Today was the first time I used the CMHC's new booking system. Got through all the details and as far as the Payment section. Entered card details and my bank sent me a security code which I duly entered. A very brief confirmation message popped up with a reference number, only to be replaced a milli-second later by a pop up which said Payment Cancelled and just an OK button.
I pressed the OK and it took me back to the Payments section again. So I tried again with the same result.
No emails from the CMHC about anything. Tried the online help which like most is pretty useless. Office not open at weekend so couldn't call them and the 'Live Chat' feature appeared to be a 'Dead Chat' feature.
I'm assuming it works for some folks so why not me?
I pressed the OK and it took me back to the Payments section again. So I tried again with the same result.
No emails from the CMHC about anything. Tried the online help which like most is pretty useless. Office not open at weekend so couldn't call them and the 'Live Chat' feature appeared to be a 'Dead Chat' feature.
I'm assuming it works for some folks so why not me?