
Aug 4, 2004
Seeing as ther is a thread on dentists, I thought I might as well start one on dentists. Many years ago I used a NHS dentist and that put me off for several years. The next time as I was working I went to see a private dentist and paid heavily for it on the money side but at least it was fairly painless and I felt comfortable.

Unfortunately I got made redundant and a couple months later I had to see the NHS dentist local to us as I had broken a tooth. He capped the tooth and told me to make another appointment for about a week later. Not even an hour later the cap fell out. I still have not been to have the tooth removed as I don't trust the dentist.
Jun 14, 2009
One day you won't have any teeth to go to a dentist about. You could always sell your caravan to fund your private dental visits. I have never had a problem with NHS dentists, but then I have always had regular check-up and don't wait until my teeth are giving me grief.

If you don't trust the dentist find yourself another one and stop moaning!
Feb 17, 2007
Used the same N.H.S. dental practice for over twenty years with no problem. Then the senior partners edged towards private practice leaving N.H.S.patients to the care of ever changing juniors. Nothing wrong with them - just it would be nice to see the same face at least twice running. So I checked out dentists in my area on Google and picked the one with the most favourable feedback.

So find yourself a dentist you like then, as David says, go for regular check ups. Also, since using electric brushes and replacing heads on a regular basis, neither my wife or myself have ever had any work done - only a check up.

And if you had taken the cap that fell out back to the dentist you would have had a good case for at least a refund.
Jun 14, 2009
Is that the reason you call yourself Gumbo? I think I have been very lucky, we have been with our NHS dentist for at least 30 years. Prior to that I was butchered by the RN dentists.


Jan 12, 2008
Private Dentist...... at least one filling every time I saw him.... MONEY!!!

NHS dentist....... rarely need a filling..... fewer teeth problems...... A LOT LESS MONEY!!!!

Same teeth!!!!
Jun 20, 2005
Originally mine was NHS. Went private 20 years ago. Stayed with him because he was a brilliant dentist. He retired two years ago and his successor , a very pretty young lady in her 30s took over. Still with her.

Charges are not that bad eg

Check up
May 25, 2008
Prior to that I was butchered by the RN dentists.

You should have gone to Raleigh Dentists were quite good. Not like over the road at Fisguard.
Jun 14, 2009

I was a Ganges trainee. I was referring to the dentists on the Hermes and Pembroke. Now I am ruled by SWMBO, worse the the Jossman. LoL
Aug 4, 2004
Once you have had a dentist employed by the services work on your mouth, that is enough to out you off from life. Unfortuantely all two of the NHS dentists around where we live are all new to the trade.
Jan 6, 2008
I had to go to the Dentist yesterday at 11.30am did not get out till after 1pm. Went in with a raging toothache. In the end had to have one of my back teeth out the root had got infected the pain was unbelievable. After a 2 hours in the chair the dentist managed to get the tooth out but one side of the root is still in the gum this is the side which had the infection. Got to go back next Wednesday. Taking

Diclofenic sodium, Amoxicillin, Metrondazole, and Co-codamol.

That little lot cost me
May 25, 2008
" was a Ganges trainee "

God I didn't realise people are still around who trained at Shotley. I thought you would have all crossed the bar long ago, with your steredent in your kit bag.
Jun 14, 2009
I'm only a young 60 year old. Ganges actually closed in 1976, so there still must be some sprogs younger than me around. As for sterident, not required, they taught us the correct way to clean our teeth, why do you think they shone a torch up you a**e?
May 25, 2008
They must have taught everyone how to brush teeth well. I still have all mine. So you an 08 number or slightly later ?
Jun 14, 2009
They must have taught everyone how to brush teeth well. I still have all mine. So you an 08 number or slightly later ?
Hi Gumbo,

I still have all of mine too. So Gumbo isn't anything to do with lack of teeth then. Official number D0889**Y, joined in June 65. I remember being given unlabelled toothpaste for free. I think the toothpaste manufacturers used us as guineapigs, mind you it saved us buying it, more money for the NAAFI bar.


May 25, 2009
I have never had a problem with NHS dentists, but then I have always had regular check-up and don't wait until my teeth are giving me grief.

Hi David,

During my teenage years, I went for check-ups twice a year. ALWAYS at least two fillings, frequent extractions (including four removed for "spacing", and a tooth that had to be pulled cos the one next to it wouldn't come out - twisted roots). I left home at 18, and decided that the only time I would visit the dentist in future would be when I had toothache, and then it would be pulled. I think the RAF dentist suffered shock on seeing the amount of metal in my mouth. But thats all I let him do ..... look.

Three years later, I bit a lump out of a Land Rover steering wheel (and bent the front axle). An army dentist sorted out the mess, removing four broken front teeth .... and did two filings. Hey, two fillings in three years? Thats better than the previous four or more EVERY year. I continued with my policy of visiting the dentist only when a tooth needed pulling. Fifty years later, I still have two left, and neither have been filled.

Oh yes, my teenage dentist ...... years later he was "struck off" for charging the NHS for anaesthetic he wasn't giving to his patients. Would that have been cocaine?

I now have a NHS dentist (for dentures) and she does exactly what I want.

Jun 14, 2009
I have never had a problem with NHS dentists, but then I have always had regular check-up and don't wait until my teeth are giving me grief.

Hi David,

During my teenage years, I went for check-ups twice a year. ALWAYS at least two fillings, frequent extractions (including four removed for "spacing", and a tooth that had to be pulled cos the one next to it wouldn't come out - twisted roots). I left home at 18, and decided that the only time I would visit the dentist in future would be when I had toothache, and then it would be pulled. I think the RAF dentist suffered shock on seeing the amount of metal in my mouth. But thats all I let him do ..... look.

Three years later, I bit a lump out of a Land Rover steering wheel (and bent the front axle). An army dentist sorted out the mess, removing four broken front teeth .... and did two filings. Hey, two fillings in three years? Thats better than the previous four or more EVERY year. I continued with my policy of visiting the dentist only when a tooth needed pulling. Fifty years later, I still have two left, and neither have been filled.

Oh yes, my teenage dentist ...... years later he was "struck off" for charging the NHS for anaesthetic he wasn't giving to his patients. Would that have been cocaine?

I now have a NHS dentist (for dentures) and she does exactly what I want.

Hi 602,

I think a lot of it is just down to pure luck. I think I read somewhere, that the colour of hair determines dental health. I think it implied dark hair - bad teeth, fair hair - good teeth? I wonder where grey hair fits into the factor, grey hair - false teeth??? Maybe its dark going to grey - no teeth, fair going to grey - still go some?? Who knows??
May 25, 2008
Hi Gumbo,

I still have all of mine too. So Gumbo isn't anything to do with lack of teeth then. Official number D0889**Y, joined in June 65. I remember being given unlabelled toothpaste for free. I think the toothpaste manufacturers used us as guineapigs, mind you it saved us buying it, more money for the NAAFI bar.
I just about remember that toothpaste, thought you must have been around 08 D092 myself September raleigh intake.


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