F1 Grand Prix Fans

Mar 26, 2008
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I'm sure that there are one or two lady F1 fans here.

I'm a guest at the Spanish Grand Prix this weekend and will see Lewis Hamilton in person.

Eat your hearts out girls.

Shame, but he is rather small like most of the drivers ;
Mar 9, 2008
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Good for you shady , hope you enjoy and see something special that you can always remember . I am not jealous at all snicking snuckerbads blah blah blah ( muttering under his breath ) lucky ( gggrrrrr ) person you ( hope lewis ignores her ) have a smashing race ( raining he he he ) wish I was going ( how can I get her ticket ) good luck to Jenson ( not bovvered as long as he's a brit ) . Are you going as a personel assistant to Bernie as well , but be careful watch Max Mosely , nudge nudge , nods as good as a wink , you don't want to end up in a news article OOPS . Enjoy yourself ( lucky b**** ) --------- STEVE .
Mar 9, 2008
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Good for you shady , hope you enjoy and see something special that you can always remember . I am not jealous at all snicking snuckerbads blah blah blah ( muttering under his breath ) lucky ( gggrrrrr ) person you ( hope lewis ignores her ) have a smashing race ( raining he he he ) wish I was going ( how can I get her ticket ) good luck to Jenson ( not bovvered as long as he's a brit ) . Are you going as a personel assistant to Bernie as well , but be careful watch Max Mosely , nudge nudge , nods as good as a wink , you don't want to end up in a news article OOPS . Enjoy yourself ( lucky b**** ) --------- STEVE .
Mar 9, 2008
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Think I might , only might though , have pressed a wrong button but cannot really see it , as I am a MAN and men don't do such things , so I must have had a FEMALE moment . OOOPS

---- STEVE .
Mar 26, 2008
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My husband is in the business rosies, I've been to most of the GP circuits. I've met Lewis and Anthony Hamilton before and both are charming and are a credit to hard work and this country.

Jenson is great and David Coulthard a gent.
May 18, 2006
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When I retire I am going to try to visit all the European GP circuits with the van. This year we're off to Magny-Cours in August, then down to Millau for a couple of weeks.
May 18, 2006
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Thanks, I will hopefully have a walk around the circuit and buy some bits of things I don.t really need.

Do you follow any one team because of your hubby or are you a general supporter? I have always been a Ferrari fan but like to see the British drivers do well.
Mar 26, 2008
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Well I have to be seen to support his team who are actually my favourites but can't say here but as we know so many of the F1 "family" and we keep his business and family and caravanning very seperate..

We do not mention the "red jobs" Ferrari is a four letter word to him, to much motorsport politics!

He maintains that he would turn down a kings ransom and
May 18, 2006
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Well I have to be seen to support his team who are actually my favourites but can't say here but as we know so many of the F1 "family" and we keep his business and family and caravanning very seperate..

We do not mention the "red jobs" Ferrari is a four letter word to him, to much motorsport politics!

He maintains that he would turn down a kings ransom and
Mar 16, 2005
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I see the red muppets one again.

glad to say F1 is so much better these days, with manufacturers getting involved in it 100% rather than just to supply engines to chassis builders.

Agree about the motorsport politics remark, but thankfully,alot of that was delt with last season.

And i am sure i don't need to remind anyone who was the innocent party involved.

So not sure the term muppets is applicable,well not to them atleast........
Mar 26, 2008
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Fantastic weekend and Lewis back on track. Thank god for HANS and carbon fibre, Heikki is pretty OK and should be fit for Turkey.

Yes the muppets did win, but that will change if there is any justice. F1 is a business and very political, Ferrari have unfair number of backers at the FIA including the pervert chappie and also Mr Bernie E sails to close to the wind with his love of Ferrari.

Many doubt that the truth will ever out re the spygate affair, Italy does not exactly have a reputation for open honest business and last years fiasco was more politics rather than a problem resolved. For motorsport insiders the changing of the gaurd at one team in particular is a pointer to many unanswered questions. Mr E's best mates team were spared (what a surprise)and only naive red mist supporters would choose to believe that the public judgements have been fair and a pointer to who was innocent.

"manufacturers getting involved in it 100% rather than just to supply engines to chassis builders"

That shows how little you know about F1 and how good the F1 marketing machine is Mr Giovani.
Mar 16, 2005
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sour grapes comes to mind!

And we will never know what really happened!funny did not see denis[nice chap really] complaining about the huge fine.

Nieve i am not, nor am i biased,but some seem to be well and truely nieve and biased.

You almost make an unfunded accusation based on your own onesided understanding of the world. just remember the people involved with the stolen data were all english.

So lets not be so pompus as to try and taint others before reconising we are no different here!!

In otherwords mclaren got caught cheating, i will say that again cheating.and its worse than that they then realised there new car had stolen data on it, so had to start again!

now you tell me how mr Es best team was spared, they had the best set up anyway they had all the best data on bridegstones as

they were the major user,and yes i believe it gave them an unfear advantage.

What a typical biased unfounded accussations you like to throw out and would like the people to believe is true. utter rubbish

Thankfully soon and not too far into the future,mercedes will indeed take a majority share holding of mclaren [they are the biggest single shareholder anyway] then it will become even more a manufacturers sport, with ferrari,honda,toyota,bmw,renault and then mercedes, turning it into a proper global manufacturers sport.

I dont know much about marketing thats true,but don't be so nieve as to assume i don't know much about F1,as i have never meet anyone in marketing who knew enough about the product they market anyway........

Lay off Ferrari,because if your fingers are in the F1 industry,you should know better.
Mar 16, 2005
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"Lay off Ferrari,because if your fingers are in the F1 industry,you should know better."

And just for clarity, the above comment is something someone in the know would understand. Its not underhanded,or anything.

Just at this moment in time,within the industry your accusations sadie are not wanted by anyone.

And if you are are "in the know" Then i am shocked, but then i know you are not in the know..........
Mar 26, 2008
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A remarkably poor understanding MrG. The best team in F1 is British.

It's just a pity they and other teams just accepted the spying from across the sea that has gone on for the past twenty years or more!

Hidden Cameras, Listening Devices , Military Tech Equipment and more is known about we understand.

Red mist smoke screen and a lot lot more.

20 years of premier brand losing and an injection of funding needed. How big a helping hand was it exactly?
Nov 6, 2005
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Hi Shady Sadie

Sounded like you enjoyed your weekend?

Would disagree about your comment that Lewis is back on track?

To be back on track he needs to finish in front of Ferrari's too become world champion,they looked far too comfortable in front it was like a Sunday drive about for them.

He looked truely shocked to be back in 5th on the grid.
Mar 26, 2008
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That's racing Micheal, you can put a car at the front running low fuel.

McLaren's test team have been away and very mega busy and it takes a little while for their work to have an impact, between now and Turkey the steps may be a little closer ;
Nov 6, 2005
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Yes i agree that Alonso was 2 laps lower on fuel,but he is not the one Lewis must beat to win the Title.

The Ferrari's were on the same amount of fuel,im afraid getting closer is not enough they need to be in front of them.
Nov 6, 2005
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That is the trouble with F1,an average driver in the best car will win most of the time.Look at Massa an average driver,but in a Ferrari he's a winner.

Too much is decided on who get pole and can put in a couple of quick laps before their pitstop.

He got the better of Alonso last year,Alonso had trouble coping with him.

Heki is very close i just think he had his chance to get 1 Championship under his belt and he lost it.It will take a while before he gets as good a chance
Mar 26, 2008
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Note for Mr Giovanni.

Ron, is a very nice chap that is why he has probably the most loyal staff in motorsport.

Also " Mr E's best mates team were spared" was the wording, and that is not Ferrari!

Mercedes are also not the largest single shareholders in McLaren. Mumtalakat hold an equal share so that actualy gives Arab interests a lead over Mercedes, and Mercedes are not big enough to take them on.

Suggestion that taking another teams designs you can instantly build a faster car is just so ludicrous it is not worth discussing. Last years cars from the two teams were very different legths with different wheel bases.

Plus Ferrari started 2007 with an illegal car so that would not help another team, of course being Ferrari the FIA turned a blind eye some seem to forget! Not the 1st time!

Employees of Ferarri and McLaren were involved. Only in F1 could a theft by an employee taint an employer in such a way.

Who those employees were talking to and where other ex employees have now gone to work sheds another light on the subject, it's not a British team!

Michael. Lewis lost the last year due to the team making bad calls and mistakes towards the season end.
Nov 6, 2005
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Note for Mr Giovanni.

Ron, is a very nice chap that is why he has probably the most loyal staff in motorsport.

Also " Mr E's best mates team were spared" was the wording, and that is not Ferrari!

Mercedes are also not the largest single shareholders in McLaren. Mumtalakat hold an equal share so that actualy gives Arab interests a lead over Mercedes, and Mercedes are not big enough to take them on.

Suggestion that taking another teams designs you can instantly build a faster car is just so ludicrous it is not worth discussing. Last years cars from the two teams were very different legths with different wheel bases.

Plus Ferrari started 2007 with an illegal car so that would not help another team, of course being Ferrari the FIA turned a blind eye some seem to forget! Not the 1st time!

Employees of Ferarri and McLaren were involved. Only in F1 could a theft by an employee taint an employer in such a way.

Who those employees were talking to and where other ex employees have now gone to work sheds another light on the subject, it's not a British team!

Michael. Lewis lost the last year due to the team making bad calls and mistakes towards the season end.
Its not all the team,China was a bad call and he did a lap to many,but he only needed to finish in the points but he still drove like he normally would,Brazil he needed a cool head but couldnt bear Alonso in front of him ,he is young and will make mistakes.

When you look through history nobody remembers the runner up.

I hope he doesnt turn out like Jenson lots of promise?
Mar 26, 2008
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Note for Mr Giovanni.

Ron, is a very nice chap that is why he has probably the most loyal staff in motorsport.

Also " Mr E's best mates team were spared" was the wording, and that is not Ferrari!

Mercedes are also not the largest single shareholders in McLaren. Mumtalakat hold an equal share so that actualy gives Arab interests a lead over Mercedes, and Mercedes are not big enough to take them on.

Suggestion that taking another teams designs you can instantly build a faster car is just so ludicrous it is not worth discussing. Last years cars from the two teams were very different legths with different wheel bases.

Plus Ferrari started 2007 with an illegal car so that would not help another team, of course being Ferrari the FIA turned a blind eye some seem to forget! Not the 1st time!

Employees of Ferarri and McLaren were involved. Only in F1 could a theft by an employee taint an employer in such a way.

Who those employees were talking to and where other ex employees have now gone to work sheds another light on the subject, it's not a British team!

Michael. Lewis lost the last year due to the team making bad calls and mistakes towards the season end.
China was the teams fault for the tyre call Michael. The driver can't see the rear tyre degradation and will only slow down if told to.

Lewis has more racing experience than the great JS and many other top drivers have ever had, just because he's now in an F1 car makes little difference to the racing.

In Brazil the car had a gearbox clitch, the poppy **** in the press about impetuosity is some idle numb brained press hacks trying to fill a page.
Nov 6, 2005
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I was talking more about when he ran off the track trying to get back past Alonso.

I hope he has a successful season i just dont think he will be World Champion this year.


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