FAO Nigel Donnelly

Jun 16, 2008
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Hi Nigel,

It would be appreciated if you would take a look at the heavy handed methods being employed by one of your Moderators.

A post of min, 'bin bags, black flags' was summarily removed tonight - although I saw no valid reason for its removal, nor was I given one.

In fact, the post esquiring about the censorship was also removed.

while appreciating the need for moderation, it would seem that some people entrusted with this power are abusing it - even to the pint of pursuing personal vendettas from the safety of their moderation privileges.

You do have moderators who are fair and balanced - but you also have at least one moderator who, imo, is totally unfit for the job, and I would suggest removing him as soon as possible.




Nov 12, 2009
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It would seem that 'Sidney's' post was about the travellers community and was deleted because it was inflammatory.

Practical Caravan Magazine forum is intended to be used by leisure caravanners to share information and friendship mainly about our shared hobby.

We have absolutely no remit whatsoever to embrace one political viewpoint over another nor to solve social problems.

Whatever anyone may post on any internet forum has the potential to cause disagreement somewhere which is why forums employ Moderators to attempt to minimise these disagreements and to see to the smooth running of the forum for the enjoyment of the vast majority of it's membership.

Forum members are guests and are most welcome when they do not cause anger and upset to other guests on the forum.

As Moderators we are often accused of censorship and the denial of free speech. With any freedom must come responsibility and in this particular case the subject matter could well leave Practical Caravan forum in breach of U.K. law which is why we can no longer allow such matters to be aired on this particular forum in this manner.

The Act of Parliament to which I refer can be found for those interested on

As forum Moderators I can assure members that we don't enjoy deleting or editing posts or threads. On this particular forum it can be a time consuming and laborious process for technical reasons.

We would like this forum to be a happy, helpful and enjoyable place for our members to swap tales and information and yes, some gripes and complaints about caravans and caravanning.

There are numerous other forums out there for political matters and social problems.
Jan 19, 2008
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Did you read his post Parksy? I did. Nowhere was there any mention of religious hatred infact the word hate wasn't used or inferred. Neither was racial hatred inferred. If by mentioning, as he put it, "those who travel", constituted the above someone needs to have their head looked at.

All he was doing, in a humorous way I might add, was to compare how town hall beurocrats are spying on us with our rubbish and how we have to pay taxes to get it removed and fines if it's the wrong kind of rubbish compared to certain members of our community who leave untold rubbish and get it cleaned up free.

As I said, it was put in a humorous way and some on here do not know the meaning of the word.

After Sidneys post was deleted I pointed out that it was done humorously and the reasons why I thought it was wrong to be deleted but my reply was deleted also, infact the whole thread went. It really wouldn't do would it to let others see the stupidity of the deletion, not a done thing for a Mod to lose face ;O)

As long as I've used this forum, which is a long time now, Chit Chat is for what it says on the tin. It's not for caravan related issues. I realise there's been a change at the top and others, including myself, have expressed our concerns in emails and these are being proved right. I expect this will now be deleted because of it's criticism of how things have dictatorially changed.

Once again, there was nothing inflammatory in his post. God, I've seen far worse than that on here.

What I would like the Mods to do is go and read the following link, it expressed everything clearly and practice what they preached, thank you.



Nov 12, 2009
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Hi Lord B

Leaving aside the fact that 'sidney' is a suspended forum member and also the fact that this member has used at least three 'identities' in his attempts to continue to use this forum after his suspension ( In fact he's used three today!) I did indeed see all of the deleted material.

It was yet another post that concerned the travelling community, gypsies, tinkers call them what you will. I don't have time at the moment to look it all up because I'm preparing my car and caravan to go on holiday next week but the law states that the 'travelling community' are an ethnic minority under the tems of the race relations act.

Another section of the public order act deals with incitement to racial hatred

so whether you or I or any other forum member agrees with it or not we are bound on this forum by UK law.

Because there was no mention of the words 'religious hatred' or 'racial hatred' in the deleted posts or any reference at all to these matters it doesn't mean that his topic couldn't be construed as 'incitement' which is the key word as far as we are concerned.

I'm aware that 'Chit Chat' has long been used for non caravan related issues and have witnessed some of the abuse, insult and antagonism that has resulted in the practice of a hands off, anything goes policy.

Some of the abuse that has flourished on the forum has caused prospective new members to decide against regular use of PCv forum and they've fled to other forums. I've seen posts on other forums with adverse comments because of this.

No other caravan forum that I'm aware of puts up with the 'flame bait' topics that have often appeared on PCv forum. A bear pit mentality has been allowed to develop in some instances and Damian pointed out when he took action last night that a change in approach is taking place on this forum. All subjects that court controversy will be deleted.

No forum wants to lose members and there are many non caravan related forums which actively encourage political controversy and social comment. Those wishing for the lively and stimulating cut and thrust of debate might consider using these alongside this forum which is a caravan forum first and foremost.

This is not about mods 'losing face' or our personal political views. Whatever we do we will invariably attract criticism so we'll just concentrate on letting Practical Caravan forum be about caravans ;0)
Mar 21, 2008
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Hi Parksy,

Speaking as someone who had a very amusing joke removed, I think you moderators do a great job!

I sometimes look at the other forums but have found that their unmoderated format tends to promote the views of the bigotted, mouthy minority over more moderate individuals - simply because the bigotted, mouthy minority find they have more to say and like to have a rant.

In the end, if left to its own devices, the forum just becomes little more than a social club for those few people, and their supporters and pals, to voice their opinions on any subject they like!

So, as I said before, I think the moderators on this site do a great job in keeping things acceptable and, as a result of this, the forum appears open and welcoming to everybody.
May 25, 2008
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Not having seen the post I can't comment, but what I find amusing is when people quote the Law. Travellers do have rights under the Law as do we all.

On a Caravan Forum Travellers are a Legitimate Issue. Just because someone gets heated when the word " Traveller " is mentioned is not a just cause to stop discussion of the subject. My local councillor has had the eviction of Travellers raised 4 times in the courts over the past 2 months. No one has accused him of being a racist ( in fact he is being applauded). A forum with a heading Chit Chat for is for airing different opinions, Practical Caravan supplies this medium. For many subjects like Technical, U K Parks, Overseas Parks etc. it is probably is the best on the net. The Technical contributors are head and shoulders above any other caravan forum I have ever looked at. In fact that is including the Gold Standard Caravan Club technical sections.

Some how the moderators on here take it upon themselves to " protect " contributors from themselves. If you don't like the way things are going " leave the thread " it really is that simple. So please mods leave all the Law talk alone, it is irrelevant "No one has ever been charged in Law for using a forum to incite a riot or be accused of being a racist " Xenophobic is different to being a racist.

So mods as the song goes just relax relax don't do it.


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