
Aug 25, 2006
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Sat at work, and getting ever more annoyed at the dross that evades my junk mail catching program. So far today I`ve had 53 different unwanted crap forwarded to me.

A couple of years ago a French politician suggested charging for sending e-mails and received hate mail and death threats, so didn`t pursue it. Well, I`m sorry but he was right.

If we all had to pay a nominal amount (pick a number - say a tenth of a penny) to send an e-mail would it really make any difference to you or who you work for? Cream the money off for `good causes` I.E not Tonys dome or the London Olympics, give to hospices (hospii?) or lifeboats or something equally deserving.

At least then the toe-rags sending me viruses or offering a wonderful job if I give them my bank details or increasing my penis length or Viagra or, or,or etc would have to pay for the priviledge of invading my privacy. They might be less keen to flood the system with thousands or millions of crap e-mails if they were to lose more than they could potentially gain.

I haven`t sussed out the mechanics, but for me it would be a vote winner.
Mar 14, 2005
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Angus I can fully understand your feelings because I get annoyed receiving them as well. However I will admit that I generally only receive about five to ten per week. Before any body asks now I am not going to reveal my e-mail address to get bombarded with them.
Jan 2, 2006
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If you charge,and the idea is good,it will only be a matter of time before Downing Street start to tax it or add VAT and then the spiral begins.
Sep 13, 2006
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I use 2 e-mail addresses and Outlook downloads them all together once set up.

One e-mail address is for friends, family and on line banking etc. The other is used for on line forms, buying stuff from the internet and all the stuff that is likely to generate spam.

It takes about 2 years until the spam gets really annoying and then I start using a new e-mail address for the second purpose and close down the old one.


Never click on the unsubscribe button unless you know you subscribed in the first place and do not click on the "stop sending me e-mails" button, either of these will confirm your e-mail address is a valid one to the spammer/scammer and before you know it........
Aug 25, 2006
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I run AVG,Spybot, Spamfighter, you name it.

Can`t change addresses as they are business ones.Pity i can`t just send an ebola virus or similar back. Or that might be too kind.
Nov 26, 2006
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The other trouble with charging to send emails, is that it would have no effect. Most are sent out from South America or Russia, or other such places. Many are also sent out from machines that have been taken over by trojans. The senders would not pay, so no effect.

One thing worth bearing in mind is the number of places that ask for phone number and email addresses, with no reason why they must have them - they are just collecting. Either use a Hotmail that you can abandon, leave the section blank, or if it insists, put in "junk@hotmail.com"


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