dog death

Mar 12, 2006
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We had to have our border collie dog put down yesterday and we are all very upset. We had him for eleven years and he was a brilliant dog. He became ill very quickly yesterday and the vet said it was some heart and circulation problem and he was getting worse every minute and was being sick also. It came on so quickly we are all gutted and very upset
May 22, 2006
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Im very sorry to hear about your loss patey, we lost our 10 year old rotti 3 weeks ago, that was very quick and unexpected to....A dog is for life, kids leave home....
Aug 25, 2006
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Hi Patey.

So sorry to hear of your loss. I have two Border Collies and would be devastated to lose them.

I think the saying goes - Border Collies? Anything else is just a dog!

When we lost our Fly who I grew up with, people told us that we had given her a wonderful life. But my dad always used to say, no - she's given US a wonderful life.

Enjoy the memories, I know it's hard but it DOES get easier.
Nov 7, 2005
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Hi Patey, as an owner of five fantastic Border Collies over the years, I know how wretched you are feeling right now. Just don't fight it. Accept our sympathies.

I have hugged to sleep three of my dogs in the vets surgery and the last one was no easier than the first. I have managed to stay strong - for their sake - until they have gone, and sobbed uncontrollably afterwards.

But time does heal the pain. I think it's right to appreciate that we don't bring animals into their so-short life, but we can make that life wonderful.

You can't change an animal's natural life-span so if you took him through life with so much mutually-shared pleasure then try to celebrate the memories as soon as you feel able.

And then do the same for another defenceless young pup who is waiting his turn for your care...

I think it was Julian Clary who said: "The trouble with dogs is that they make you love them, and then they leave you..."

You may gain comfort from Wiccaweys' Rainbrow Bridge -
May 22, 2006
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I think you will need a full nuclear bunker in some far off place in alaska......A dog is part of the family.....They are always pleased to see you no matter what mood you are in....They dont back chat you.....They do as they are told.....Keep you warm when you are cold or ill......Protect you when needed....They do understand english....They are almost human with there ways and quirky things they do.....Our dog does not accept food off anyone who is not part of its family....Most of all a dog will always be your best friend
Nov 7, 2005
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You don't need a shield lad, you need sympathy. A person so heartless as to post what you have just posted has a very serious problem...and I for one feel very sorry for you and all around you.


Mar 14, 2005
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Having read this thread and one particular posting, I have removed it.

To make statements like those was uncalled for and very insensitive.

As a dog owner for many years and knowing just how much they become part of the whole family life I understand how the original poster must be feeling.

I hope patey can come to terms with the loss quickly, and maybe even think about homing another dog in need.

In the meantime here is something which was sent to me on the loss of a very special Great Dane which I had the pleasure of homing after having a really bad previous life and turned out to be one of the most amazing dogs I have ever had.

Loss of an Angel Dog.

I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep,

I could see that you were crying, you found it hard to sleep,

I whined to you softly, as you brushed away a tear,

It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here.

I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea,

You were thinking of me many times, your hands reached out to me,

I was with you at the shops today, your arms were getting sore,

I longed to take your parcels, I wished I could do more.

I was with you at my grave today, you'll tend it with such care,

I want to reassure you that I'm not lying there.

I walked with you towards the house, as you fumbled for the key,

I gently put my paw on you, I smiled, I said, It's me.

You looked so very tired, and sank into the chair,

I tried so hard to let you know that I was standing there,

It's possible for me to be so near you every day,

To say with certainty, I never went away.

You sat there very quietly, then smiled , I think you knew,

In the stillness of the evening, I was very close to you,

The day is over, I smile and watch you yawning,

And say "Goodnight, Godbless, I'll see you in the morning",

So when the time is right, for you to cross the brief divide,

I will rush across to greet you, and we'll stand side by side,

I have so many things to show you, there's so much for you to see,

Be patient, live your life out,


(author unknown)
Feb 24, 2008
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In my opinion Scotch Lad has a right to express his opinion and, not being a dog lover myself, I can understand his view that man's inhumanity to man is of more importance to him. The essence of his post I can empathise with given the dreadful things that are happening in the world.

However, I think its the tone of the post that is potentially hurtful to those that are dog lovers and the way it has been written is tainted with sarcasm and demeaning to other people's feelings. The same thing happens whatever is being discussed - posts go over the top and people get offended. We can't get to a situation where posts are deleted in case they offend somebody, but if we all try to keep posts factual and are sensitive, adult and respectful, there won't be a problem.

I think the post should stay - people can make their own minds up about the author!.



Mar 14, 2005
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In my opinion Scotch Lad has a right to express his opinion and, not being a dog lover myself, I can understand his view that man's inhumanity to man is of more importance to him. The essence of his post I can empathise with given the dreadful things that are happening in the world.

However, I think its the tone of the post that is potentially hurtful to those that are dog lovers and the way it has been written is tainted with sarcasm and demeaning to other people's feelings. The same thing happens whatever is being discussed - posts go over the top and people get offended. We can't get to a situation where posts are deleted in case they offend somebody, but if we all try to keep posts factual and are sensitive, adult and respectful, there won't be a problem.

I think the post should stay - people can make their own minds up about the author!.

We will have to agree to differ on this one.

There is no need to post such comments.

I was always given good advice by my Grandfather as follows,

If one has nothing good to say, say nothing.

I have found this to be one of the best bits of advice going.
Dec 9, 2007
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Hi Val.

I'm all for free speech and yes,there are really dreadful things going on in the world.But it's the original poster's feelings that I am concerned for.

A family (because that is what it is) bereavement is nothing at all to do with the goings on in Zimbabwe and should not be compared.

I'm trying not to go too far over the top Val,but as a dog owner I know what Patey is going through and it was the wrong kind of comment at the wrong time.

BTW,has anything else fallen off yours yet?If you know what I mean.

Feb 24, 2008
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In my opinion Scotch Lad has a right to express his opinion and, not being a dog lover myself, I can understand his view that man's inhumanity to man is of more importance to him. The essence of his post I can empathise with given the dreadful things that are happening in the world.

However, I think its the tone of the post that is potentially hurtful to those that are dog lovers and the way it has been written is tainted with sarcasm and demeaning to other people's feelings. The same thing happens whatever is being discussed - posts go over the top and people get offended. We can't get to a situation where posts are deleted in case they offend somebody, but if we all try to keep posts factual and are sensitive, adult and respectful, there won't be a problem.

I think the post should stay - people can make their own minds up about the author!.

Hello Damian,

I was actually writing my post when you were deleting the original so it was just my thoughts at the time. Being the moderator, what you say goes!
Mar 14, 2005
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Having read this thread and one particular posting, I have removed it.

To make statements like those was uncalled for and very insensitive.

As a dog owner for many years and knowing just how much they become part of the whole family life I understand how the original poster must be feeling.

I hope patey can come to terms with the loss quickly, and maybe even think about homing another dog in need.

In the meantime here is something which was sent to me on the loss of a very special Great Dane which I had the pleasure of homing after having a really bad previous life and turned out to be one of the most amazing dogs I have ever had.

Loss of an Angel Dog.

I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep,

I could see that you were crying, you found it hard to sleep,

I whined to you softly, as you brushed away a tear,

It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here.

I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea,

You were thinking of me many times, your hands reached out to me,

I was with you at the shops today, your arms were getting sore,

I longed to take your parcels, I wished I could do more.

I was with you at my grave today, you'll tend it with such care,

I want to reassure you that I'm not lying there.

I walked with you towards the house, as you fumbled for the key,

I gently put my paw on you, I smiled, I said, It's me.

You looked so very tired, and sank into the chair,

I tried so hard to let you know that I was standing there,

It's possible for me to be so near you every day,

To say with certainty, I never went away.

You sat there very quietly, then smiled , I think you knew,

In the stillness of the evening, I was very close to you,

The day is over, I smile and watch you yawning,

And say "Goodnight, Godbless, I'll see you in the morning",

So when the time is right, for you to cross the brief divide,

I will rush across to greet you, and we'll stand side by side,

I have so many things to show you, there's so much for you to see,

Be patient, live your life out,


(author unknown)
That was a beautiful poem you included on here. It has left me with tears in my eyes.

I had to have my lovely old horse put down in April this year. He was 35 years old and his heart was still going strong but his body was giving out.

I don't have the comfort of a grave to visit as you can imagine it would take a pretty big hole for a 15 hh horse so I had to let him be taken away afterwards by the knacker man. I'd love to think he was still following me around the paddock when I put the chooks to bed at night.

God bless us all that love our animals too much. I don't think any of us would have it any other way.
Feb 24, 2008
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You're absolutely right Dave,

Its the thoughts and feelings thing again, mind and body split -an interesting discussion to which there is no defined answer and no right and wrong. We all have things that resonate with us and and as I said, the essence was a worthy post, the way it was written was not.

I have a friend with two dogs who is going on holiday on Sunday. She is packed already because she has to slide the cases out when the dogs aren't looking because they get upset!! I think its hilarious but her dogs are her babies, she wasn't fortunate enough to bear children and that's the way she is - I love her for it!

I have very sympathy with Patey, sincerely I have, and the fact she posted her feelings in the first place suggested a need to be supported in her loss, but when you place a post it is for discussion. There is respectful discussion and there is disrespectful discussion. I accept that the post in question was disrespectful and could have been written in a more positive way.

No, nothing else has fallen off yet - its with the dealers as I write having the list of faults rectified - had to write it on a toilet roll lol.



Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Patey

I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. I can just imagine how you are all feeling, it's a terribly sad time for you all at the moment.

Take care

Lisa xxxx
Mar 12, 2006
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Thanks for all your kind wordsand the poem it had us in tears. It just doesnt seem the same without him. I didnt see the post by scotch lad but i am not surprized that a simple topic can not be kept to without somebody trying to change it!!!
Aug 9, 2005
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I know exactly how you feel, I lost my two beautiful Shiba's within four months of each other, they were 16, and 14 years old, they were my life, and I still have terrible heartache, Gypsy left for the Bridge last October, then Redted went to join her in February this year, I can't say when the pain goes, I know it will one day, and then I will look back and realise how honoured I was to have such beatiful dogs in my life, I am thinking of you, and your pain,there are no words at a time like this, just comfort and support from others that have been down this ragged road.



I of course recognised that my comments would be taken in the manner displayed. Unfortunately, sometimes people cannot see 'the woods for the trees'. However I do not apologise for them. People may think me heartless but then again they do not know me. Having moved around the world in countries which most people have never even heard of, I have seen things which have made me wish to sometimes shoot myself at the sheer inhumanity that is displayed by one so called civilized human to another. Therefore I have to accept that there are plains of life in this world and sometimes you have to make unpleasant choices.

I will never accept that a pet animal is equal to a human being regardless of affection or otherwise, and I have in time had pets that gave me both enjoyment and sadness in equal measure. I have no objection whatsoever to anyone being sad at the death of a pet, but I regret that considering it a major event in the world as we know it, is something I cannot do. Someone mentioned that a dog is for life, but kids leave home. I can only state that they have their priorities totally wrong, or have very sad lives. True kids never leave home metaphorically, and dogs never give you grandchildren.

I can only ask people to accept that if we all thought the same way, then life would be very boring. I would also point out that suppressing free speech is usually the start of the end of democracy. Are we all going to be detained for 42 days without charge, just because someone somewhere decides they do not like what we say or think?


I thank you for your support but disagree with your 2nd sentence. Wrong time wrong place is when people are at the wake dividing the furniture they are going to take home,.
Nov 7, 2005
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A pretty pathetic attempt at justification. Your argument and viewpoint told us nothing we don't know and appreciate. What you are blind to is that grief is about personal loss and sadness, and its not for you or anyone else to judge as to whether it's justified. Of course pets are not equal to humans (although some may think otherwise). Of course the world sees greater tragedies than any single person may suffer, but if that's justification for stifling personal emotion then nobody would grieve for anything or anyone, would they? Decent people do not scoff or belittle people who are clearly upset. That's the point you sadly miss.


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