Dog free sites

Nov 19, 2007
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Are there any caravan parks in North Scotland which have banned dogs? I am fed up with stepping into my van and only noticing I have stepped in something when my carpet is caked in ....?
Jan 17, 2010
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Colin are we talking club sites here, Because in 8 years of visiting these sites i've never stood in a dogs egg, Infact i cannot recall seeing one apart from in the dog walks.
Jun 20, 2005
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Most of the uncollected parcels come from Badgers, Foxes, sheep etc which roam freely in the wild including the sites.


I'll be visiting a number of sites in N Scotland next month and they are all dog friendly.


Mar 14, 2005
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Have to agree with CHESHIRECAT in 10 years of visiting club sites never stood in dog poo or been disturbed by dogs. Seen plenty of it on the dog walks but not on the site itself.
Nov 19, 2007
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Colin are we talking club sites here, Because in 8 years of visiting these sites i've never stood in a dogs egg, Infact i cannot recall seeing one apart from in the dog walks.
I have been to plenty of sites where some dog owners just don't care. Some even let the dog out to do it's business early in the morning before anyone else is up. I have seen with my own eyes an owner watching his dog deficate then just walk away leaving the poor warden to clear up his mess (no the warden was not happy and did throw the couple off his site). One dog poo left is one too many as far as I am concerned. As for the comment about club sites - do dogs know when they are on club sites or do the owners think it is OK on non club sites?
Feb 16, 2009
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We have two yorkies, it annoys me when dog owners give us bad name, their shouldn't be excrement even on the Dog walk, we were at Blackshaw Moore this weekend fantastic site but some dog owner hadn't clean up after his/her dog on the walk and the bin was only 4 yards away, so come on dog owners clean up even on the dog walks has l want to take my dogs to the CC sites for the foreseeable future.

Jan 19, 2008
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Quote phil .. "an barking. at Looshill CC in Feb a couplke opposite went out Sat night... the blummin dog barked all night".

... and whose fault is that? It's no good complaining on a forum about dogs barking 'all night' if you're not prepared do do something about it at the time. Losehill is a CC site and the rules state that dogs shouldn't be left alone. The warden was your first line of approach.

Regarding dog dumps on CC sites I've yet to see it. Sadly though you will find it on dog walks or along verges just off site as my wife did on the dog walk at Longleat last week.

Also at Longleat there's a nice wide mown verge alongside the lane and twice I encountered a fresh huge mound first thing in the morning although it wasn't there the evening before. I'm convinced the silent dog dumpers are those who go out under the cover of darkness.

Regarding dog free campsites just Google 'dog free campsites'.

It's not too difficult ;O)


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