My reference to the aircraft industry was not intended to spark a debate about servicing.
My intention was to point out that through the experience of the aircraft industry, and the advancement of modern control systems, such as Fly By Wire, the industry has access to a wealth of system designs that have explored many of the way to enhance system reliability and integrity. The primary difference is that the auto manufacturers will be able to apply economies of scale to the development of systems, and can probably produce systems with good reliability at a price and numbers the aircraft manufacturers could only dream about.
The reality is we have had many software driven systems in cars for several decades. and with the odd exceptions most are reliable or if they do fail they fail to a safe(r) mode.
Just some to mention:-
Engine performance maps
Gear Box control
Anti lock braking
Stability Control Systems
Seat belts, Air bags,
Automatic Screen wipers
Automatic Head Lamps
Aurto dipping headlamps
Etc Etc