Dog Fouling

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May 25, 2009
Hi Thorpedo,

I can't disagree with what you say, but I feel that the authorities are over reacting. This subject has been discussed in the South Wales Evening Post for as long as I have lived in Wales ..... 1972. And I understand that dinosaurs were doing it a long time before that. What do you think the planet is made of?

Am I irresponsible? At least I take some of it home, and the rest I ensure is not left where it can be trodden on. It is rarely that I see any mess in our street, or on the footpaths of anywhere that I walk.

What I do see is vomit that seems to have originated from a nearby take away, empty soft drink cans, broken bottles, wrapping paper, sweet wrappers, etc. We have all seen the places where car ashtrays have been emtied. In my back lane (cul-de-sac) I often find empty vodka bottles, empty cigarette packets, used items that we used to refer to as "surgical rubberwear". One day I found an article of underwear, when I picked it up I found it was loaded - I'll let you guess what with. Personally, I prefer dog-mess to stuff left behind by teenagers. Pehaps we should ask the council to give us some "Adolescent bins", and employ a warden?

If I see dog-muck (not mine) on the pavement, I get a shovel, and dispose of it down our outside loo, which is where I dump anything found in my garden. I understand that is frowned upon.

I'm told our local dog warden operates in Mufti.

Dec 1, 2008
Its unfortunate but true. No matter how much we talk about this subject and how responsible we are as dog owners you will always have a dog hating counciller and an individual that never clears up and never caught as he's out late night or early morning emptying the dogs. So between them they will always rule over us law abiding poo collecting dog owners.


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