Easter in Spain - Need to book ahead?

Dec 28, 2005
We shall be travelling Portsmouth - Bilbao at the beginning of March then heading initially to the Madrid/Segovia area. After that we will head via Toledo to Cordoba then Sevilla. It will be all new territory for us and I do not particularly want to tie us down to being in any specific location on any specific date. However, I do not know if it is necessary to book ahead for Easter (21st - 24th March).

Feedback from anyone more experienced in exploring Spain (car + caravan) at that time of year with regard to pitch availability would be most welcome.

Keith (M)
Mar 14, 2005
We are also travelling down in early March. You will find most sites will have spaces because a lot of the long stayers will be on the way home.

We have found that sites will fill up with Spanish campers for the Easter weekend and then the site will empty again.

My advice would be to get on a site at least a week before Easter to make sure of your pitch.

Be aware that the Spanish can be very noisy campers!! I'm talking of people (some old enough to no better) playing very loud music and children running around shouting until 2 or 3 in the morning.

I've seen a number of people complain only to be told that they are Spanish and it's what they do.

Don't worry the weekend will soon over and you will be back to the quiet.
Dec 28, 2005
Clive - thanks for the info. WRT the Spanish at weekends, this autumn we made our first foray into Spain, spending five weeks at Camping Torra de la Mora just north of Tarragona. It was very noticeable that come Friday evening the site really took on a 'buzz' and we found it interesting to see how Spanish families threw themselves into their weekend activities. Luckily we were never aware of any noise at anti-social hours. The site was well regulated in that respect.


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