Perhaps you ought to finish one job before you start another.....................
(*awaits another wrist slap)
Websites are never finished, so if we did that, we'd never do any other sites ever.Soozeeg said:Perhaps you ought to finish one job before you start another...
I'm not using ad image blocking software that I'm aware of and I get the adds at the side of this pageJohn Duncan said:I'm trying! Can you tell me if you're using any ad/image/pop-up blocking software?
YesVal A. said:Success then John :¬) !! AND they've appeared in your previous posts!
Val A. said:I don't think there is a safe site. The one that Sproket used on the old forum led to untold problems on my PC with adware and viruses, and spammer. Besides, I don't like emoticons - sorry. I know a lot of people do. But I think you should be able to express yourself, and your feelings in a post without them! ;-)