Disgraceful Treatment of Gurkhas



The Ghurka's for generations have taken the Royal shilling to serve as Bitish soldiers.

They sign up for the benefits they get including the pension, thus earning themselves a better standard of living than they could in their home land of Nepal.

In essence they sign a contract to join the Army as far as I know never entitled them to live in Britain in the past.

Many of us travel abroad to work, I don't see why you should then assume that you can become a resident and claim benefits years later!

They are great soldiers and serve us well due to the benefits they get compared to working in their homeland. They have no right to expect anything else at the end of the contract!
May 25, 2008
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I must admit I agree with Euro, but and there is a but, would we not be better keeping them on side you never know when you might need them again !!!!!!!!!
Nov 29, 2007
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Euro has a valid point but I would feel happier with this stance were it not for the fact we seem to allow every scrounger in to sponge off our taxes. At least the Gurkhas have paid taxes and contributed to the economy of this country as well as fighting for it. If there is a list of people to kick out of the country, put them at the end.


Working outside the UK I or my employers had to make provision for health care and my childrens education. Never was able to walk in to another land and demand treatment or local benefits!

It shoud be the same for anyone entering the UK! And I agree that there are plenty who deserve less than the loyal Gurkha's!
Mar 2, 2006
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The Gurkhas have given thier lives for this country,45000 since WW1,they have fought with the British army in every war theater we have been in,You are not expected to give up your life while working in france or other eu countries,which by the way the Gurkhas helped liberate more than once!We already allow Gurkhas who have retired after 1997 residence in the uk.Most of which are employed protecting military installations.

May 25, 2008
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47746 Indian soldiers were killed and 65126 wounded during World War I.

Just to let you know it wasn't just the Gurkhas, have to agree with euro stillon this one, but I do sympathise with the Gurkhas.


Since the late 50's British service personel join up of their own choice. Gurkha's for generartion have gone to the recruitment days in Nepal and volunteered their services in exchange for better pay and conditions than they get at home.

Getting killed and injured goes with the job if a soldier or his family and friends can't handle that they should not join up. I fully support health care for injured servicemen and believe that many who have been forced to leave the forces due to injury could have been employed as instructers or desk jockeys.

I don't see any reason for the 1997 act allowing Gurkha's to become UK residents, returning to Nepal at the end of their service would do more to help the Nepalese nation improve living standards there.

UK soldiers are giving up their lives and getting wounded for people in Iraq and Afghanistan, so should the be given residency there or expect health treatment in their old age.
Jan 19, 2008
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The difference being is India was part of the British Empire. Nepal wasn't so these people should be treated with respect.

Like Chrisbee said, the scum of the earth will be given refuge and sustenance in this country while these people, who have learned respect for others by the fact they are members of the armed services are treated worse than dogs.

Maybe once they are discharged at Tidworth after their service to this country they should claim asylum and that their "human rights" are being impeded. The liberal minded pillocks will then find that their stupid laws have turned and bitten them on the ass ;O)

I've never heard of any Nepalese wanting to harm this country or any terrorist organisation from that country wishing us harm but I can think of many countries who do wish us harm and they are allowed in without restriction.
Jan 19, 2008
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LMAOOOO Quote "UK soldiers are giving up their lives and getting wounded for people in Iraq and Afghanistan, so should the be given residency there or expect health treatment in their old age".

How many British soldiers do you know Euro who wish to live in Iraq or Afghanistan after being discharged? Do you think they would prefer the Afghan Health Service or the Iraqi Government Pension Scheme?
Mar 2, 2006
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it is obvious to me euro you have never served in the army or defended you country,and the comment regarding our soldiers in afghanistan/Iraq is ridiculous.


it is obvious to me euro you have never served in the army or defended you country,and the comment regarding our soldiers in afghanistan/Iraq is ridiculous.

Beg pardon LB, but with the guidance of politicians and do gooders combined with the hard work of western armed forces I expect the two countries to soon be places of peace and tranquility.

No doubt muslim societies setting a social caring example to the rest of the world, thus leading to many seeking to benefit from superior health care and a vast array of social benefits ;o)


Posted in wrong place first time.

Beg pardon LB, but with the guidance of politicians and do gooders combined with the hard work of western armed forces I expect the two countries to soon be places of peace and tranquility.

No doubt muslim societies setting a social caring example to the rest of the world, thus leading to many seeking to benefit from superior health care and a vast array of social benefits ;o)

allen. It was not meant to be serious!
Oct 6, 2008
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Fantastic !! We'll allow these these people to die for for us but heaven forbid they drive the country bankrupt by wanting a pension or citizenship !! The cheek of them...prepared to give up their lives while we have a credit crunch going on !! You arrogant idiots should give them more respect. How many of YOU are serving in HM Forces now ? How many of you are your risking your life now ? And I do mean NOW...when it's getting serious. Not you crusty old fogies who tell us stories of yesteryear when you kept the Ruskies from our door....my dad told told me all about that & he told me it's all bollocks !!
Nov 29, 2007
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Pete, I think you'll find this issue only affects those Gurkhas who retired before 1997, in other words those "crusty old fogies of yesteryear who kept the Russians at bay". I think you'll also find that the Falklands and the first Gulf war were pretty serious to those of us who were there!
Oct 6, 2008
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Pete, I think you'll find this issue only affects those Gurkhas who retired before 1997, in other words those "crusty old fogies of yesteryear who kept the Russians at bay". I think you'll also find that the Falklands and the first Gulf war were pretty serious to those of us who were there!
No offence meant. There's a big difference between leaving your family & working abroad for profit (as some pious souls seem to have done) and laying your life on the line as a matter of principle. I think if anybody is prepared to make that sacrifice we should look after them. And why do we only look after those after 1997 but not before ?


No offence meant. There's a big difference between leaving your family & working abroad for profit (as some pious souls seem to have done) and laying your life on the line as a matter of principle. I think if anybody is prepared to make that sacrifice we should look after them. And why do we only look after those after 1997 but not before ?
Sorry but what a load of * *.

Anyone who has joined the armed forces in the UK since the late 50s made their own choice.

Very many of them never face bullets of risk any more danger than pedestrians crossing the road.

Very many join for reasons other than Queen and Country or laying their lives on the line.


Sorry but what a load of * *.

Anyone who has joined the armed forces in the UK since the late 50s made their own choice.

Very many of them never face bullets of risk any more danger than pedestrians crossing the road.

Very many join for reasons other than Queen and Country or laying their lives on the line.
Jan 19, 2008
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Fantastic !! We'll allow these these people to die for for us but heaven forbid they drive the country bankrupt by wanting a pension or citizenship !! The cheek of them...prepared to give up their lives while we have a credit crunch going on !! You arrogant idiots should give them more respect. How many of YOU are serving in HM Forces now ? How many of you are your risking your life now ? And I do mean NOW...when it's getting serious. Not you crusty old fogies who tell us stories of yesteryear when you kept the Ruskies from our door....my dad told told me all about that & he told me it's all bollocks !!
How old are you Pete?

I don't mean this nastily but your posts come over that you are a teenager still squeezing zits and whose hormone levels haven't settled :O)
Oct 8, 2008
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Fantastic !! We'll allow these these people to die for for us but heaven forbid they drive the country bankrupt by wanting a pension or citizenship !! The cheek of them...prepared to give up their lives while we have a credit crunch going on !! You arrogant idiots should give them more respect. How many of YOU are serving in HM Forces now ? How many of you are your risking your life now ? And I do mean NOW...when it's getting serious. Not you crusty old fogies who tell us stories of yesteryear when you kept the Ruskies from our door....my dad told told me all about that & he told me it's all bollocks !!
I think that Braykewynde is right in that Pete sounds very young

I have read his comments on other threads and think that he sounds like an anrgy young boy just spouting off and swearing (even bringing his dad into it)

He obviously needs to address his anger issues before he gets any older



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