I'm an NICEIC electrician, I try to use professional blinkers on holiday, I used to spend time in restaurants looking at the lighting etc...
There has been quite a lot of talk on this site of electrical problems (I've been trolling through old threads) I am increasingly worried at the 'iffy' additions people will make and the cavalier attitude towards electricity. Our caravans are 'probably' the most dangerous places you will use 240 (well 230 if we're going to be EU PC). You in a wet grassy field in all weathers rain and shine using as much current as you can!
Now RCD's do fail as do MCB's. I bet your dealer does not have the facility to test them There is also an RCD protecting the EHU, but these fail too.
Take my 1996 Swift, it's got a sealed ESM module with the charger, RCD and MCB's yes the test button on the RCD works but this is only a 'dead short' test. Being as I don't 'like' Hagar components how confident can I be certain that it will trip at it's rated 30ma?
I looked at a 2 year old caravan for a friend, I did a test on the RCD, the button worked but it did not trip until 80ma, almost 3 times the correct rating! And most would have become progressively lethargic until it would not trip at all!
There are some basic tests that can be carried out without removal or disassembly of any part of the caravan :-
Ramp test of RCD: Tests at what point the RCD operates, it could fail, by being over or under sensitive. A ramp test introduces fault current in steps until the rcd trips or fails to trip at the correct rating (or too early).
Trip speed: If it does trip is it fast enough to stop a fatal electric shock or fire?
Earth loop impedance test: Now this is tricky as your also testing the point your connected to, plus the hook up cable, but using your hook up cable to a known source you can take a measurement of the the quality of the earth within the caravan. This is particularly important as you want the earth cable to be the the first choice to ground for fault current....not you
So much equipment is used outside or within reach of water within the caravan that correctly operating RCD's are critical to your safety. Also with all the transit movement in a caravan any fault within the wiring of the caravan that could cause fire will be picked up early by the RCD.
So having ranted on, I'm willing to do something about it!......
If anyone would like a free informal test on their caravan, I would be happy to oblige. You would just need to get it to me (5 mins from J2,M40 or J7,M4). Contributions to caravan drinks cabinet would be gratefully received