Dogs - Where Should They Sleep ?

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Mar 14, 2005
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Blimey Mick

That's terrible. Of course, I could turn round and say, 'if only you'd got a dog of your own in the awning/van on the lose.........'

Similar thing happened to us a couple of years ago, nutters in a van next door had a GSD, never on the lead, each time I took my dogs out, it was running circles round mine, snapping at them. I did warn the owners to keep it away.

The next day, the damn thing simply ran into our awning. Thank god I grabbed it by the collar before my two got to it. I promptly marched it back round to the owners van with some choice words. Never saw it off the lead again.

Didn't you say anything to the stupid owners?

There are quite a few sites which don't accept dogs and there are a lot of adult only sites but I'd imagine most of the adult only sites accept dogs.

Lisa - oh, good luck
Jan 19, 2008
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Get dogs that don't moult like our Miniature Schnauzers. Very friendly, affectionate dogs but do yap if there's anyone about. For some reason unknown to me they always know if we are having visitors. They are agitated and restless.No chance of anyone breaking in :O)
May 29, 2006
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grins and hids..i have to jump on rogers side here....

i have 2 black labradors,,,,(erm the big kind) and erm yeah ok they sleep on the bed with us !! there said it :)

yes they are part of our family,

no the van or they dont smell,

no we wouldnt have it any other way ! :)

Paul don't be ashamed nothing wrong with giving your dogs the home comforts they deserve. I'm with you mate I love my dogs they don't smell, are very clean and part of our family. WOOF WOOF Too Lol!
Nov 11, 2006
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our greyhound sleeps on the bed in the van with us, he is so clever that at about 23.00 he knows I will be coming to bed shortly so he always moves to the bottom of the bed to give me room lol
Nov 30, 2007
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Hi, yes we did tell the dog owners what thier dogs had done and they just shrugged thier shoulders as if to say "so what they are dogs". By the way LB the awning was not mine it was a friend of ours pitched next to us. Maybe if dog owners kept thier dogs on lead when on site these mishaps would not happen.

Cheers Mick.
Jun 20, 2005
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Our two Springer Spaniels sleep on their own duvet at the lounge end. We shut ourselves off from them otherwise they creep up onto our bed during the night making us very hot.


Feb 8, 2008
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3 Collies in a 380/2, one sleeps under the bed and the other 2 in the van on their beds. Never in or on the bed though the latest rescue acquisition, who's deaf and has OCD,tries to get on the bed as previous foster carer let her do such stuff. She doesn't bother anymore though telling her not to was somewhat wasted on her!
Jan 19, 2008
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Quote Dodger ... "To all you dog owners

Do you advertise that you have let animals sleep in your caravans when you sell them".

Why would we need to if they stink as dog haters would have us believe? Do you tell prospective buyers that you've broke wind and polluted the furnishings? :O)
Dec 19, 2006
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Quote Dodger ... "To all you dog owners

Do you advertise that you have let animals sleep in your caravans when you sell them".

Why would we need to if they stink as dog haters would have us believe? Do you tell prospective buyers that you've broke wind and polluted the furnishings? :O)

I'm no dog hater. I do however recognise that a dog is an animal and cannot understand why an animal should sleep in a bed with a human
Jan 19, 2008
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Quote Dodger ... "To all you dog owners

Do you advertise that you have let animals sleep in your caravans when you sell them".

Why would we need to if they stink as dog haters would have us believe? Do you tell prospective buyers that you've broke wind and polluted the furnishings? :O)
So what is your point Dodger?

Why would someone care if the dog sleeps IN the bed, on TOP of the duvet or in its OWN basket? I certainly wouldn't expect others duvets, pillows, dog baskets etc. to come with the purchase of the caravan ;O)

Whether you truly need to know why some let their dogs sleep on the bed or are inferring that they are smelly, flea ridden animals I'm not sure but it's only the latter that some prospective purchaser would need to know and indeed, if they cannot pick up the pong with their snout the pong can't be that bad :O)
May 12, 2005
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People are to keen to give dogs human attributes,

A dogs temp is 101 they have a permanent fur/hair coat which needs to cast,(Unless its anone casting Schnuazer or Poodle the body is confused with indoor high temps hence they cast all year round.

Mandy asks why do they need to be trained to use toilet paper,

well Mandy there might be a microscopic bit of poo left on their bum,think of that on or in your bed, but most dogs lick there `bits`after a poo just before giving you a goodnight kiss, (lovely).

My dogs aren`t excluded froom the family ,they mearly go to bed in their own room which happens to be the awning,they don`t think they are hard done by, they just know that the awning is is their place and inside the van is mine and my wifes.

with the best will in the world, a wet dog stinks

Tony A.


Mar 14, 2005
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I agree with you Tony, a wet dog smells awful (unless of course, you've just bathed it in the bath) - sorry I do that once or twice a year.

I have been looking for an Afghan pup but have decided to stick with my current breed as I really don't think I could cope with all that fur.

May 24, 2006
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well!!!! we have a rottweiler and a staffy and they both sleep on the bed with us i wouldnt dream of leaving them in the awning they might get scared and just think of the creepy crawlies a caravan for us and the dogs is a home from home and they sleep on the bed at home

May 29, 2006
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There might be a microscopic bit of poo left on their bum!!! God forbid Tony how will I sleep at night now I must train my dogs to wipe their bums with toilet paper before going to bed lol. Seriously everyone has their own opinions which is what this forum is about but I think you are going a bit far now.
Jan 19, 2008
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I've survived for 62 years without living in a sterile environment so I'm not going to start worrying about microscopic bits of poo. As my dad told me as a kid, you'll eat a ton of muck before you die and he was a miner.

God forbid if I started worrying about that now, being afraid to go out incase a bird dumps on my head ... ewwww all those nasty germs or maybe I might sit on the grass where countless mammals have piddled, jeeeeeezus, chop my hands off. Gawd, just think of the billions of insects pooing their microscopic poo wherever they go and we are putting our hands in it ... yuk!

Then again don't flies and other poo ingesting insects crawl over our food after dining out on the deposits of any animal it comes across. I'm now beginning to depress myself and am glad I didn't realise this earlier in life else I think I would have topped myself or become a recluse. Thanks Tony A for making my remaining years so miserable :O(

Then again, come to think of it, that's probably why I have no allergies, over the years my body has built up it's own resistance/defences, different to todays kids with a high percentage having some kind of allergy or behavoural problem. Nahhhh, I'll carry on doing what I've been doing all these years and carry on enjoying my dogs and life ;O)
Jun 20, 2005
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Well said LB

We decided to have our dogs so we treat them as part of the family. We keep them as clean as possible but have no intention of using toilet paper on their bums.

Ok they get sandy and wet from time to time but they soon dry off and he sand vacuums up very quickly.

If we are touring we may not always erect the awning so as I said before , ours sleep down the lounge end. Never been a problem for us.

Now did I remember to do my weekly underpant change yesterday???


Jan 19, 2008
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Well said LB

We decided to have our dogs so we treat them as part of the family. We keep them as clean as possible but have no intention of using toilet paper on their bums.

Ok they get sandy and wet from time to time but they soon dry off and he sand vacuums up very quickly.

If we are touring we may not always erect the awning so as I said before , ours sleep down the lounge end. Never been a problem for us.

Now did I remember to do my weekly underpant change yesterday???


Lmaaaoooo ... glad you reminded me, I must go check mine out ;O)
Jan 19, 2008
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It really does concern me now I've been enlightened about all those people who go swimming in the sea and lakes considering all those fish, mammals and trillions of invertebrates pooing and peeing in there.

If I knew what I knew now I wouldn't have gone anywhere near ponds, streams and lakes for the fear of getting infected with Leptospirosis from those nasty rats weeing all over the place.

Thankfully our scientists in the future will one day discover a way to protect us from disease and nasty bits of solids, we probably will all live in our own personal sterile bubble. Not to sure how we will procreate though, maybe it will be the end of humankind. Planet Earth will then be able to heal itself then before we have destroyed it ;O)
Jun 26, 2008
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i have a big german shepherd and we just let her sleep on the lounge area floor because we feel it's way too cold to let her sleep in the awning at the moment anyway and safer if she just kips in with us because she is a rabbit, squirrel and cat hunter!!!
Oct 12, 2008
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I have 3 staffies who all sleep on the bed in my 2 berth caravan, can't think where else they would sleep as the bed is the biggest space available! They all sleep on the bed at home, can't see anything wrong with this myself, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.


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