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Mar 14, 2005
Although you may think you are ranting on the gist of your comments are correct therefore carry on ranting. Cue for a new film here maybe.


Mar 14, 2005
Hi Marc

In my experience, I disagree slightly (sorry).

When the ff's identify a person at risk, I usually do a follow up visit with a senior officer. It doesn't matter if they have a massive bank balance but live in squalor or splendor, or whether they are an ex-homeless person, they all receive the same level of committment from us. I do my utmost working alongside other agencies to help anyone identified as high risk or low risk.

It's not all doom and gloom, certainly from my perspective. I can't answer for other areas of social care but we strive to provide a non judgemental service.

Mar 14, 2005
We had a social worker call to my mother-in-law today - talk about wanting to know the ins and outs of a duck's a**e. My mother-in-law fell on Monday evening and ended up in A & E. The medics on attention were very good and extremely caring. They informed social services that she was living on her own at 88 years of age and had a fall (thankfully only bruising). The down side after a thorough interview with both the m-i-l and the wife was that we should not be over enthusiastic and she could not promise any help as it was up to the team leader to make the final decision and financial cutbacks preventing great deal of help to any deserving case. If they cannot offer help what is the point of going out to conduct the interview in the first place. She said that if the team leader is satisfied all is well the file would be closed as no assistance offered or required. M-i-L is quite independant about the house but cannot manage the front steps to go out. Help from social was for the house and not the front/rear paths, etc.
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Lisa Guess I was'nt very clever with how I stated my last views. My complaint is not that professionals like your self and fellow firefighters social workers etc. do not care, but that they system is not set up to provide as right for the people that require these aids instead of relying on charities. You only have to take the cause of the Air ambulances to realise that for to long now we have allowed the good natured of this country to finance what should be ours as a right.

Whoops there goes another rant. Must be time for bed as Zebedee was heard to say to Florance.



Mar 14, 2005
Hi Marc

Don't get me on the air ambulance or the lifeboats please.

The point I was trying to make is that we provide whatever we can, whether it's equipment in the home to lower risk or our committment to working with other agencies to help those who clearly need it. You'd be surprised at the number of people in nice posh houses who need our help.


Have a good night's sleep.
Jan 2, 2006
There appears to be sinsiter sideline to this topic - it went from botex to vibrators. What is happening to society trying to introduce a different topic by a backdoor method.
And dont forget the whipping!


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