Fixed beds - or not?

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Mar 14, 2005
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About 20 years ago, I had a kitten which had cat flu. My husband wouldn't allow me to take it to the vets in the car incase his dogs (decent greyhounds) caught something from the kitten.

I had to phone for a taxi. When I booked the taxi, I mentioned that I had a cat and they said that would be fine. What did they do? They sent a taxi driver with a morbid fear of cats. He knocked on the door and took one look at the poor little kitten and refused to take it to the vets. He started sweating, just talking about it. I had to ring another firm.

It all ended well, kitty was fine, the dogs were uncontaminated and went on to win big races and lined our pockets nicely.

Mar 14, 2005
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Bone idle, Keith. Since we got something with an island bed, it's all we can do to stagger to the bathroom. Unfortunately, that is where my medicine is kept, fortunately the brandy is still within reach.

It's a cruel world.

Fancy coming to the Easter meet bud?

Promise, it will be better than the PC rally.......
Hi Lol,

What ever will Chloe say , an island fixed bed, you must be a bone idle lazy person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good for you I say, not sure about Easter yet, we have to get through Christmas in the caravan,I am not sure it can be better than the PC rally, you will have to go a long way to find us a steeper pitch and once we'd bought those levelling wedges it seems lazy and bone idle not to use them, it is bad enough having a fixed bed, 4x4, and mover I don't know how we'll find the time to enjoy themselves.
Dec 30, 2009
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Mmmm..... I have never towed a fixed bed by itself I tend to take the whole caravan, its much better. and YES I DO TOW IT WITH A 4X4

ha ha ha ha ha

Kevin H
Mar 21, 2005
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It certainly came across as a very rude posting.

My thoughts exactly! Absolutely no need for some of the comments made. You can voice your opinions without having to belittle others.

"There were no insults intended, but if the cap fit's then wear it!" What's that if it's not an insult?.

I'm afraid that some people are just like that. If your preference is different to theirs then you must be wrong.

Chloe, you also infer that if someone is prepared to use "public" facilities then they must have low standards of cleanliness. I can assure you that my hygiene standards are equal to yours and I would not use facilities that were not clean. I am also neither "lazy or infirm" and I take exception to your assumption. Anyway, what makes you think that people with fixed bed vans don't use their own facilities?

I have my preference and you have yours and I certainly don't think that you are wrong just because yours is different.

A change of attitude would serve you well, I feel.


Mar 14, 2005
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I have always thought that fixed beds are for the infirm or just bone idle and lazy folk. A fixed bed takes up a minimum of at least one third of your caravan! now thats a lot of space that cannot be denied and a great deal of wasted space underneath which is pretty useless and not generally easily accessible unless your arms are six feet long! It's the end bathroom for me everytime. We use our OWN facilities in total pricavy and have our own hygiene standards, not sitting on seats for example that have had hundreds of strangers sat there before you if you get my drift! or having a shower not knowing what other people have done in there before, yes, I have heard it all before so its what makes you comfortable and what you can shut out and kid yourself doesn't happen. With two long seats, it takes but a few minutes to remove the cushions and back rest, put a sleeping bag on each seat together with a pillow and bed sorted, in the morning again but a few minutes to put the bags and pillows under the seat and put the cushions back, and if either person wants to get up in the night they do not have to clamber over the other to get out and then clamber to get back in again. My privacy and hygiene factor is undoubtedly 100% first and foremost over a few minutes to make up a bed as opposed to a fixed bed that takes up one third or more of your van and valuable space which is dormant other than for approximately one third of your time in the 'van. But it's your life, your 'van your decision, if a fixed bed has priority over total privacy and hygiene and you prefer to share other peoples toilets etc. etc then that's the bottom line.
Hi Chloe

Yes we are bone idle and lazy !

But it's our choice about which van we choose.

Our real reason is that my wife is partially disabled and so needs a good bed. Our previous vans, where the seats had to double as beds were a problem.

Our present van has fixed twin beds, which is far better for our needs.

OK we miss the large rear bathroom we had with a previous van, but you cant have everything. We did consider a twin axle van to get both a fixed bed and a rear bathroom, but cost and ease of moving the van decided us against it (even with a fitted motor mover, which we have on our vans, so I can move them on my own).

As others have commented, it's each to their own. If we all liked the same layout, there would be little choice.
Jan 7, 2007
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Hi Everyone,

Can I add to the great fixed bed debate by saying that we are pretty definately buying a German Caravan which is fixed bed and fixed bunks and it still manages to have a useable bathroom, sitting/eating area, kitchen & a fridge freezer.

Oh and we do tow with a mighty 4x4 but are far from lazy or infirm, just have two children under 3 and a dog and really can't cope with fighting with knee rolls and making up beds them having nowhere to sit if we have to get up with the children.

I think Continental vans are maybe the way forward as there seems to be so many layouts you can pretty much design your own interior as per oldfogey's posting, and they have slung out the chinz and knee rolls. Hurrah!!

Jan 28, 2007
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My thoughts exactly! Absolutely no need for some of the comments made. You can voice your opinions without having to belittle others.

"There were no insults intended, but if the cap fit's then wear it!" What's that if it's not an insult?.

I'm afraid that some people are just like that. If your preference is different to theirs then you must be wrong.

Chloe, you also infer that if someone is prepared to use "public" facilities then they must have low standards of cleanliness. I can assure you that my hygiene standards are equal to yours and I would not use facilities that were not clean. I am also neither "lazy or infirm" and I take exception to your assumption. Anyway, what makes you think that people with fixed bed vans don't use their own facilities?

I have my preference and you have yours and I certainly don't think that you are wrong just because yours is different.

A change of attitude would serve you well, I feel.


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