otherclive said:
I emailed the Trier Tourist information and received a reply by return to some of my questions. They then gave me a link to the regional transport system that even covers parts of Luxembourg. They too replied very quickly. Dogs, except banned breeds, can be taken on the Trier buses/trams/trains and Park and Ride. Single P&P fares are 1.8 Euro for a dog and 2.0 Euro per person. Dogs do not have to be muzzled unless the owner feels the need to muzzle it. How refreshing to put something down to personal responsibility.
For a period of time I worked in a hospital with an A&E dept. We saw many ugly sites mainly from road incidents, but one of the most upsetting was a 5 year old child who had been attacked by a dog in the local park. What we heard was the dog was being walked by its owner, who let it off its lead, and it ran off and ran up to the child who was only feet away from its mother and savaged her arm and the side of her face, with no apparent provocation. The courts condemned the dog, and the owner was fined and banned from keeping a dog. The little girl survived, but she must have had some quite bad scaring on her face and arm.
Clearly the dog owners sense of personal responsibility was not up to scratch.
I'm not anti dogs, but as with everything in life, dog ownership brings additional responsibilities to its owner, and whilst most owners are sensible, there are a few who are either ignorant, or deliberately abuse the privalidge.