Dogs and their owners tend to be like parents and their children, in fact the dog is often a substitute child.
Some parents/owners can see no wrong in their charges and think the whole world wants to share their experience. Others simply refuse to take responsibility for the actions of their charges and don't give a damn.
Everyone should be free to do as they please provided it doesn't impact on anyone else.This of course in reality is an impossibility.Finding a suitable level of compromise is the trick.It's not unreasonable to ask dog owners to have their dogs on leads or tethers ALL the time they are on site.Nobody wants next doors dog peeing on their aquaroll, nor do they want the friendly mutt jumping all over them as they set off dressed for a night out !
Owners have a responsibility to pick up and correctly dispose of all dog waste appropriately i.e "bag it and bin it". If you are out in the country there is still no excuse for leaving dog mess in the middle of a footpath, it can easily be moved where it can decompose without being an hazard to others. However, bagging it and throwing it in the bushes is totally unacceptable as the bag is there for ever.
The dog lobby is pretty powerful on the caravan scene. One of the attractions to many owners is being able to take Fido with them and both enjoy the undoubted pleasure of sharing walks in the countryside whilst avoiding expensive kennel fees.You only have to look around any CC site and realise that usually more than 50% have a dog.
However, unlike having children, dog ownership can be far easier controlled with prohibitive measures put into practice.( Banned from popular parks and beaches or even caravan sites). These have all resulted as the action of irresponsible owners.The future is in their hands.
Some people can only see the negative in dog ownership and fail to appreciate that dogs can teach children respect for living creatures, offer companionship for otherwise lonely people and can generally help the well being of all owners.
Non dog owners benefit from the huge revenue collected from the VAT levied on petfood, countless employment opportunities within the petfood and associated industries and the fact that most petfoods use the bits we don't tend to eat that would otherwise create a disposal problem. Effectively the pet market reduces the cost of meat production for human consumption.
The cries of reintroduce the dog licence fee are ill informed and unnecessary.However, draconian punishments to those who ignore the accepted norms should be welcomed by both dog owners and non dog owners alike.
Incidentally I am an ex dog owner who decided that the levels of commitment to ownership were more than I want during my current lifestage.