My 'new' but used fan motor arrived yesterday and it took me about 15 minutes to test and fit it this morning and now the microwave is back working. This is what the fan looks like - the big gray block on the left is the Cavity Magnetron.
Its interesting to note comments in the last few posts that clearly identify the fact that each is aware of their own level of competence. If you're curious about levels of competence search for the Four Stages of Competence. The most dangerous could be the level of Unconcious Incompetence - basically you're not even aware that there may be things you don't know
Its interesting to note comments in the last few posts that clearly identify the fact that each is aware of their own level of competence. If you're curious about levels of competence search for the Four Stages of Competence. The most dangerous could be the level of Unconcious Incompetence - basically you're not even aware that there may be things you don't know