dunkerque to south of france /spain

Mar 25, 2009
With 6 weeks to go still in a quandry of best route, so hows about putting it to the knowledgeable forum contribitors.

Route 1.. dunkerque-rouen-chartres-clermont ferrand - adge-begur

Route 2..dunkerque-troyes-lyon-adge-begur

Route 3..dunkerque-rouen-chartres-limoges-carcassonne-begur

I've mentioned Rouen only because not going via Paris.

I'm towing an Elddis Shamal with a Renault Grand scenic 1.6 I personally favour route 2 but bit concerned as heard the A75 between Clermont and Millau bit demanding due to the hills.Any other routes or comments would be much appreciated.
Jul 31, 2010
Having tried all your routes over the years, I would pick option 1. I found this route to be the most straight forward and consequently the most relaxed drive, which is what I want on holiday.

Steve W
Mar 25, 2009
Having tried all your routes over the years, I would pick option 1. I found this route to be the most straight forward and consequently the most relaxed drive, which is what I want on holiday.

Steve W
Thks Steve seems the logical route but having never done this route before Its always nice to get some views.
Oct 2, 2008
For me got to be route 1 it is as you say a bit hilly but nothing major I used to go that way with a fully loaded truck just had to drop a gear or two no worse really than going round Devon.

Most of the run is peage free as well.
Mar 14, 2005
Route 1. If you have a matched outfit you will have no problems crossing the Central Massif even if you are up at 4500 feet plus. It's also a cracking drive. Did it in early Febuary with no probs. Enjoy
Mar 25, 2009
Route 1. If you have a matched outfit you will have no problems crossing the Central Massif even if you are up at 4500 feet plus. It's also a cracking drive. Did it in early Febuary with no probs. Enjoy
Thks clubman pretty well matched its just got a car full but I dont think it'll be too much of a prob and we taking opur time down anyhow....will post on return
Mar 25, 2009
Route 1. If you have a matched outfit you will have no problems crossing the Central Massif even if you are up at 4500 feet plus. It's also a cracking drive. Did it in early Febuary with no probs. Enjoy
Thks clubman pretty well matched its just got a car full but I dont think it'll be too much of a prob and we taking opur time down anyhow....will post on return


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