - or at least it was when i last looked.
Jim - what you say is undoubtably the most sensible thing to do. But if I have a fault - it is tenacity. If somebody has a "go" at me or takes a pop at someone like Mark who is dyslexic - I WILL take them on.

I do not see it is as rising to the bait. I see it as standing up for what is right. Never been a fan of appeasement.

Totally agree with you about the drink though - Friday pm is still a bit of a blurr after our celebration.