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May 20, 2005
Strange, same name and you have a Rosie - our Old English Sheepdog is also called Rosie
our Rosie is a bearded collie which when full grown looks like a small English sheep dog.
Aug 9, 2005
We have two Japanese shiba Inu's, who go everwhere in the caravan with us, they are ideal dogs for this type of pastime,very quiet,very clean.

The most precious and valuable possession of mankind.

A Dog.

Brother's and sister's I bid you beware, of giving your heart to a Dog to Tear.

Rudyard Kipling.

And there are times in their lives when they certainly do this.

All they ask is to be loved. and oh, what a reward we recieve.
Mar 14, 2005
I notice that on this and the other dog "bothersome dog " debates that not one owner and there are millions of dog owners out there has set out to become filthy rich by inventing a dog toilet which could be erected next to public toilets!
Jan 19, 2008
Shiraz, after working 28 years in the Ambulance Service there are people out there in the real world who you can't train to use toilets so what hope is there for dogs. Human beings are the filthiest animals on the planet, at least the waste from all other animals decomposes. Ours goes into landfill sites, the atmostphere, the oceans or other water courses and that is whats disposed of legally. The rest goes into layby's, roadside verges and many other public places they can offload their rubbish. Name me any animal on this planet that comes close to us for poisoning where we live. For example people throughout the land throw tons of Slug Killer on their gardens. This contains Methaldemyde which not only kills the slugs but kills the birds and mammals that predate upon them. People must learn to take off their blinkers and look at the wider world and not just look at the dog crap under their noses. They must be prepared to take some of the responsibility upon themselves. There endeth my lesson for today. Amen :O) Oh and by the way, have you seen the state of public toilets, lmaaooooooo. Having been in 1000's of homes it doesn't surprise me how filthy they are though.
Jan 21, 2014
I agree will all of the above. I will not use public loos at all, and, I have to say, will only use loos on sites as a last resort. You never know who's bum has been on the seat before you!!

Getting back to the dog subject, we had a very old springer spaniel which unfortunately we had to have put to sleep in 2001. His demise was caused through filth in a layby...he was one of those dogs who had to sniff everything. We had numerous visits to the vets while we where away that year as he had the runs and was being sick all the time. Unfortunately, he never got over the infection, we managed to get him home, but had to say goodbye a week later. All because of human MUCK.!!! Fortunately, we had our young springer at the time so the loss was a bit more bearable.
Mar 14, 2005
When my wife was ill with flu a year or two ago she was in bed with the door shut with one of our cats for company. Through her "flu", she remembers the cat "asking" to go out but then all went quiet.

She then heard a "tinkling noise" and thought the worse! (cat pee is horrendous stuff!) but the cat had squatted right above the drain hole of our shower and was peeing straight down the hole.

The cat has never done it since and stayed with my wife all that day - which is unusual as it normaly prefers to be out and about.
Jan 19, 2008
True Wendy, we lost a Miniature Schnauzer at 6 because of an unknown virus, all her vital organs packed up. She too was a sniffer. When on the ambulances we had to go on standby in layby's and they are nothing more than lorry drivers toilets, in fact at night I wouldnt get out of the cab to stretch my legs unless I walked in the road.
Sep 21, 2005
My dog doesn`t go on the toilet though Shairaz as i`m sure everyone else don`t.
Party tricks? Not sure what you mean by party tricks. I agree you can train a dog to do a lot. My dogs know when they have to go I.E. When i take them out before bed and first thing in the morning but i can`t stop them from going when they want to go like in the park etc.
Aug 27, 2005
hi jane yes i remember you thanks for the reply do you caravan as you look on this web site i will tell kath you replied they are in scotland at the moment she is realy enjoying it up there

thanks again from sue
Hi Sue,

bought our first Van last month, fate hasnt let us get away in it yet though!!! Havent heard from Kath, but she did say she was heading for Scotland. She's never at home!!! ha ha


Jan 21, 2014
Yes Lord B, I suppose we could then move onto the next subject on human filth.....THE DREADED MOTORWAY SERVICE AREA!!!!!

I think I speak for all caravanners when I say that it's an absolute disgrace that when you use one of these rest areas where the lorries have been, all you can smell is the stench of pee!! Why can't the drivers use the amenities provided? I know they have the responsibility of their load to consider, but it really is disgusting.
Mar 14, 2005
Pleased to hear the dog as found a loving home Tracy and may I add to some of my previous posts on this subject - dogs show more love than the Roger's of this world and are far more trusting and loyal.

You are most abusive, I do not know you, you do not know me, Therefore how dare you refer to me in this manner, purely as is my right in a democracy to disagree,

I quote as before, "I do not like dogs", come to that I do not like drug dealers, etc. I may well be in the minority, with reference to dogs. As to why I do not like dogs, I keep my own counsel.

You refer to minorites having a loud voice and making a noise, I note that you feature strongly on this thread.

I do not use an alias my name is Roger.
Jan 21, 2014
Pleased to hear the dog as found a loving home Tracy and may I add to some of my previous posts on this subject - dogs show more love than the Roger's of this world and are far more trusting and loyal.
I have to disagree with you Roger. Lord B is NOT being abusive to you or anybody by the same name. He is merely making an observation, and we are ALL entitled to do so!!!!
Mar 14, 2005
Party tricks? Not sure what you mean by party tricks. I agree you can train a dog to do a lot. My dogs know when they have to go I.E. When i take them out before bed and first thing in the morning but i can`t stop them from going when they want to go like in the park etc.
Why not, surely you have trained them to avoid your garden etc. when you take them for walkies


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